7.Amusement Park

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°friends with benefits°

I woke up to the sound of an alarm emanating from somewhere on my bed, prompting me to search for my phone.

As I attempted to get up, a sudden mishap resulted in me falling from the bed with a thud.

"Ouch! Oh, my phone," I exclaimed, spotting my phone tucked under the blanket. Hastily, I retrieved it upon realizing someone was calling me.

"Hey girl, what's taking you so long to pick up the phone?" Kiawentiio on the other end queried.

"Why are you calling?" I responded, curious about the unexpected call.

"I was thinking if you want to go together to our shooting location," the voice offered.

"I would love to," I replied eagerly.

"Nice," kia responded, solidifying our plans to journey together to the shooting location for the day.

After Kiawentiio hung the phone, I hurriedly made my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

Kiawentiio and I arrived at our shooting location to find the rest of the group already gathered, waiting for us to join them.

"Has anyone gotten enough sleep?" Dallas quipped, his laughter filling the air.

"You should probably ask [Name]?" Kiawentiio joked, munching on some chips.

"Next question, please," I retorted, playfully rolling my eyes at the banter.

Each of us headed to our respective dressing rooms to prepare for the shooting session ahead.

"Okay, so you, [Name], only have to do three scenes because you're the only one who shot your other scenes last time," the announcement was made, prompting groans the rest of the group while I jumped happily at the news.

"Keep it up, everyone," I encouraged the team,

"Why does she only have to do three scenes?" Kiawentiio inquired in a high-pitched tone, seeking clarification.

"Well, last time she said she wanted to finish her other scenes early," the producer explained.

"No wonder she always goes home late,"

The director prioritized my scenes, wanting me to shoot them first due to having only three scenes to film, and I gave my best performance, impressing the crew with my work.

"Okay, [Name], you can now go home," the director announced, and I noticed Ian's lingering gaze as he looked at me from head to foot,

"Am I that beautiful to stare?" I teased Ian playfully,

"You are so delusional, just like Dallas," Ian responded with a chuckle.

"Whatever," I shrugged off the banter, enjoying the light-hearted moment with Ian.

As I prepared to grab my bag to head home, I noticed Momona walking by, also ready to leave.

"Hey, Momona, wanna spend time together?" I suggested, catching up with her.

"I would say that girls just wanna have fun today," Momona agreed, matching my enthusiasm.

"I like that! Let's go to the arcade," I proposed.

"Yeyy!! I love the arcade," Momona exclaimed, filled with excitement at the prospect of a fun outing together.

Me and Momona had a blast at the arcade, trying out various games including dance machine and winning multiple stuffed toys.

As we carried our haul of prizes, we spotted a claw machine that piqued our interest.

"Okay, last stop, the claw machine," Momona declared as she set down all the stuffed toys.

"What do you want, Momona? I'll get it for you," I offered, shifting my focus to the claw machine.

"I want the sheep," Momona replied with a smile.

"Well, I want five of them just for you," I responded, determined to win the desired prizes for Momona



Just the sheep please

Just the sheep please

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Friends With Benefits || Gordon CormierWhere stories live. Discover now