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Lily was typing on her laptop emailing her father when she felt someone watching her. She lowered her screen to see Jennifer sitting across from her.


"What do you mean, what?" she said. "You and Owen show up here soaking wet, smiling like a bunch of goofballs and you have the nerve to what me?!"

Lily rolled her eyes pushing her screen back up.

"Goodwin!" she pushed the screen down completely. Lily leaned back in her chair.

"I am your best friend and roommate, so spill. Right now or so help me I will-"

"Okay!" Lily said. "My goodness you are aggressive."

Jennifer leaned forward with her hands folded in front of her waiting.

"Owen asked for a private tour the other day and-"

"Oh my God!" Jennifer said.

"No, not like that." she said. "Pervert."

"Well what did you expect, between you two and the pervy comments..."

"Anyways," Lily said cutting her off to finish. "I gave him the usual tour and we went to the plains. He stepped in some dinosaur shit, so we went to the river to rinse off...things got a bit rowdy with splashing." she said.

Jennifer raised a brow. "Oh, you kissed didn't you?"

Lily tried to hide her smirk as she opened up her laptop again.

"You did! You did, right?"


Jennifer squealed. "I knew it. I knew it! You two liked each other from the beginning." she said clapping her hands. "I told Lowery."

"When were you hanging out with Lowery?"

Jennifer's smile faded as she cleared her throat. "Oh just earlier." she said.



"Oh hell no, Jennifer, you can't just harass me about my day and expect me not to inquire about yours."

"We just walked to the main building together but then he saw Vivian...and it was like I didn't exist." she groaned. "What does she have that I don't?"

"Well, looking at it from a distance, perhaps you're a little intimidating to him."

"You mean I scare him?!"

"I didn't say that. But you and Vivian have two very different personalities. Vivian is a lot ...quieter and softer whereas you..."

"Watch it Goodwin."

"Let me finish," Lily said, "whereas you, you're strong and independent as hell.  You don't need a prince rescuing you. The prince needs you rescuing him."

"Great." Jennifer said.

"It's a good thing, you tosser." Lily hit her in the forehead with a piece of popcorn before grabbing her laptop up and heading to her room. 

"Wait, what did you call me?!" Jennifer yelled after her.

Winston heard Lily walk in and greet the other hatchery workers after he had called her in that morning.

"What's going on?" she asked coming up to him.

"Thought you might like to look at something with me." he said directing her over away from everyone.

Written in Bones [ Jurassic World]Where stories live. Discover now