chapter 10

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                 Chapter ten
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers
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Wind blows through the slightly silent night. It was a minute past midnight
A bicycle tyre drove through the street
Riding through the silent street  the little boy glance around fearfully
He was obviously scared, scared to death, but it wasn't enough to send him back to their little home. Not when his brother is nowhere to be found

He had alerted the cops, but those big fellas told him not to worry about a grown man who only went out few days ago

Hell no!
Since Roy left unannounced, he have been having hard time eating or sleeping
Something is not right
He look at the time on his wristwatch. The one Roy gifted to him on his twelve year birthday. It a minute past midnight. That's mean he is now thirteen. A teenager

He shoved the thought of his birthday aside, looking around uncomfortably
A sound pick his ear
He stop the bike and got down. Leaving the street, he walk toward where the noise was coming from

The sound became clear as he peep at the corner. He furrowed his brows as his rare green orbs stare into the night

It seemed to be a gathering to him. Men gathered facing themselves
He wanted to look closely, but trip over his shoe lace. He fell down, drawing their attention

Who is that!! The man who seem like the leader yelled
He stood up and pick a race immediately
It only took a second before he noticed the chash. They were after him. Two of them
He continue running, but it only took few seconds of the man to grab his hand
Argh!! He twitch in pain, trying to pull away

The man yank him up and shouldered him easily. He struggled fruitlessly till he was brought to the leader
He was placed in front of the man
A scary looking man with a mischievous grin
He gulp down staring back at the man

What are you doing out by this time boy? The man ask, staring closely at him
I... I...... He shuttered and hesitated
Next thing he heard was a muffled moans of pain behind. He tilted his head side to see, but the men block his view

He look back at the man who bend over to his height
Such handsome eye you got kid. The man said
He gasp and look away. This same eye got him kidnapped two times, so he result to lens
Seem like he forgot the "always wear your lens" rule given by Roy
The man held his chin and pulled his head up
It dangerous outside kid

He gulp down still staring at the man
The slight muffled voice is sounding even more. Almost like, someone was resisted from talking behind

Are you gonna hurt him? He asked, guessing the person behind is a male
The man chuckled
He's a thief kid. He just need a little punishment. Now run Along. The man urge
He turned slowly like a wet chicken

Don't let him leave. He heard the man saying to his men. Kill him
His heart sank down, he was about to run even if it's fruitless until he heard the desperate voice

Please, leave him alone. He's only a kid!! The voice cried bitterly
His eye widen slowly and he halt. He turned slowly
He is just a kid please!!

Roy? He whispered. That's my brother
Pointing his index finger
That's my brother!!! He rush back but was stopped
Roy!! Roy!! He yelled
Please. Roy ignored him, while pleading

Oh, he's your brother. The man raised a brow amusingly. Well kid, he's thief

My brother will never steal!! He retorted back  already crying. He continued struggling till he force his way to the scene
His mouth drop open at the sight of his brother. Badly beaten and naked

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