ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ c͓̽o͓̽m͓̽e͓̽b͓̽a͓̽c͓̽k͓̽|Teru

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"You know, you won't make much friends with that attitude,"

"Who said I wanted friends?" (Y/n) replied. "Much less with someone with a dumb face like yours," there was no sass in her tone, or tone at all— it was a cold statement.

"Come on now. This dumb face is your friend! We hang out and have fun, so you should get more— have some more fun!" Teru cheered, in a pitiful attempt to teach MC what living a normal life was like.

She gave him the side eye; "I tolerate you because I need you to navigate me through this building. Had Kageyama not sealed my abilities—" she turned her head this time. Teru gulped, feeling small under her gaze, "—you'll be but snow beneath my feet".

 Teru gulped, feeling small under her gaze, "—you'll be but snow beneath my feet"

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With that thought in mind, Teru could not find it in himself to smile. He had really tried to be friends with MC, but it seemed as though the entirety of her was made of ice. Would it be worth to keep trying? It's not like he owned her anything.
The bell rung, and with it the students scattered.

"Wait up!"

"We were waiting for you!"

Teru, the school's most sought after boy, turned with a slight smile. Nothing like his fangirls to cheer him up in a moment like this, "Please, girls, I'm flattered but-"


"Uh?" Teru said out loud, confused. MC, who was at the bottom of the stairs leading to the main hall, was well received by the two girls.

"Please walk with us (Y/n)-Chan!" One of the girls asked.

"Im in a hurry to get to my place of residence," (Y/n) answered, quietly in comparison to the shorter girl who stood in her way.

"That's alright, it won't take long," The other girl said, she wore glasses.

"Then speak at once," (Y/n) sighed.

"You have to tell us what you do to keep your hair so healthy (Y/n)!"

"Yeah yeah, and what skincare brands do you use?!"

"Skin brands?" (Y/n) asked, genuinely confused. She frowned, "Do you think I'm made of plastic, or something?"

"Well, yeah!" The shorter girl cheered.

"You're so cute! The whole school thinks so too!" The girl with glasses added.

"Cute? Me? You think I'm cute?" MCs eye twitched. Teru, having been witness to the events, rushed down the stairs to meet the girls.

"Oi, MC, let's talk for a minute, okay?" Teru said, rushing (Y/n) a few steps away from the two squealing girls.


"They think you're pretty. They just want to know what you do to keep your appearance. Been called plastic is a big deal, you know,"
Teru explained.

(Y/n), still confused about why the girls would be nice to her, cleared her throat. "So, what should I say?"

"That's up to you, but it won't kill you to be kind," Teru adviced, glancing behind them and meeting gaze with one of the girls.

"Keeping secrets from us? You perfect people?" One of the girls joked to Teru, who offered her a smile. (Y/n) and Teru had then turned and the girls had rushed their way over.

"I see," (Y/n) said outloud, getting the attention of everyone. A solid five seconds passed, which might have had been the longest five seconds either of the girls and Teru had ever lived. Finally, (Y/n) spoke. "I don't have plastic skin, but if you want to so badly then I can recomend you to a doctor. He treated my injureues when I was in a coma, I'm sure he'll be willing to treat you too," (Y/n) replied.

"That's not-" Teru stopped his words. He noticed the slight smile on (Y/n)'s lips. She was not looking away from the girls, but directly at them, with eyes that wished to return the same kindness they had shown her. But how? After spending her earlier years of her childhood as a living weapon? That was truly her best attempt at trying to be kind.
Teru, upon having realized, put on his best smile and started laughing. "I shouldn't have dared you to say that (Y/n), but it was really funny, hahah!"

"How could you!" The girls turned his way with annoyed looks, though taking in his handsome face made them forgive him within an instance.

"She is always drinking green tea- maybe that is the secret, 'don't know," Teru hinted at (Y/n), who got it as her cue to end the conversation.

"Green tea?" The girls repeated after Teru, their eyes shifting from him to (Y/n).

"Yeah, I drink it cold," (Y/n) agreed.

The girls left satisfied, "Let's talk more next time, alright!?", after having left (Y/n) with their phone numbers.

The girls left satisfied, "Let's talk more next time, alright!?", after having left (Y/n) with their phone numbers

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It was a pleasant evening to be heading home. There was not much traffic, and the high school crowd had made their way to that part of the city already.
Teru glanced at (Y/n), who sat next to him at the bus stop, still caught in the conversation from earlier. "You know, you're pretty cute when you're being yourself," he said out loud, scratching his cheek with his index.

"And you're always cute, even when you're not doing anything,"

"wHAt?" Teru gasped, flabbergasted. He could just hear the drumming of his heart pound louder, and his face turn hot.

"I guess I do find your dumb face entertaining after all, dear friend," (Y/n) smiled suddenly, he could almost hear her laughing through her eyes.
The bus made its presence known for a second time, after the kids had missing its initial call. Her smile toned down as she rose from the bench.
Having taken a lead towards the bus, she turned to call to him, who seemed to be frozen on his seat. "You're coming too, right Teru?"

Teru sprung up quite energetically, "What happened to dear? I liked dear!"
(Y/n)'s smile was gone as soon as it came. Her cheeks were pink with annoyance, and her arms crossed as she turned to go ahead.
"Wait up, dear (Y/n)!" Teru called lovingly.

Who cared if she was as cold as ice? Even ice had to melt away someday. And he promised himself that that day, he would be there.

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