16.A Place To Go

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°friends with benefits huh°

We are now done filming the season 2 of the atla and now is we can finally take a rest on our bed this is the best day of my life


Lame water bender:
How about we all
Go on a vacation

Weak fire bender:
Wait that's a good

Non bender:
Is this vacation gonna

Baldy avatar:
Should we all go?
Because I agree with kia

Everyone agrees and so do I because we are all going to the boracay ay the Philippines I was so excited that I even starts to pack

We all met in Dallas and Ian's room to talk about who's gonna spend a money

"how about we spin a wheel and it needs to be 3 person who's gonna loss and pays for it" dallas said

"great idea" lizzy said while looking for a snacks

Dallas puts our names at the spinning wheel in his phone and starts to spin the wheel

It's was spinning slowly and It was about to stop in Maria's name but it landed perfectly on Ian's name what a bad luck

Ian jumps off the bed and he really want to scream

"hey hey don't shout here go shout at the balcony" Maria point the balcony and she keeps on laughing

Ian runs through the balcony and shouts loudly, we can hear him even though the glass door is close and we all look at him in an annoyed face

"should we just look at him?" Momona ask and tilt her head

Dallas continue to spin the wheel and said "let him be"

The wheel spins so fast and I close my eyes, I then notice they were all silent so I open my eyes and saw lizzy outside the balcony shouting "I HATE THIS LIFEE SO MUCH!!"


And now dallas spins the wheel lastly and I hold my breath and Stares at the wheel while not blinking

And guess what, dallas was the last chosen one he was surprised when he saw his name at the upper circle and he actually joins with lizzy and Ian while all of us are jumping on the bed like a happy monkey and we were laughing and giggling loudly, Ian,lizzy and dallas goes inside and looks disdain

We are all in Dallas and Ian's bed and be on our phone. Kia goes out then lizzy and until the people in the room are now in their own bed resting

I open my room and throw myself on my bed. Momona text that we should all go tommorow at 7pm

Time check 6pm and they were all starting to pack while I was double checking my bag to see if all my belongings are already there

I wash my face, brush my teeth and put a facial mask before I sleep and I'm on my bed searching for a kdrama to watch next

"hmm.. What kdrama should I watch"

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