Driving crazy

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„Wasn't she with Ferrari?" I asked without showing I actually didn't know anything about it. We walked through the front door and I saw the shuttle a few meters away and walked there. He followed.

„I thought so too. At first." He said laughing. „But Russell really seems to challenge it."

My head turned to him in light speed. I was confused to a maximum and walking to that shuttle was too much distraction for me to process what he said. I just looked confused. „I thought he was into you first. But maybe it's my luck he decided for Charles' girl instead." He laughed again and his laugh gave me icy goose bumps as probably only Nate's laugh would.

„What are you talking about??" I stopped walking and sounded almost aggressive. We stood in front of the shuttle by now and I did not know if I really wanted to know what he was about to say. But all this bits and pieces of information drove me crazy.

„Well, I don't know the details, but I saw them kissing with my own eyes in the hotel bar. She looked really wasted to be honest. Probably he made her drunk first." I did not even process his last words anymore. Or really hear them. The blood was rushing through my body and my head was pulsating. I felt like collapsing any second and gasped for air. I leaned my hand against the shuttle bus and tried to catch my breath. I could tell he was staring at me but I did not care. A world collapsed for me and this shuttle bus seemed to be the only thing that stayed with me. 

„All good?" He asked. „Too much to drink yourself yesterday, huh?" He laughed.

„Yes maybe." I said and tried to stand upright again. I turned around and took the first step into the shuttle as I needed to hide my shocked face. It felt like climbing Mount Everest. I didn't even want to go into that shuttle bus. Or to that circuit anymore. I wanted to turn around, go into my room and cry while thinking of what he said. George kissing Elsa? My stomach twisted. Maybe Marc was lying. I mean he seemed to have a problem with George from the beginning. But nobody lies about such things. He said he saw it with his own eyes. He followed me into the shuttle and I took a single seat on the left. Only a few people were already seated. I really didn't want to continue this torture. He seemed confused by my choice of single seat and chose the booth on the right in my row.

„Anyway, I thought we could go out for drinks sometime?" He asked.

„I don't drink." I said without looking at him. He looked even more confused.

„You did when I first met you. And at Carlos party as well." He said almost defensive „And you just said you were drunken yesterday."

„Love drunken." I mumbled.


„Nothing." I turned to him. Actually this conversation was distracting and I kind of needed the distraction to not just break out in tears. The shuttle was starting to move and I had no where to go except for the circuit. So crying wasn't an option. I needed my body to go numb for this day. I can quit via email tomorrow if I want to and let all of this behind me. I just needed to get through this day. I can put together the pieces later. I felt sorry for Marc for a second that he would serve as distraction, but on the other hand he was the bringer of bad news in the first place. I was stunned I was even able to feel sorry for him. My whole being was consumed by confusion and shock.

„Maybe coffee some day. I bet you have better Italian coffee at Ferrari than we do at Mercedes" I said. I actually never had coffee at Mercedes. I only ever have had tea. Mostly with George. My throat got sore and my eyes started burning. I blinked a few times and cleared my throat. Was he playing with me all this time?

„Yes true" He said laughing but I nearly didn't hear him. My thoughts were too loud. George and Elsa? She was gone to Monaco. That made total sense. And she was weird afterwards all along. And avoided me. My eyes burned.

„How long have you been working for Ferrari?" I asked. I really needed to distract myself and continuing smalltalk with Marc would do for now. I can't cry here. We chatted about uninteresting stuff until the shuttle turned into the circuit bus station. He did not really ask much about me, but that was totally fine as I had no intention of talking about me anyway.

„Okay see you around!" I said when I stood up.

„Yes don't forget our coffee!"

I will never have coffee with him. To be specific he will never see me again once I quit. And what my mind processed so far I would definitely quit. „I won't. Good luck to you today!" I said and moved to the exit. I started walking immediately. I walked straight to the garage and tried to distract myself with counting steps. I regretted to not have waited for Marc after step 11 as my thoughts started going back to George and Elsa. No doubt I would see him today. He even said he will come by. I could only try to avoid him. Or should I confront him? I got into the paddock and was happy to see Lisa walking to the gym. At least I wouldn't have to enter the garage and find her.

The Formula 1 Series - Part I: Liz & GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now