chapter 14

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                  Chapter fourteen
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers
Mom!! Do you have to go. Maeve asked her mother with a pouted lip
Last I remember correctly, you like when I travel. Maria replied
But I'll miss you. She held her mother bag
Let go Maeve. It is a once in a life time opportunity. I need this free trip to cool off from you. Not everytime you get to leave the state
Mom. She pouted. Are you saying am a problem?
Good thing you caught on fast. Maria roll her eyes
Maeve began faking tears
Take care of yourself while am gone
Don't leave me. She continue faking tears till her mother was out
She smiled innocently afterward and watch the cab drove away
She grabbed her phone and dialed a number
A pick came immediately

Mela!! She called happily
You sound happy. Pamela chuckled from the other end
My mom left!!
You're so dramatic. Pamela said, adding an additional scoff
I'm free!!!
Sure. I'm coming back soon. Pamela said
Because, my boss want me to return. I still wonder why
Boring!! Maeve exclaimed and hang up the phone
She threw it in the couch nearby and sigh out
She blinked once and sat down
Should I go to shop? Or....
She took a glance at the door
Her thoughts was interrupted when she heard a knock outside
Mom? She thought. But she left .....why will she return
She stroll past the table, nearing the door
Inaudibly chatter pick her ear
No doubt, males
Recognising one particular voice among the rest, Felix, her ex
She blinked once and peep through the peep hole
She could see the sum of three, including Felix
They look like thugs. She muttered. Wait, why won't they be

Felix knock again, louder and firmer than the other
Sign of impatient anger slipping through
She moved back almost tripping, till her leg hit the table
Parting her eyes wider, she look at the table
She's inside. She heard his voice confirming

She sauntered backward, moving  unsteadily
Thinking of what might happen next
The thud on the door confirm it
She look around
Silently stepping close to the couch, she drab her phone and hug it tight involuntary
Telling her feet what to do, she turned around heading towards the back door

She got to it, look around, before pulling it open
She bit her bottom lip tight as the door squeaks open

She open the door halfway , only to face the devil himself
Got ya bitch! Felix smirked, crinkling his eyes
Fuck you. She spat out, slamming the door on his face
Urgh!! Fuck!!
He stumbled back holding his face
She immediately ran out before the rest of him could arrive
            >>            >>           >>           >>
The door opened and Ashton PA walk in
Sir, the construction manager is here to see you
Why? He absentmindedly asked
She scoff silently and stood her head
The renovation of the museum sir
Oh. He nodded
Also, sir...... The request from the art college to take a tour around....
Approve it. He cut in
She drop the portfolio she brought before walking out. Barely closing the door, it swing open sharply and he looked up
Darling!! Savannah rushed in

Ashton maintain the blank look as he watch her walk to him
Darling. She called again. She got to him and lean closer kissing his lips
He blinked tiredly and stare at her as she leaned back
A piqued feeling creeping up his skin
Do you miss me?
He lean back to relax even more without a reply
Just when he needed some quiet time
Are you bored without me? She asked looking around the office. He continued staring at her
She look at him and look away awkwardly, feeling heated up from his intense stare

What...... What are you thinking about? She asked tucking a string of her hair behind her ear
Sanya. He replied
Her eye widen in a puzzled motion
Sanya!! Your maid?
Oh. He mouthed, suddenly remembering that, that's his maid name

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