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                  Chapter nine and ten
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers
                    Sunday >> 10:00am
Tessa hummed softly as she was lost in her own little world of drawing. A picture of Mary

She didn't notice when the elderly woman came out, a gloomy look plastered on her face
Tessa! Mary snapped
Tessa jolt out of thought and hid the book
I thought you wanted to sleep some more. She said with a  smile
Don't you have something to tell me young lady? Mary demanded
Tessa smile fell slowly and she held her breath
Tessa!!! Mary yelled in a disappointed tone
Fine. It was just to get away from Matilda and her friends. I just stick with him. No big deal. She rush her words
What? Mary asked confusily
Tessa bit her lip slowly, knowing that she has blown her cover
That's not what you were talking about. Is it? She muttered timidly
No!! You didn't tell me that your comb broke again!! What are you talking about. Stick with who?
Mom, you don't have.......
He is a nice guy. Tessa shrug defensively
Mom!! No worries
I'm worried Tessa. What are......
A knock on the door cut her off. Tessa rush to the door and opened it
She smiled at the sight of her friend
December? What are you doing here?
My mom took a trip. Am staying over. She replied pulling her bag inside
Morning mom. She greeted Mary
I'll show her to my room. Tessa suggested which Mary object instantly
We need to......
Mom! Ember need to rest. Don't you Ember? Tessa smile pushing her inside
Hey Tessa!! Tessa!!
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Workers chatter fill buckwill mansion. Work was done in a rush
Sanya stood idle staring into nothing. Her job as a cook give her free time off because Ashton rarely eat at home
She stood on the spot staring at the stair until she held approaching footsteps

What about that kid? Ashton voice sounded as he walk down the stair with Savannah who hung her arm around his waist
He was on a phone call with Cisco
You mean Layla. All good. Cisco replied blankly
Rueben? Ashton ask looking around
Beat me. Cisco said and hung up
Who is Layla? Savannah ask
A girl I brought from Paris. He said
But why? She removed her hand from his waist and face him
I choose to. He stop to reply before moving again toward the exit door
Rumor is saying.....
Rumor will always say Savannah. He said tiredly
Can I come with you? She asked running after him
You can't. See you later. He said stretching his hand to the chauffeur by the door. The chauffeur handed the key to him and he went out shutting the door
She pouted angrily and turn
All eyes were on her.
Who are you looking at!!!
They all left quietly expect Sanya who stood still
She glared at sanya but the latter just stare
Sanya huff and walk away
Savannah glared till she was out of sight before frowning
Why does she look familiar?
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Wake up bitch!!
The word sounded loud in Tessa ear before a blinding slap followed
She sprang out of bed in shock to meet December laughing at her, sitting on the left side of the bed
Seriously Ember!! She shrieked
Josh. My Josh. December mimic her sleeping  voice before bursting into another round of laughter
I said that. Tessa muttered in an embarrassed tone
I said it. December said sarcastically
Get out!!! Tessa threw her pillow
So, an art competition is coming up. December said when she finally stop laughing
Really? Tessa mumbled
Yeah. Winning school get to check out buckwill museum for free
Really!! Tessa sprang up
We need to win. My life saving can't pay for it. December said
That's because you are not saving. Tessa shot
Oh please. December roll her eyes. Anyways I hope you get picked to represent us. We won't lose then
There are many good artist. Tessa roll her eyes
Not as good as you. December smiled
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A Lamborghini was park in the airport. The chauffeur stood close to it. A man in his early forties

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