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Vincent Thompson

Does she trust me? Who shares their deepest darkest fears with a complete stranger...

I can see how panicked she grew in explaining her past.

I know that empty feeling, she talks about and that stability she longs for.

I'd have rather been without my parents than with them. They were no good nothing's to me. What kind of parents selfishly let their children raise themselves?

Scarlett's interesting. She's got this attitude that makes me want more.

Her voice is soothing when she talks. I could listen to her all day.

What the hell am I even talking about? I can't think about her this way.

I don't date. Never have, never will. Why limit myself to all the possibilities? They always say never to settle for less, and I never have.

I guess I just know where her abandonment issues start from and that need for stability. I found it in hockey. Without hockey, I'd probably be in the same position she's in or turn up like my junky parents.

My thoughts get interrupted as I hear Aidan open the door.

"Bud, did you see that? She's such a loser. Now you get why I'm up for this bet, I wanna see if Max was right," he discusses. "I mean you'd be in a win-win situation if you get with her, she's hot, and you'd be up 100k," he reminds me.

I push him out the door and lock it behind him. I know I'm only showing interest in her to win a silly little bet, but I really could use the money.

Maybe, just maybe, I could use it to send my dad to get him into rehab. Maybe then I'd have a present parent back in my life. It does get lonely at the top, never knowing if people want you around because of your fame, money, or status.

With the free-agent signing quickly approaching, my fear of losing normalcy continues.

This bet should be easy to win, she's already opening up to me, easy to listen to, and great to look at.

I can easily get her to sleep with me by the end of the term.


Scarlett Redd

I can hear from the other side of the door someone talking to Vincent. I can't make out what they're talking about, but I know someone's there.

I wait until I hear it get quiet to leave the bathroom. Vincent's back in his chair, spinning around and drinking his beer.

"I thought you fell into the toilet or something," he jokes. I get it, I'm short and small.

I start to feel dizzy and make my way back to his bed. "Tell me more about yourself."

What's there to know? I went down a rabbit hole already with him, there's nothing much left to lose at this point by opening up.

"Well, I'm Scarlett Ruby Redd. Both my name and middle name are shades of red and my last name is almost red. Ironically, red is not my favorite color, I like navy blue more. I like to figure skate, and I obviously enjoy smoking. I'm a Libra, and I'm turning 19 on the 19th even though I hate my birthday. I wanted to be a singer when I grew up, and I love to read," I ramble on.

"How about you Thompson, why don't you share a little since you already heard my deepest inner thoughts," I argue as I cross my legs onto his bed. His eyes focused on mine as he listened.

"Stating the obvious, I play hockey. I have played for most of my life. I'm an only child, but the team is my family. Thomas is the closest I have to a brother, we go way back. My favorite color is also blue, and I like burgers. My birthday is December 15, and I have no clue what sign that is," he responds. "You feeling a little better now?"

Face-Off With Fate: A Rink Romance | Book #1 of UM Hockey SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now