journey began

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           Chapter one
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers
The horrific scene of a dark room began the journey. It was without windows and just a dull touch light. Tho, bright enough for you to caught a glimpse of a male body laying on the ground.

Doing a proper check on him,  he doesn't look older than seventeen or eighteen years of age. On a norm, he should be a college student or high school student depending on brain capacity, but in the harsh reality of ASHTON BUCKWILL , he has been chained both hand and neck in a room for the past three years used as a s*x  slave.
Yeah, you heard me. Weird right
A male as a s*x slave against his will

To Ashton, death is more of an option at first but......
Ash? A little voice called from the far end of the room. He look up, slowly pulling the chains on his neck to the cage where the voice came, despite been unable to see anything
Are yo...u alright ?should I get you something to wear? The little voice ask

C'mon luxury. Am fine. He replied trying to sound cheerful. The hate the fact that a girl  of ten years old should suffer with him. Moreover, he badly wanna wear clothes that he hasn't worn for the past few months but she was also locked in a cage...... Inside the dark room....... Inside a secret terrorist base..... Inside Russia with him
You're not alright. She said, already sounding teary. You called my full name
No! It's... It's not like that Lux ,I just didn't wanna forget my baby full name.
He patched up a lie good enough for a ten year old
When is he going to release us ash? She muttered. He got dad company like he wanted. Why are we still locked up?
I... I.... He shuttered and scratch his hair. We will be out of here so......
The sound of door opening cut him off
He gulp down nervously, looking towards the door

A little good thing about been a s*x slave is that you get to see and f*ck a lot of........... Well you get my point
Luck does not count in Ashton's life
He watch as his usual terror walk in and turn on the light. An ugly man, bareheaded,  full beard, tobacco damage teeth, disgusting freak in the name Jerry
The shameless thing was already naked, his five inch d*ck dangling
I checked with a tape ruler

Ashton move back fearfully
Ash? Luxury whispered in tears
Am fin...fine fine. He shuttered moving back
Another man followed Jerry's footsteps with a cunning smile
C'mon Jerry, you know the kid is straight. He said while laughing
Yeah, that's why I love him. Jerry answered shamelessly. He walk to Ashton who was shaking his head and moving back. He step on the chain putting a stop to his movement. He pull up the chain choking the poor boy
C'mon kid, time to satisfy me Like you usually do. Jerry smirk
I thought he do fight back? The second man said
Threaten him with that cutie and we are good to go. Jerry said pointing to the cage
Ashton gasp and look at the cage before looking back at him angrily
She's closing her eyes. Jerry mocked faking a pity face. I must admit kid, your sister is cute
Don't you dare. Ashton said in a threatening tone
It's depends. Jerry shrug before pulling him closer forcefully making him bruises his knees and toes
He groaned painfully, almost choking
Give me  the rope. Jerry told the man who immediately handed him a rope tied in double
I guess you love the hard way huh? He said  and wickedly raised it. A lash landed on Ashton's bare back
He gritted his teeth painfully, folding his fist tight to the ground
ASH!! Luxury burst into tears, hitting the bar
Please, leave my brother alone!!
He gasp out and hot tears escape his eyes. He look up at Jerry with tears running down his face
Jerry lean closer and smirks
Save the tear kid, you will need it under me
The second man laugh, watching as he struggled to keep the pain in
Ash. Luxury Whispered. He look at her
Am fin...
Another leash landed on his back, worse than the first
Aaagghh!! He let out a cry and fell on his face. Blood escape his nose in process
He look up at Jerry again. His eyes got tears of hatred and anger
Jerry wipe him again on his face, which formed a huge scar immediately on his light skin
Jerry raised the rope again ..........

The cool water came in contact with Ashton's bare skin. His hair cut in a tapper style stick to his face as he shut his eyes.
His ear caught the sound of his phone beep. That made his eyes open slowly. His brown eyes darted side. He stretch his hand and turn off the water. He came out of the bathroom and walk to where he left his phone. He took it, did a quick scroll through it before dropping it. He sigh boringly and proceed to wear his clothes
        >>                >>              >>            >>
The new wine has a volatile rate of selling. A guy known as Francisco, Cisco for short said. He was flipping a document with a serious look. An eyeglass resting on his nose bridge, looking irresistibly hot. He has a haircut of a tapper
It's not a new thing. It's happens when it involves baby ash. Another guy known as Reuben, ruby for short said. He sat opposite Cisco, his eyes glued to his phone  while smiling showing his cute dimples. He has a haircut of a fade
You should quit the baby part hermano. He's older than you. Cisco said, still not taking his eyes off the papers. His Spanish accent and voice giving a chilly vibe
Thank you for reminding me that am twenty five and he's three years older. Ruby said with a  pout
You are welcome. Cisco replied blankly

Ruby look up from his phone and tilted his head side to look at the lady behind Cisco seat. She smiled looking out the window
He look out the window and sigh
We're here already. He said, going serious. Where is As......
Here! Ashton deep voice sounded behind
He came out, dressed in a pleated trousers and white shirt, still struggling with the button.
Slowly the private jet landed in the private hanger
Reporters crowded phoenix harbor awaiting the figure they hope to see
A reporter sighted them first and run forward, attaching the rest to them
* Give us a speech about the new wine
*What do you hope to achieve from your recent clash with your rivals
*why did you.........
Securities stop the reporters from moving closer to them as questions swell up
Ashton is certainly not in the mood for answering questions. He move in front with Cisco following
The lady behind before Ruby who was smiling
He takes every chance to show off his dimple
Talk about cute!! Who knows what might be hiding behind that smile
The three friends parted ways going to the SUV parked for each
The lady look right and left before running after Ashton who already got to the opened door of the SUV. He has a look that shows displeasure in the background noise
He glanced at her and she smiled, before going into the SUV. He followed suit. The security guard close the door and the chauffeur drove off
Hey!! Tessa, you will be late for class!!. Her mother, Mary yelled. She was sitting on the couch in the small living room. Her eyes glued to the small TV
Tessa rush out of the room brushing her hair with her hand
Mom, my comb broke. She pouted. Mary face squeeze a little but was replaced with a smile
Okay, I'll get you another
Thanks mom. Tessa rush to hug her
Okay, go now
What are you watching anyway. Tessa ask looking at the TV
Ashton buckwill. Mary replied He was in Paris just yesterday and now in Arizona. Mary added, shaking her head
He's rich anyway. Tessa shrug before facing Mary. Lunch money?
Mary handed her a few dollars
Bye mom. She took and rushed out
Her smile fell when she shut the door
She began her hot run to college. It took close to six minutes to arrive
She arrived just in time before the familiar Mercedes s_class drove in
She moved closer just like every other students, waiting for the king of the college   to step out. Of course, like you would expect, she has a different motive

Tessa rosy, a twenty one year old godlike beauty. Her well curved shape stood out among her pairs. Tessa possess a captivating beautiful appearance that effortlessly attract attention to her
eyes got good and bad Tho
Her physical features were breathtaking. Almond shaped eyes and cute kiss craving lip. She's the sole enemy of the College Queen Matilda
Matilda hate her Like a dirty rag doll.
well, her dress kinda looks like a rag Tho
The door open and a pair of expensive sneakers step out
The king of the school Josh. A sometimes calm and sometimes problematic kinda guy. He rarely smile and rarely frown. Average.......... Middle, you can say
That piercing eyes darted around till it fell on her.... Tessa

TBC.................. 🖋🖊

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