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After another painful day—week— of training with Danica, I finally got to lay down and rest.

My back and oddly my shins were hurting me so much. I still haven't found a way to get close to someone with more authority around here.

I really just want to be out of here. This training is killing me, I even think my immune system is shutting down on me because I feel so sick.

Danica and I have been hanging out everyday, outside of training. She's super sweet and we've grown really close. Apart from Enzo and Danica, no one else here isn't very friendly. Even Danica said so herself.

I would talk to the maids but they always seem to cower away if it isn't for anything food or cleaning related.

I haven't been able to move from my bed for the last hour or so. I've been on my staring at my ceiling while Kylo lies next to me.

"What am I going to do Ky? I don't wanna stay here." I sighed talking to Kylo. "But at least it's pretty here." I added turning to look out my window.

A knock appeared at my door and I leaned up on my elbows to make sure I actually heard right.

Again another knock.

"Come in." I said and the door opened revealing Danica on the other side.

"You're not showered yet?" She asked me surprised.

"I'm hurting everywhere." I groaned to her. "I feel like a grandma with back issues." Danica laughed at my statement.

"My grandmother is in great shape. She still trains sometimes too." She said as she walked further into my room to sit on my bed.

"Well my back is hurting so much. And oddly my shins too." I said.

"You get used to it." She shrugged while she petted Kylo. "Go shower we have dinner soon. Come on. And Malia is apparently coming to dinner tonight so you'll get to meet her." She exclaimed.

"Do I have to?" I whined.

"Meet her? Dinner? Yes you do. It's fiorentina steak. It's really good. Go shower. And I want to take you to the beach later. With Kylo obviously." She smiled at me.

"Fine, the beach sounds good. I'll see you later then." I said rolling to my side to get up.

"I'll be here. Playing with Kylo." She said rubbing Kylo's belly.

"Why here?"

"You're like one of the only other nice people here. And I'm bored, you have a dog, we're basically best friends now." She smiled at me and I chuckled.

"Alright. I'm going to shower." I turned to leave for the shower.

I reach my bathroom and turn the water on, letting it get hot. I retie my hair into a bun and peel off my clothing quickly.

I step into the shower letting the hot water run down my back, caressing the sore parts. I just stay there for a moment and take in that this is really my life now. I never used to fight, do physical training and now I do. This is me for the next couple months.

Once I'm finished my shower I dried off, wrapping my towel around me. I rubbed a lavender scented lotion on my body and left for my bedroom expecting to see Kylo and Danica playing some kind of game but they aren't here.

Instead I see the same woman from earlier last week.

She's wearing a pair of black sweatpants that hang low on her waist showing off her Calvin Klein boxers. She's wearing a black tank top displaying her toned arms and all her tattoos. Her hair was in a bun highlighting her facial features and her one septum piercing.

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