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She walked me out and lead me to the elevators putting us both inside before she pressed nine.

"Bambina, why was he shouting?" She asked me.

"It's nothing, it's fine." In huffed. She stopped the elevator.

Her hand landed on my neck, holding it lightly. Not hard but enough for me to look her directly in the eye.

"Why was he shouting?" She asked me again.

As much as I wanted to hold my ground, I couldn't. Her grip on my neck was soft but her dominance was alluring, it was as attractive as her. She spoke lowly like she needed an answer, not that she wanted one.

My panties grew wet quickly in her chokehold.

"Because I wouldn't kiss him back." She let go and looked at me for a moment.

"You wouldn't kiss him back?" She asked and I nodded in response.

She kissed me softly. Pulling my waist to be closer to her. I kissed her back instantly.

It was soft and gentle. Her tongue grazed my bottom lip slightly, asking for permission to enter. I parted my lips slightly and her tongue slid in and she took her time kissing me. Nothing fast or hard.

It was everything Grey wasn't giving me.

"Good." She said as she pulled away. And let the elevator continue going up.

"Why good?"

"You shouldn't be kissing anyone else." She said nonchalantly before we made it upstairs to her place.

I blushed at her words.

She took my hand and the guards parted like it was nothing as she walked us into her place.

"You can spend as much time as you want here. I'll handle him another time." She kissed my cheek, before she moved ahead of me.

"What do you mean handle him?" I asked her curiously trailing behind her.

"That's not important bambina."

"Don't hurt him. You don't need to."

"Okay. But I don't let abusers live scratch free in Eden." She stated.

"Nothing happened though." I said.

"Not today. But what about tomorrow or at the ball?" She turned and raised an eyebrow.

She has a point. Just because today wasn't the day, doesn't mean tomorrow won't be.

"Nothing will happen." I said to her.

"I don't like taking chances." She raised her eyebrows at me.

We walked into her kitchen and she stood next to me at the island.

"I actually have to talk to you about something." She said in her raspy voice.

"Oh." She knows. I should just lay it out. Hopefully if I do nothing bad will happen.

She went to speak but Malia walked in. "Belle! I'm so happy you're here." She said wrapping me in a hug.

"Hi Malia." I said to her. My stomach churning.

"Let's go get ready for dinner. We can play music and mix and match outfits. Danica can come too, but she hates mixing and match clothes." She said.

"Malia she can come later." Tori spoke.

"No she can't. We made plans first. I think you need your own friends." She said to her sister in a joking tone.

"I have friends Malia." Tori scoffed in her usual raspy warm voice.

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