12.Picnic With Your Love Ones

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°friends with benefits°It was early in the morning, another new day

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°friends with benefits°
It was early in the morning, another new day

My phone rang aggressively and it's bothering me

I reach out my phone while my my whole body was covered in thick blanket

I look at my phone while my eyes were closed because of the brightness

And it was gordon who keeps calling me

Im at the bathroom brushing my teeth
And I tried to answer Gordon's call but the wifi in my hotel room was broken

I change a clothes first and goes to just go to Gordon's room and asks what does he want

I knocked at Gordon's door and leans on it just then gordon opens it and I lost my balance and fell on gordon arms as he holds my waist and hands tightly

"yo..you okay?" gordon muttered as he let go of my waist

"HAHA nice catch bro" someone said behind my back and saw the drunk man we met last time

He looks better than last time

Gordon step aside and allowing me enter to his room

"hey I was about to ask you why do you keep calling me, my wifi was broke actually" I said as I scratch my neck

"well Emily suggested that we all should do a picnic with her"

"wonderful!" I said and gave him a fake smile

"hey [Name] I was wondering if you want to come with me at the skating park" gordon asks me in a low tone

"what time are we going to the picnic?"

"1:30 pm"

"let's go besides it's still 10:00 in the morning" I said as I close the door

I walk through my room and opens it and grabs my skateboard just as I leave the room gordon greeted me with he's warm smile

"let's go" gordon said and hop on his skateboard and rides in on the hallway

Friends With Benefits || Gordon CormierWhere stories live. Discover now