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I've been tossing and turning all night.

When I got back from shopping with Tori, I told Danica everything and she was ecstatic for me while laughing she also told me to be careful because Tori is very much like an uncertain person.

She could say it's me one minute and screw someone new the next.

Grey also called me.

The call was something I needed. I told him everything that was happening here, including the moment I had with Tori in her car.

Let's just say he wasn't very happy about that.

But I said it wouldn't happen again because it's me and him so it all boiled over okay.

I miss Grey, and Anna, even Rev. I miss them all.

I can't sleep.

I'm worried for tomorrow, what if the call with Arman doesn't go well? What if he decides I'm doing a terrible job and he wanted me to go back?

How would that even work? Would he buy me back under false pretence?

I don't know.

I sat up in bed and looked out my window. It was a full moon tonight so the moonlight was strong, and here in Sicily there is so many stars, more than I could ever see back home in New York.

I climbed out of bed and slipped on a pair of fuzzy slippers and quietly headed out of my room.

The house is dark and quiet. It's almost three am so it's acceptable.

I wouldn't even dream of going outside.

Victoria has these demon looking dogs roaming outside. They're black and I've never seen bulkier looking dogs in my life.

They scare the shit out of me.

I walked to the kitchen as quietly as I could without disturbing the house.

I made it thankfully and darted straight for the cupboard where Danica said they kept the best snacks.

It was like heaven in that cupboard. There was everything from Oreo's and other cookies, to a plethora of chips. So many chips.

I grabbed a packet of Oreo's and went to fridge for a glass of milk. Poured myself a glass and did the whole, twist it, lick it, dunk it thing with the Oreo's.

"I thought Malia was the only person in the world who did that." I head a voice behind me.

I almost fell off the stool where I was sitting.

Of fucking course it's Tori. And that stupid, infuriating—sexy—raspy voice of hers.

I was falling off the stool because of how she scared me. I couldn't grab anything and made my peace with falling until I felt a pair of cold hands grab me.

"Careful." She said softly in a raspy voice. Also keeping me from falling off completely and making a lot of noise for the house.

She was dressed in pyjamas, that was evident. She had a pair of black and grey plaid pants on that hung gently at her waist exposing her boxers and a black tank top that ended just above her naval. Her hair was in a bun. No make up, no jewellery. She looked gorgeous.

No matter how much I tried to hold myself back from thinking unthinkable things in that moment for Greys sake, nothing could stop the way my shorts were growing wet and quickly. I wasn't wearing any underwear so if it was going to leak down my inner thigh, it would be noticeable.

"You scared me." I said to her looking into her dark eyes as she still held onto me.

"I could see that." She smirked.

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