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After Claire vanished, Gray and Zach clutched onto Lily and Jennifer.

"Is she coming back?!" Gray cried out as they scrambled to the ground with the Indominus Rex closing in on them.

"She left us!" Zach said.

Owen fired a shot standing in front of the group as the last defense effort.

"No one is leaving anyone!" he said. Lily heard clicking on the pavement.

"What in the hell?" Lily said craning her neck to see Claire running with a red flare in hand. "What is she-"

The T-Rex suddenly came into view moving in after her.

She tossed the flare towards the Indominus Rex and continued running towards them.

The two large dinosaurs stared after the red flare before realizing the other dinosaur in front of them. The T-Rex smelled the evening air before letting out a loud roar launching into battle with the hybrid.

"Atta girl!" Lily called out throwing her fist in the air triumphantly. But her excitement didn't last long as the T-Rex wailed out as the Indominus Rex dug it's teeth into the back of her neck smashing her to the ground.

"It's too strong." Lily said to Owen as they had to fall back to avoid the fight. Owen turned his head as the T-Rex was down and the Indominus Rex's attention was all on them now.

It began charging towards them when there was a screech, a familiar screech.


The once Beta of the raptor squad stood strongly between the group and the Indominus Rex. She looked determinedly and as threatening as ever but Lily and the others knew she was no match for the monster before her.

"Get up!" Lily called to the T-Rex tossing a small rock at her foot.

The T-Rex growled with irritation glaring at the rock thrower. Lily dropped her arm quickly. The T-Rex was up slightly staggering as it looked to the Indominus Rex and Blue. It snorted ready to end the fight.

The two large dinosaurs went jaw to jaw. Blue used her size to her advantage as she jumped onto the Indominus Rex's back biting down. She was holding on as much as she could digging her claws in. The Indominus Rex was losing her footing as she tried to get Blue off her back but hold her own as the T-Rex. She stumbled back further and further until she was right next to the Mosasaurus tank.

The group watched pure disbelief as the Mosasaurus shot out of the water and opened it's massive jaws clamping down on the murderous hybrid and dragging it into the tank. There was the echoing wail of the dinosaur and then silence.

"I always loved that fucking dinosaur." Jennifer said looking where the Mosasaurus surfaced a bit before disappearing into the dark water.

Lily looked to her before letting out a small laugh. 

They watched as the T-Rex and Blue had come to a sort of truce as they acknowledged each other and the T-Rex stomped off.

Blue went to leave but stopped herself as she looked to Owen. Owen could only nod his head before she let out a screech and disappeared into the night.

"Now what?" Zach asked looking around at the adults.

"Let's get the hell off of this island!" Lily said.

"Preach!" Jennifer said as they headed back into the main building to the control room to collect Lowery. 

Lily was lifted up into Owen's arms.

"So," she began.


"That was pretty badass, Starlord." she said weakly smiling at him.

"Well, I try." he said. "Do me a favour?" 

"I can't do much right now, but sure." she said.

"Say Bristol."

She laughed. "Bristol."



He shivered playfully.

"Bristol, Bristol-" she wasn't able to finish the remaining Bristol as he locked lips with her. 

He finally pulled away allowing her to breath.

"I've been waiting to do that all night, but we had other things to deal with." he said.

"Just small matters." she chuckled.

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