18. i think they missed you just as much as we did

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Chapter Eighteen 

 i think they missed you just as much as we did

 i think they missed you just as much as we did

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3rd person pov 

soon the next day, she got dressed and she went out to the lake with the others and lucy gray. the two of them held hands as they walked together and lucy gray sang her song making dorothea smile and shake her head. they got the lake and they got undressed down to the underwear and she swam to lucy gray. lucy gray held her from behind her and dorothea smiled as she nuzzled into her girlfriend and shook her head. they stayed in the water until they got prunie which soon led to them getting out and playing with the snakes that were around the lake. 

they all got dressed again and dorothea laid down as lucy gray laid on her and she continued to sing the song that dorothea wrote about her and dorothea smiled at the song. she didn't even know that lucy gray knew about the song but she was happy about it. 

"how did you know that song?" dorothea asked her and lucy gray smiled up at her and shrugged 

"found it in your drawer at the house you left behind, your aunt let me come in and steal a few things" lucy gray spoke 

"aunt cheryl? how is she? is she doing alright?" dorothea asked and lucy gray nodded 

"yeah she said she misses you and she wished that you would have stayed with her but shes happy you got out. she just wishes that you guys would come around more often, so do i but we both know why you can't" lucy gray said but dorothea still felt the pang of guilt in her chest from the words she heard 

"i want to come back more, its just so hard with being apart of the capitol now, there's a reason I'm here now" she exclaimed and then she looked up as she saw the mockingjays flying above them and she smiled 

"i see the mockingjays have come back out" dorothea said and lucy gray smiled 

"haven't seen them since you left but i think they missed you just as much as we did" lucy gray said and she stared up at her girlfriend with a smile 

"do you still have the ring i gave you on our anniversary? no matter how many times i was told to take it off i never did because it reminded me that we existed. i know that when everything changes and when we finally run away together or we did, history will call us best friends but that's not what we are and the rings tell me that. i hate that i couldn't be honest about why i didn't want you to die. the whole thing is stupid and i hate that we know that we can't be open about us. i mean look at us lucy gray, sure I'm a peacekeeper now and youre not but we're two women and we'd get murdered for that because we got murdered for tyranny" dorothea told her and lucy gray held up her hand. the ring clear as day and dorothea smiled 

"never took it off, so in the song do i survive? or did you kill me?" lucy gray asked and dorothea laughed 

"as you've always said, youre a mystery and so is the character of lucy gray. i wouldn't kill you ever but just know that i don't make the ending. you do" she stated and she leaned down to kiss lucy grays forehead and lucy gray smiled at her. the two of them sat together and they sat there in silence because they had to 

"i hate that you have to go back to there, i don't want you to go back" she told her and dorothea sighed 

"i don't either lucy gray, i never have but i have to. my parents are gonna some form of golden child and I'm all they got" she exclaimed and thats when a boy from the cover and handed lucy a plant 

"did you two just pick this?" lucy gray asked 

"yep" he said and he walked off 

"thank you. well, ita a little early yet, maude ivory" lucy gray called and she handed the plant to dorothea who smiled and looked at it 

"swamp potato! or as you like to say, katniss" dorothea told lucy gray who smiled yet again and then she set it down on the grass as she thought about coriolanus and what he would be doing right now. she didn't think of him until right in that moment and it had been hours away from him. he never knew what to do on his own, he needed dorothea or sejanus or tigris to show him the way but with dorothea not around and sejanus doing his own thing, he was alone. 

" hey, grad the rods, cc? we could use some more fish at home" she told him and he ran off to grab the rods 

"you know he misses billy taupe, he doesn't hate you for replacing him or anything. i think he just misses an older male influence in his life but you're better then billy and you always have been. i think everyone is starting to notice that now" lucy gray told the girl and dorothea smiled as she leaned her head on her shoulder 

"thanks for trusting me lucy gray, its all I've ever needed" dorothea told her and lucy gray smiled. they sat there together on the lake waiting for cc to come back with the rods and dorothea thought about billy taupe 

"do you ever miss billy luc?" dorothea asked 

" since I've been with you? no, not at all. billy was just someone who made me feel something until he did what he did and i started to hate him more then anything. i don't miss him, i miss you when youre gone and speaking of, you need to head back. I'm sure ill see you again soon, be safe dorothea" lucy gray told her and she grabbed dorotheas face as dorothea kissed her back and then she left back to the district and back to reality. 

where she would have to face the truth yet again.


i love them more then anything 

i love them more then anything 

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