Chapter 8: Test Drive

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Later that night, Hiccup stood innocently leaning against a building, as a Viking with a torch walked by.

"Hiccup." The man roughly greeted.

Hiccup nodded casually, but as soon as he was gone, Hiccup quickly started walking towards the blacksmith stall, Toothless right behind him, the two still connected by the cord.

As soon as they were inside, Toothless started sniffing around, even knocking some things over which caused a bit of a ruckus.

"Hiccup?" Someone called.

Hiccup jumped as the door to the stall opened and (Y/n) walked in. He pressed his hand to his heart and let out a deep exhale.

"I got your message. What's the matter?" She asked.

Toothless appeared next to Hiccup out of the shadows of the stall, and (Y/n) noticed that they were stuck together.

"Oh..." she mumbled.

Toothless came towards her and started sniffing her. Recognizing her scent, he perked up a bit and placed his paw on her head again.

She chuckled lightly. "Hey Toothless."

He gave her a gummy smile as Hiccup looked around the stall for a tool to set them free. While Hiccup was searching, Toothless went back to sniffing around the stall but since it wasn't fit to accommodate dragons, he kept bumping into things and knocking stuff over.

"Hiccup?" Another, deeper voice called.

Hiccup and (Y/n) froze, hearing Astro's voice outside.

"Are you in there?"

Hiccup turned to (Y/n), his eyes pleading with her to cover for him.


Astro was walked closer to the stall, and just before he reached the closed window shutters, (Y/n) rushed out from the door and stood in front of him.

"Oh, hey, Astro. What uh...what are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked him, trying to sound casual.

Astro looked a bit surprised to see her there, but quickly shook it off. "I uh, I heard some noises. I thought Hiccup was in there, but I'm glad I ran into you instead."

(Y/n)'s eyebrows raised and she felt her face grow warm. "Really?"


Back inside the stall, Hiccup was trying to keep Toothless quiet, but he was wondering where (Y/n) went and kept trying to look for her.

Hiccup stood in front of Toothless, and tried to push him back, but Toothless walked forward, pushing Hiccup towards the closed stall windows.


Astro cleared his throat and stood up straighter. "(Y/n), we've known each other for a long time. And throughout that time, we've been really good friends, right?"

(Y/n) nodded.

Astro continued. "Well, I was wondering if...maybe you would be interested in...becoming mor—?"

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