nine ✿

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sepptember 1963.

y/n kissed wesley's head as she held him, listening to peter and steven play their guitars.

jared was tapping on the table as if it was his drums, nicole and donna admiring their father's musical talent.

lorraine was laying her head on mary's lap as her head was on daryl's shoulder.

jeanette was holding harrison as macie and sandra sat on the floor in front of her, holding each other.

everyone began to sing together, hearts and voices full of love as they smiled.

y/n looked around, feeling pure joy radiating off of her new family members.

she was happy where she was. she sees luther during the day, gets to feel like she did back in her timeline. then she comes home to this, these amazing nights.

she accepted that five would never show up, not like she'd want to leave this anyway. they're a real and loving family. no controlling dad. no superpowers. no missions. no training. just love. that's all she ever wanted from the academy. its all she never needed.


november, twenty-second, 1963.

luther was walking with old five as y/n was with young five, still holding hands although the girl didn't want to.

"you're sweaty, let me go."
"this is disgusting. you're disgusting." she yanked her hand away and wiped it on her dress as they walked up the stairs.

"what are you looking at? see something funny? stop looking at my girlfriend, asshole!" five yelled at an onlooker before scratching his neck, y/n apologizing as they continued to walk.

"five, i'm not your girlfriend. stop assuming, we've been over this."
"i'm not assuming-"
"have you ever asked me?"
"well, no- mind your business!" five yelled at a person that was looking at them.

"five!" y/n scolded and grabbed his arm.

"or i'll give you something to stare at!" the boy said as the girl dragged him away, "you wish you could pull off these shorts!"

"dear god, five, just shut up-"
"hey, don't look at her, she's mine!"

"i'm so sorry, sir." y/n gave a sympathetic smile to the man walking by before smacking the back of five's head, "you're such an idiot."

"but its true."
"are you assuming again?"
"don't start that."
"mhm. okay, not-boyfriend."
"shut up."

luther stopped walking and looked at the duo, "switch." he told y/n.

the girl looked at her five, "gladly." she stuck her tongue out at the boy who was rolling his eyes at her.

she made her way to old five, "hey, grandpa."

"hi, y/n." old five said as they started going down the stairs.

"you're gonna kill him, aren't you?"
"what? no-"
"five, i know you. you're a bad liar when it comes to me."

my spark. - five x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now