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The next morning Layla awoke before Steve and made a pot of coffee while she got ready. She didn't have to wear her uniform since it was her day off she wore a pair of jean shorts with a white t-shirt and packed her leather jacket. While Layla was getting ready Steve woke up as well. 

"Good morning beautiful" 

"Good morning. I've got some coffee going downstairs if you want some"

"Thanks. Are you coming in today to help with the code?"

"Yeah, the faster we get it figured out the sooner its done" Layla said finished getting ready.

While Layla went downstairs to have a cup of coffee Steve changed into his sailor uniform before joining her. The couple had left for the mall soon after finishing their coffee, once they arrived both joined Robin and Dustin in the backroom trying to find a way into the room they found. 

"I could just take him out" Steve said 

"Take who out?" Robin asked sarcastically 

"The Russian guard. I sneak up behind him and take him out"

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin asked

"I did. That's why I would be sneaking"

"Be honest, have you ever actually won a fight?" Dustin pointed out

"Okay, that was one time-"

"Twice actually" Layla cut Steve off

"Jonathan doesn't count"

"Why? Cuz it looked like he beat the shit out of you. There was a lot of blood" Dustin replied

"How do you even know that?"

"Layla" Dustin smirked 

"That just might work" Robin said running out of the room

"Where are you going?" Layla asked 

"Hey half that's mine!" Steve yelled as Robin took the cash out of the tip jar

"I need cash. I'm going to find us a way into that room, a safe way." Robin said leaving the mall

While Robin was gone Steve served ice cream while Layla and dustin listened to her music in the back room waiting for Robin to return. Robin came back slamming something on the counter with Steve walking in behind her. 

"It's amazing what 20 bucks will get you at the county records office. Starcourt the complete blueprints. So this is us, scoops, and this... is where we want to get" Robin said circling the rooms in red marker. 

"Okay, well I don't really see a way in" Steve said looking over the paper

"Theres not, if your talking exclusively about doors" 

"Air ducts" Dustin said as Robin flipped to another blueprint 

"Exactly, and these air ducts lead to the room. Turns out this room need air just like another room" 

Steve climbed up the step ladder to unscrew the vent cover, shining a flashlight inside saying "Yeah I don't know if you can fit, it's like super small"

"I can fit. No collar bones remember?" Dustin said climbing the ladder

"I'm sorry what?" Robin asked 

"He's got uh... cleido- something. He's missing bones and stuff"

"Cleidouranial Dysplasia" Layla corrected. 

Steve gave Dustin boost into the vent and tried pushing him through, The two argued back and forth about it. Layla saw this clearly wasn't going to work so she started thinking of another way to get threw the vent, the service bell started ringing and she heard someone say "Ahoy sailors! All hands on deck, serve me some samples" Layla and Robin turned around to see none other than Erica Sinclair, the teens made eye contact smirking. 

Cheat The Devil- Steve Harrington x Fem OC ON HOLD UNIT END OF SEPTEMBER 2024Where stories live. Discover now