It's Never Really Over

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As beautiful as Costa Rica was with it's lovely beaches, Lily didn't get much of a chance to explore them. All she wanted to do was lie down so that her ankle would quit screaming at her. 

"I'll be just down the hall." her father told her before Owen assisted her to the room they would be staying in. Once they walked in, Owen helped her to the bed where she sat down. He sat down beside her.

"Well, we should be getting paid overtime." he said attempting to make light of the situation.

She smiled. "We damn well better." She looked up at him as he glanced down at her.

There was a question in the back of her mind that had been pestering her since she was on the boat.

"What are we going to do now?" she asked him.

"I was thinking a nice hot shower and bed..." he said falling back onto the bed.

"No," she smirked, "that's not what I meant."

He propped himself up on his elbows. "What do you mean?"

"I mean us, what are we going to do now? We don't live on the island anymore. I live back in London..and you...well..don't."

Owen's eyebrows furrowed as it dawned on him.

"I almost lost you to that crazy ass dinosaur, I'm not about to lose you to long distance." he said.

She raised a brow. "So that means?"

"Either I'm gonna have to get used to drinking tea or you're about to experience 'murica!" he said in a playful voice.

She laughed. "Really?"

"That's up to you. You have family back I've been on my own for awhile so I can manage."

"You would consider moving to London?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, anywhere sounds better then Isla Nublar right now. But if I move there, just don't dump me and leave me stranded."

She pushed him. "I wouldn't dream of it." she said lying back.

"So it's settled then." he told her. "You think I'll be able to handle it?" he asked lying on his side to face her.

"I think a better question would be can London handle Owen Grady?"

That evening, Owen helped Lily into the shower climbing in with her to help keep her steady on her feet.

"What do you think is going to happen to everyone else?" she asked leaning on him as the water showered over their bodies.

"I don't know." Owen admitted. "They'll go home I guess. There's no way they'll go back to the island. Not after that. That place is going to hit with so many lawsuits."

Lily closed her eyes. "I can just hear my mother's voice right now ringing in my ears, saying I told you so."

"Did she tell you that you were going to be a hero?" he asked.

"No, she-"

"Then she was wrong." he said sternly. " And she has no reason to tell you otherwise."

Once they finished their shower, Lily sat patiently as she had to be re-bandaged before bed.

"This is going to get old real quick." she mumbled at her ankle.

"We're lucky this is all that happened, Lily." Owen said. She thought of Todd and frowned.

"You're right."

Owen saw the sadness in her eyes and heard it in her voice as guilt swelled in his chest for making her think of that.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." he said. She laid under the duvet on her side face Owen who ran his hand through her hair to soothe her to sleep.

"Just sleep," he told her. "I'll be right here."

She closed her eyes, as she breathed in and out trying to think of happy thoughts. But her mind kept dragging her back to the island. She could hear the Indominus Rex, she could see Echo, Todd and Zara.

While Jurassic World had been completely destroyed, it would live on in her head, haunting her.

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