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Lily propped herself up as Owen looked at her.

"What did you say?" she asked softly.

"You heard me, Goodwin." he grinned.

"You love me?" 

"Yes I do, I love you and I'm in love with you, Lily Goodwin." he said. "Now, you don't have to feel obligated to say it back, I want you to say it whe-"

He was cut short when she brushed her lips against his before drawing him in closer by his shirt. She pulled away from him briefly.

"I love you too, Owen Grady." she beamed. His eyes widened in delight.

"You do?"

She nodded before he got off of her and embraced her tightly. Lily held onto him resting her head on his shoulder.



"Say Bristol." he joked.

She giggled before bringing her mouth close to his ear. "Bristol." she said. He shuddered before lifting her up and bringing her inside the Bungalow.

Owen awoke first the next morning, of course he was left with one pillow while she had propped around her petite body. He trailed his fingers over her arms looking at her funny tan lines that were all over and various shades. He chuckled to himself before poking her nose.

"Hey pillow hog, get up." he said. Her eyes opened slowly as they adjusted to the light.

"It's bright." she said pulling a pillow over her face.

"It's called the sun." he said. She tossed the pillow into his face. "Thank you Professor Grady." she said sitting up. He quickly drew her back into his bare chest. His skin was incredibly warm compared to hers.

She leaned back slightly before looking to the clock. "I have to go feed Hopper and Toothless." she yawned.

"I'll go with you."

"No raptor quality time today?"

"Nah, I'll give the girls a day off today. Or Barry will handle them."

"Alright, well let's go then. I still have to do my rounds in the plains too. I took Sam's shift."

"Working girl. I like it." he said before standing up out of the bed. She sat with her jaw slightly open before she blushed and looked away.

"What?" he asked with a smirk.

"Y-you're naked." she swallowed.

"You weren't shy about that last night." he winked.

"Ow!" Owen pulled his hand back after Hopper bit down her beak on his hand after Lily finished feeding him.

"Stop that!" Lily scolded Hopper shaking her head. Hopper ignored her hopping away back onto Toothless' back. Toothless just looked at her before Lily picked up the bowl motioning her over for her feeding. She finished and wiped her hands on her jeans.

"Alright, you two. No funny business. I have to head to the plains. I'll be back later."

Owen stuck his tongue out at Hopper before they left.

"So what exactly are we doing out here?" he asked as they walked side by side through the valley. A few Gyrosphere's passed as tourists waved at them. They returned the gesture.

"We just walk around, make sure nothing is awry." she told him. "There's normally nothing. But once in awhile, we'll find an injured dinosaur."


"Well, it's probably a good thing we don't have too much excitement over here, right?"

They walked down by the river and saw the Stegosaurus again wading. Lily noticed one adult not in the water with the others.

"What are you up to, deary?" she said quietly eyeing the dinosaur who wasn't even eating, it was just standing there.

"I'm just standing beside you." Owen answered cheekily.

"Not you! Her." she pointed at the Stegosaurus. Owen shrugged.

"Shootin' the breeze?"

"I don't think so." she said creeping closer.

"Uh, this doesn't seem like a good idea." Owen said.

"Hush, and get down." she said. Owen sighed before following her orders.

Lily heard the other adults calling to the one on shore. It glanced over before making it's way slowly to the water. Lily moved forward and suddenly stopped with a gasp. Owen nearly crashed into her but her sudden halt.

"Wha-...whoa." he said. "Are those..."

"Eggs!" she said clapping her hands together. "They're eggs. Actual natural laid eggs!" 

Owen watched her giddy dance. But she suddenly stopped and Owen could see the smile fade.


"We can't let the other workers find this." she said.


"Because, they'll take them away and destroy them." she said.

Owen frowned.

"That's why she was standing here, she was guarding her nest. She knows what happens. Who knows how many nests they have confiscated from her."

"How do we hide a nest?" he asked.

"I don't know but-" she stopped as they felt the ground shaking. They heard the calls and saw the herd of Stegosaurus' charging for them.

"Come on!" he grabbed her hand as one neared them and reared around to strike them with her tail.

Owen dragged her until they got to safety. Lily fell to the ground lying there as Owen sat on a boulder.

"Officially have done my cardio for the week." Lily said breathing heavily.

"I don't think we have to worry about anyone messing with that nest. They seem to have that covered." Owen said.

"Nice save back there, Starlord." she said with a laugh.

The two decided to visit the paddock to see how Barry was handling the raptors that day after they're little adventure in the plains.

It seemed though when they arrived that Barry was gone for the day. Blue was eating along with the others, they looked up when they entered.

While the others seemed more interested in their meal, Echo wandered away from them standing below them.

"I think Echo made a friend." Owen said. Lily was fixing her laces when she looked down to see Echo watching her while tilting her head back and forth with chirping noises.

"Echo." she nodded her head.

Echo let out a screech but suddenly, Blue rammed into her side. Echo hit the ground after losing her footing. She growled on the ground. Blue looked at Lily letting out an ear shattering screech before rounding on Echo and let out a few calls. Echo cast a glance to Lily before pushing herself up and heading back over to the others.

Blue glared at Lily before returning to the carcass.

"And Blue made an enemy."

Lily stared after the blue dinosaur who was making Echo wait to eat after the others. Echo growled and snapped at Blue.

Blue was bigger and quicker than Echo though as she swiftly had Echo pinned. Charlie and Delta called out.

"Blue no!" Owen called to her. Blue craned her head slowly facing Owen. "No." he said. Blue lifted her clawed foot off of Echo who quickly moved away before darting into the brush of the paddock.

"What just happened?"

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