S1 Ep2: Rock, paper, scissor!

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The scene opens up with two soldiers hiding behind the tank.

Soldier 1: Any word from HQ?

Soldier 2: Nothing. We're to stay put while they figure out how to stop those Robot Masters.

Soldier 1: After that rampage? I don't think there's anything that could stop them or this Dr. Wily guy.

Soldier 2: Yeah, we need a miracle.

Then suddenly, Mega Man teleported along with Hiro.

Soldier 2: Wh-What was that?!

There, Mega Man began to communicate to Dr. Light.

Mega Man: The teleporter works, Dr. Light. We're downtown already.

Soldier 2: Oh man! It's another one!

Soldier 1: Shhh! It hasn't seen us yet!

Mega Man: This is awful. Why would Doctor Wily make the Robot Masters do something like this?

Dr. Light: He's a selfish man of petty thoughts, Rock. Right now, you need to concern yourself with stopping his plans.

Mega Man: Okay. Which one should we be stopping first?

Little did he know, someone was aiming at him.

Soldier 2: When I give the word, we'll fire. Maybe we can catch it by surprise.

Dr. Light: I've been reviewing their designs, and I believe you're better off disabling Bomb Man first.

Mega Man: Bomb Man? You're sure I have to fight him first?

Hiro: Seems like it. Maybe his bombs could beat someone as part of their weakness.

Soldier 2: He's fighting the others?

Mega Man: Why couldn't you make Origami Man or Pillow Man, Doctor Light?

Dr. Light: They were supposed to help people! I didn't expect them to be stolen and weaponized!

Soldier 2: You hear that? He's one of Dr. Light's robots!

Soldier 1: So what? So were the others before they turned on everyone!

Mega Man: I know. I'm sorry, I don't mean to complain. I'm just nervous.

Dr. Light: I understand. This will be hard for you, Rock. I'll be online to support you!

Soldier 2: You heard him! He's going to fight that Robot Master for us!

Soldier 1: maybe you misheard! Maybe it's all a cunning trap!

Mega Man: Thanks, Doctor Light.

Hiro notice the two.

Hiro: Excuse me, but we were busy stopping Bomb Man before he blows more stuff up.

The two were surprised to see Hiro.

Hiro: So, stay here and we'll do the impossible task for you. That is to deal with Robot Masters and Wily's plan.

Then the two rush in.

Hiro: Stay safe!

As they run through the area, they notice an army of little robot called Fleas.

Hiro: Oh, my lord...

Mega Man: Doctor Light! A bunch of little robotics are attacking!

Dr. Light: Those look like the old "Flea" models. They were failed crop protectors.

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