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Earlier this week, Arman called me. I was shitting bricks but it thankfully went okay. I even talked to grey for a bit.

I might have heard his voice the day before but it felt better to hear it that day instead. It was smoother and we didn't argue.

Tori and I haven't spoken a word to each other since our time in the kitchen. It's been four days.

I honestly couldn't care less.

I couldn't care that she fucked me in the kitchen and made me be quiet. I couldn't care that she fucked me in the back of her car either. I didn't care that I hadn't heard her raspy voice in over forty-eight hours, that her dark eyes hadn't pierced mine. I didn't care.

Maybe I cared just a little.

Danica and I have been spending time together, a lot more time. We've been on shopping trips and out for lunches and dinners in town.

I might actually be starting to enjoy my time in Sicily.

Today I had to take Kylo to the vet because he's been sick for a few days.

Grio took me. The drive was quiet and the silence was deafening. So on the way back I tried to make conversation but I had zero answer from him.

Kylo is okay, they said he has a small tummy bug but with a few drops of some medicine in his water bowl and he'll be okay.

After I got back to the house I went straight upstairs. Laid on my bed and didn't do much except scroll endlessly on my phone for the next three hours.

A knock appeared at my door.

"Hello?" I answered still lying on my pillow.

It was Tori.

That alone made me get up and sit cross legged on my bed.

"Hi." She said with her raspy voice as she walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Hi." I answered shyly.

"How's Kylo?" She asked.

"He's okay." I kept my answers short, just as short as hers.

"I want to apologise to you, for the silence the last few days." She said confidently and raspy.

"Thank you." I said shyly.

"You're welcome." She said and turned to leave.

"You only came to apologise?" I asked her softly. I didn't want her to only apologise.

While it was nice, I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to have a real conversation. Not just her fucking me, a real conversation. I still have this mission to complete.

"Yes." She said.

"Oh." I took a moment and she didn't move. "Why can't we have a real conversation? Like a genuine one? Not you fucking me in one place or the next. But one where we actually talk, about your favourite things and mine." I asked her softly.

I don't exactly know why I'm pushing for something with her. There's other—easier—ways to get what I want, there's Alessandro or I could even do what Dario thought I was here for, to get what I want.

But for some reason I wanted her. The hardest route possible.

"Okay. We'll have a conversation. Tonight, in an hour. Alessandro will come fetch you." She said.

"What? Why can't we just have one now?"

"I'm busy now."

"But you made time to stop here?" I raised an eyebrow.

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