S1 Ep3: En-lightning cold burn

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At the power plant, Elec Man talks to Dr. Wily.

Elec Man: Don't worry, Dr. Willy. I've got things covered here! Mega Man and Hiro won't get past me!

Dr. Wily: For your sake, Elec Man, you'd better be right. You've deployed the robots I sent you?

Elec Man: Oh, I did one better. I gave myself access to all the power conduits in this facility!

Dr. Wily: That's not what I told you to do!

Elec man: But look, when I do this, I tuen the entire power plan into an electrified trap!

Mega Man and Hiro, in Cut Man form, avoid electricity.

Mega Man: Whoa!

The two began climbing up the ladders.

Mega Man: That was close - But I'm too quick!

They climb up as the beam misses them.

Mega Man: Ha! And that proves you're just shooting blindly.

They see they are almost reach to the room he is in.

Mega Man: Almost there... You're in trouble now.


Elec Man: That's... not good

Dr. Wily: What's happening? Did you blow a fuse?

Elec Man: No - But if any of these bolts hit, they'll be slag!

But Mega Man and Hiro have already reached the room.

Mega man: That's a big "If!"

The two were surprised.

Elec Man: There's no way--!

He charges his power up.

Elec Man: It doesn't matter! Dr. Wily commands that I stop you!

Then Mega Man changes his weapon to Rolling Cutter.

Mega Man: Oh, you can try.

Meanwhile, Dr. Wily observes the fight.

Dr. Wily: That's it! Get him! Zap them!

The two then throw their Rolling Cutter.

Dr. Wily: No! Move, you fool! Don't let them--!

Then he lost signal as he pinched his nose. Of course, he began contacting the other two remaining robots.

Dr. Wily: I'd better put recovery robots on stand-by for the other two Robot Masters. At this rate, Thomas's little robot and special robot is going to be a bigger problem than I expected!

Meanwhile, Mega Man copies data of Elec Man's weapon while Hiro copies the data from him.

Mega Man: Did you see that, Dr. Light? I took him down in no time!

Cut Hiro: You mean we, right?

Mega Man: And now his Thunder Beam is mine!

But then, the two were teleported away.

Mega Man: Hey!

There, they appeared in an icy area of the water treatment plant.

Mega Man: Huh... What happened here?

Dr. Light: This is Ice Man's doing. He took over this water treatment plant and misused his powers to freeze the area.

Mega Man: Well, he didn't count on us coming to stop him! We'll handle this!

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