MHA: Villan deku

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Name: Quirk: Knife


Website: AO3 


like 5 sentences in and I love deku. its very out of character but in a good way? *update its kinda in character and I love it*

like the plot already. bakugo is a jerk but i get it he has his own issues. also love how the author did that transitionfrom bakugo pulling his sleeve down to deku talking about cutting himself. it makes it very clear bakugo cuts but in a sudul way without it being a angst or "owo bakugo has a nice side" it's very accurate to how he acts in Canon when he has issues. I'm prob gonna pull a all nighter because of u FUCK U AUTHOR. 

izuku useing math for knife throwing is so cool and definitely a cannon thing he would do. that shoplifting was so cool and smart.

love the friendship. love the slight OCs that Dont affect plot much. love star fr.


Dabi a smoker fr. love him and eraserhead THE ANGSTTT

love the parallel to the cannon with shinsou . Togggaaaaaa

that's how Dabi met toga XD. "izuku didn't know how he felt about  toga" same

The angst in chapter 28 or 29 I think was crazy. I teared  up

that fight seen was great. I wrote more but it was deleted.

Poor hawks is brainwashed. kinda accurate to cannon tho, I don't think ppl talk about it enough

chapter 40 is crazy fr.

everything is so complicated i live for it, the bakugo situation is so interesting and the author clearly understands psychology enough to make bakugo a well done morally gray character. I understand his thinking and yet still hate him. 

the plot is the best. adds one point. best mha fic I've beer read. kaninari did WHAT, I love it sm imma add its 2 ever fic i make about  him 4 the angst 

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