chapter 11

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                   Chapter eleven
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers

So, your point is......... Francisco trail off. He drab a mug of coffee and walk out the kitchen. He was shirt less. Just in joggers and on a call with Ruby
He got assassinated?
He is in the hospital. Ruby replied from the other end

Cisco put the coffee on the table and lean both hand on it, putting the phone on the table
So...... Why are you pissed? Did something bad happened?

Expect that the assassin is in a bad condition than him or that Ashton got shot in his shoulder. No

Then....... Cisco trailed off again
Knowing Ruby, he still have something to say
He sometimes whine like a child
It's part of the mood
Idiot got shot, but then he sat in his room after knocking the assassin out and began listening to music!!!

(qué, Es tonto? )What, is he dumb? Cisco scoff, and drab the mug of coffee
Should I answer that? Ruby replied switching to video call

He turned the phone to Ashton who was sleeping on the hospital bed looking charming as always. His hair cover his eyes completely. His shoulder had already been bandaged
Hmm. Cisco nodded and sip from the coffee. So what with the background noise?
Nosy reporters. Ruby groan
I guess you will have to take care of Ashton's meeting today?
Nah, it's my meeting today. Ruby sighed
Weird but sure. Cisco said and hang up
He drank the rest of the coffee and drop the mug
He drab his shirt and key before walking out
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Maeve turned the open sign to closed . She walk back inside the shop and sigh out
Frustration has the better part of her
She squat down by the counter with a pout, and began staring into space

The sound of the door bell ringing caught her attention. She look up and squinted her brow
The door was closed. She was sure that it rang
She continue staring at it till the door open slightly ringing the bell again, but swing shut almost immediately

She stood up and walk to the door
With a frown, she pulled it open. She raised her brow, seeing no one. She look down slowly
She look around before looking back at the little boy staring up at her
She squinted her brow and bent down to his height. Looking at his age. He look no older than five or six. He was dressed in a Japanese traditional wear, which she find cute
He has bright eyes and round face

She smiled at him
Where are your parents?
He blinked once and scratch his curly hair
She stood up and held his hand bringing him in
Are you lost? She asked another question
She turned and bent down before him again
I like your clothes. She smiles
He smiles back at her
Should I make you tea? She asked. He nodded
She caress his cheek before standing up
She picked him up and made him sit on the counter before proceeding to make tea from her personal beverage

What is your name?
Michelle. His cute voice sounded
She paused and looked at him
Michael? She asked
Michelle. He repeated with his accent giving it a different pronounce
He gave her a look and smiled showing his dimples
She smiled back revealing Her's
He reminds me of someone. Wait, why is he dressed in a Japanese wear and using a Spanish accent? She thought

Where were you coming from?
I begged papa for a trip and he allowed me
Rich kid. She thought, passing the cup of tea to him
So Micheal, why did you run away from your papa?
He drank a little from the cup
Papa is too old to come with me
So, you went..........
The door bell rang, cutting her off. She turned to the door and her eyes widen seeing the people that came in

Three men clothed in suit like a body guards along with two ladies; looking worried; however it seems like they calm down when they saw him

He giggled at their facial expressions
Miguel!! Stop running away!! One of the ladies scolded walking to him
Miguel? Maeve thought
She stretched her hand to carry him but he refused, pouting his lip
She sigh tiredly and look at Maeve
Maeve flash her a smile
Join us for coffee
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Smiles play on Gracia face as she set the dining table. She placed all the fruits in order before turning to look at princess sitting. Her eyes glued to her phone

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