Kick Off

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Lily and Jennifer were grabbing their radios for the day when they found Zara with two boys in the park walking around Main Street. Lily walked over to the two as Zara had her infamous glasses on with Lily's book in hand.

"Are you actually reading it?" Lily asked Zara.

"There's nothing else to do." Zara said. "That one hardly speaks, and I can't get the other to stop talking." she whispered to Lily. Jennifer shook her head. 

"It's probably because they want to be with their aunt, not you."

"Well blame, Claire then."

Lily stood in front of the boys. "Welcome to the park, gentlemen. Having a good time so far?"

"We literally just started." the older one said looking away from her.

"I'm having a great time!" said the younger one.

Lily smiled. "That's what we like to hear. I'm Lily."

"I know who you are!" the young boy said. "You're Dr. Lily Goodwin. I'm Gray Mitchell and this is my brother Zach."

"Nice to meet you. Zara is going to take good care of you today." she said. Zara snorted before Jennifer whacked her arm. "But if you head out to the Gryospheres later on, I'll meet you out there and we can have some fun. Sound good?"

"Yes!" Gray said excitedly.

"Sure." Zach shrugged.

"Alright," Jennifer said as Lily returned to her side. "I have a show to put on. Happy smiles, all around." she said putting on a fake smile and walking off.

"See you later!" Lily called after her. "Have fun Zara." she added quietly to the woman before leaving herself.

Owen was observing the girls with Barry when they heard someone approaching. Owen glanced over to see Vic Hoskins. 

 "Great." he muttered under his breath to Barry who eyed the InGen man. 

"Vic, what can we help you with?" 

 Vic's eyes fell to the velociraptors. 

 Vic continued on with a spiel about using Blue and her pack in the military as front line war machines. 

"You're joking right?" Owen said irritated by the stupid concept. 

 "No, not at all. We've heard great things about your work with them and you've made some incredible strides." 

 "That doesn't me-" 

 A pig squealed highly distracting the men. 

A young worker ran out onto the walkway with a catch pole in attempts to rescue the pig from the raptors. The pig was running full tilt into the loop which ultimately yanked the man over the railing. He fell directly onto his back. The girls were no longer paying attention to the pig now.

 Owen moved quickly pushing pass Vic and running down the stairs towards the gate. 

 "Owen, don't-" Barry ran after him but Owen was already inside the enclosure. 

He reached the man's aid who was attempting to sit up as his back ached something fierce.Workers lined up on the walkway armed and ready to shoot the girls. 

 "Hey, no! Hold your fire!" he called up to them standing between the man and the raptors. "Hold your fire, do not fire." 

 The workers held their aim. 

 "If you put twelve amps into these animals, they're never going to trust me again." 

 Barry entered through the gate and moved carefully towards the injured man before assisting him out. Blue and the others watched taking a step closer. 

Written in Bones [ Jurassic World]Where stories live. Discover now