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The board room was massive, there was a long stretch table that could seat up to forty people.

There was no windows, only glass that was used as walls on the west and south facing wall areas of the room.

There were water bottles placed down at each seat. I wanted to sit further up but Danica informed me that there was a hierarchy to seating areas. Obviously Tori and Alessandro are at the top and everyone else important, but recruiters were seated in the middle of the table.

Danica and I sat next to each other as we waited for everyone else to walkthrough.

We were early. We were told eight and it's currently seven forty-five. We talked while we waited.

She was gushing over Rev and how he was so funny and honestly caring. I didn't argue because I know how caring he can be. It's nothing unnatural to him.

Soon people walked through the doors.

I immediately spotted Enzo who walked through with a group of people.

I sent him a smile hoping he'd recognise me. We hadn't seen much for each other, I understand he's a busy guy.

"Arabella. How are you?" Enzo asked me as he sat across from me.

"I'm good Enzo. How are you?"

"I'm doing great. It's nice to see you again. I'm glad you're finally in a meeting. I was wondering when that would happen." He chuckled.

"Me too honestly." I joined him.

A group of people I'd never seen before walked in. They were Brazilian, I only know that because they were wearing their forest green attire.

My eye caught Dario's and I shuddered. He sent me a smirk and I turned away from him, just in time to see Tori and Alessandro walk in.

She had a stone cold look on her face. Her face expressionless. Alessandro's expression looked identical to hers. In that moment, I grew worried.

"Alright. Everyone is here." Tori said.

"Today there is two things. First off Killian. Then a mole." She said. I recognised the name Killian but I can't remember where from.

"Enzo, what's the update on Killian?" Alessandro asked.

"Killian Kosovo has been actively bringing in new weapons, you name it he's bought it. In large quantities as well. His teams movement haven't moved from Moscow or Monaco. They've been stagnant in either of those places. He's having a meeting with the French next week Wednesday and we're hoping to send a mole through for us. The general idea, is he's preparing for a war, forming new alliances." Enzo explained.

It hit me. Killian was the name of the biggest enemy our alliances have, the Russians. He's been underground for so long that it's been hard to keep track of him. But apparently now he's resurfaced.

"I'm sending in recruit team three. Micheal and Oscar. You'll be going in as the new house staff. Get in, get out. Three day." Tori spoke harshly.

"Sì Capo." Their deep voices spoke loudly earning a nod of approval from Alessandro.

"Fuck me over and I'll see you in stanza five. Understood?" She added.

"Sì Capo." They said again.

"The mole. Sousa." She said, motioning a hand to the head of 'o infinito." Meaning "the endless."

Gabriel Sousa was their leader. He was a ruthless man, the only man Arman feared, right after God.

"O infinito has received word that the Americans, Quartez Assassins, have sent through a mole. Someone designed to take Capo out. Make them the number one spot in the world. We don't have much information. All we know is that they have arrived. It is fresh to us, as of last night. Our first call was to let you know in person, in case we have been compromised as well." He spoke and my heart immediately stopped.

I was the one. Did Sousa know about me? About my mission. Did he know I was the mole?

"Thank you Sousa." Tori said.

"O infinito is with you in the case of a war." Sousa added.

"Grazie. With that being said. I want everyone to keep an extra eye on the new Americans that have arrived today. They are here for two weeks, including the annual ball next week. I want extra precautions on every secure room in this house and a forty mile radius outside of it. No one touches Italian soil without my knowledge." She said as her cold dark eyes made their move through the room.

"I want a guard member station in every elevator, every staircase every twenty steps. I want around the clock surveillance and get me new black cane corsos. Seven fucking more. Not a piece of information leaves my land without my knowledge. Capire?" She said harshly the anger seething through her.

"Sì Capo." Everyone in the room said or nodded.

"Capo, how did we get wind of this." Enzo asked.

"Sousa." She motioned a hand.

"Someone we have on the inside of the Quartz house gave us this information a while back, they were planning on taking down Capo, it has been in the works for months. He is our own spy." Sousa explained.

"How sure are we that we can trust your spy's word of mouth?" Dario asked.

"I second that question. No one has ever been able to take I Santi down. If this is successful and your spy is correct. It would be a breach for us." Danica added.

"That is true. On some level, something would've had to be suspicious with our allies. There would've been lowered contact on the Quartz's end. But everything has been normal according to our back log." Another man frantically typing away on his computer added to every's statements.

"We can trust my spy. I assure you. He's been with us since he was sixteen, roaming the favela streets of Rio, a spy for the last seven years and never fails to give us accurate information." Sousa said.

"May we have a name for this spy? For the safety of I Santi, we need background checks." Enzo said.

"Enzo is right. For the safety of my mafia, Sousa." Tori stated.

"Of course. His birth name is Renato Pereira. Going by Rev Huntsman." He stated.

Rev. My Rev was a spy.

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