25. It's Not Over Yet

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"so when are you gonna confess to me, huh?"

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"so when are you gonna confess to me, huh?"

We rose early in the morning and arrived at the airport on time for our flight and As we prepared to depart for the airport, everyone gathered by the van

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We rose early in the morning and arrived at the airport on time for our flight and As we prepared to depart for the airport, everyone gathered by the van. My parents approached me, each giving me a kiss on the forehead. With a tender expression, they shared their words of encouragement, "Take care, [Name]. Stay strong, even in the face of challenges" My dad added a gentle reminder, "Don't go out when it's late, okay? Let gordon come with you" I chuckled and nodded in agreement, appreciating their care.

Just as we were about to leave, my sister stirred from her sleep with a messy face, bidding me goodbye, "Bye ate (sister) I will miss you" Amused by her disheveled appearance, I replied with a smile, "I'll miss you too" And for my eldest brother, Kuya, reached out with a heartfelt message, sending his goodbye and best wishes as we embarked on our journey.

Upon landing at the destination airport, we were greeted by a swarm of interviewers and cameras eagerly capturing our arrival. Amid the chaos, a voice pierced through the crowd, shouting, "[Name] what can you say about Emily?" Despite the sudden interrogation, I chose to remain silent

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable, another voice rang out in the crowd, questioning, "is emily really lying?"

Sitting in the van, I let out a sigh of exasperation as notifications continued to flood in, indicating the shock and surprise among people due to our sudden and unexpected arrival. As I scrolled through my notifications, I discovered a mix of positive and supportive comments celebrating my presence, alongside a handful of hurtful and negative remarks, why does people hate me? I didn't even did anything wrong

Engrossed in my thoughts, I found myself scrolling through Emily's Instagram account, where she had recently posted a picture of herself enjoying a cup of coffee just an hour ago. The comments section was flooded with positive messages, with many praising her beauty and some are mentioning my name saying emily should stay strong even though I betrayed her

Is this girl tryna be popular? Cause I'm more popular than her because of the issue she had made about me and If it weren't for the basher I have right now, I wouldn't be successful. I guess I should thank emily

As we neared the hotel, I leaned towards the driver, Martin, and requested, "Martin, can you drop me off near the convenience store?" In response, Martin hesitated, reminding me, "But ma'am your manager instructed me to take you to the hotel"

Sensing Gordon's attentive gaze on me, Dallas chimed in, "Do you want to buy snacks? I have plenty in my cabinet" Politely declining the offer, I noticed Gordon intervene, advising Martin, "Just drop her off near the convenience store" Concerned for safety, Ian added, "it's dangerous out there, especially considering her situation, you know?"

In a moment of hesitance, Gordon volunteered to accompany me, but I said I can go alone . Eventually, Martin relented and dropped me off at the convenience store. Despite their reluctance to leave, I urged, "Just drive already, Martin" signaling the need to proceed with the journey.

Returning to the right side of the convenience store, I positioned myself in front of the back door of the hotel. Opening the door, I turn on the lights, a flood of memories from the past when Gordon and I had sneaked out out and when we're were searching for his jacket, I refocused my attention and proceeded through the door leading to the parking lot.

Gently opening the door, I was greeted by a swarm of interviewers trailing behind the crowd. Fortunately, they didn't notice my presence, allowing me to silently retreat and close the door behind me. Overwhelmed by a wave of emotions, tears welled up in my eyes. how I wish I was there with them

I sat on the foor, I leaned against it, the murmurs of passersby mentioning my name and expressing concerns about my well-being. Their words of care and inquiries about my state of mind echoed around me, evoking a flood of emotions. Tears rolled down my cheeks silently as I listened to the genuine sentiments being shared by those outside.

As the surroundings fell into a comforting silence, I chose to remain inside, Seeking solace in the quiet space, I was startled when Gordon entered the room. In a voice laced with emotion, I uttered, "Gordon," conveying my vulnerability in that moment.

In a gesture of comfort, Gordon enveloped me in a tight embrace, whispering, "don't cry, I can't bear seeing you like this" Despite my continuous tears, Gordon gently made me to stop crying

In the quiet aftermath, Gordon's voice broke through the stillness, calling my name softly. Responding with a soft, "Hmm?" I listened as he expressed his remorse, saying, [Name] I'm sorry if I hadn't rejected emily none of this would have happened"

I playfully teased Gordon, asking, "nahh it's fine... So when are you going to confess to me, huh?" His response was thoughtful, "Maybe when your name is already clear" Agreeing with a nod, I prepared to open the door but was interrupted by Gordon standing up and questioning, "Wait, you were planning on not rejecting me, right?"

My silence prompted Gordon to assume, "okay I'll take that as a yes" As I reached for the door, I glanced back at Gordon, who was now standing close to me, I inquired "is it to obvious that I'm crying?"felt his gentle touch as he wiped my cheeks, acknowledging my unspoken gratitude.

Walking together, Gordon caught up and asked, "Aren't you uncomfortable when our faces are close to each other?" With a chuckle, I met his gaze and replied, "Why would I feel uncomfortable when I'm already used to it?" Gordon paused in surprise, halting in his steps as I pressed the elevator button

Arriving at the floor where our rooms were located, Gordon accompanied me to my room. As I suddenly stop, Gordon bumped into me, exclaiming in surprise, "Ouch! Why did you stop?" Turning to face him, I explained, "I kinda want to go to Kiawentiio's room"

Gordon's response was supportive, "That would be great. Everyone is there"


"Thank you to each and every one of you who has taken the time to read my story. I appreciate your time and support.


Guys! I was actually thinking if I would make a horror story based on my experiences. Ever since we renovated our house, there's been alot of thing had happened here and yeah I do have third eye and so as my sister, so I guess we're really are sisters

I'm really sorry guys if this chapter is to short but don't worry I'll make the next chapter even more longer

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