princess problem ii

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                 Chapter seven
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers

A familiar frown appeared on everyone face at the table. All except innocent Cisco who threw the unbelievable question
Princess frown was worst. She felt her heart about to blow off
Hugo, you remember princess right? Gracia broke the silence with an awkward smile
He look at his mother slowly before looking back at her

Oh. He chuckled softly and drop the glass
Forgive my manners. My apologies
Huh? Daniella gasp. Has being out of the country made you less obsess over her?
Was I? He chuckled looking at daniella
He smiled and snatch the glass of wine Gracia was about to drink

I prepared an outing for the both of you. Gracia said, tapping his shoulder as he drank the wine. You know, to get old times
Oh, how very thoughtful of you mother, but I might as well decline. He said while smiling. You see, I have been quite busy this days
But... I.... Princess made to protest
We can always reschedule. Adrian cut in
Hmm. He nodded, pouring more wine
Gracia frown and hit atlas hand
It's your fault Hugo loves drinking!!!
He's my son after all. Atlas smirk proudly
Isn't that the son you watch till he broke his leg? Daniella cough and look away
What!! Atlas gasp, glaring daggers at Daniella
The rest burst into laughter including Cisco
But of course, expect princess
It was like she was kicked out
You brat!! Atlas yelled funnily throwing a French fry at her from the table menu
You watched him also got kidnapped. Adrian added
Fine, badmouth me all you want!! Atlas said. I am still....
The best. Cisco completed making the elderly man smile
I'll take my leave now. Cisco said and stood up
But you haven't eaten. Gracia frown
Mama. He tap her shoulder and stood up. Reschedule that also
Papa. He bow slightly before walking out, not sparing princess a glance
Gracia stood up and went after him

So, are you gonna tell me. Gracia asked as soon as  they got close to his car
He turned to face her
Lovely to my hearing, Cisco got his accent from his mother so they sounded alike
Mama, she broke up with me
What? Gracia gasp. But that's impossible
Yeah, but thanks to her. I realized how foolish I was so........i own her one. He smiled and entered his car
I'll be coming over weekend mama. Make me something
Gracia smile and nodded
He ignite the car
Wait....... you still love her?
He smirked amusingly
You see mama. My past has a  lot of stains so  I drop them. She's one of them
           >>            >>               >>            >>
GOOD AFTERNOON SIR!!! The workers chorused in union
Ashton replied with a casual nod as he walks
Dressed in an Italian suit. His hair gelled backward. Looking all serious
The securities trailing behind stop by the door as he walks. His PA and secretary soon joined him
What is the commotion about? He ask coldly
A woman requested to see you. The PA replied
He took the first file in his secretary hand and opened it
Name? He asked looking through the file
Mrs Roger. She replied
He halt sharply
Sir? The PA ask
Doesn't ring a bell. He bluntly said and continue moving. He handed the file back and brought out his phone
He went to call log and dialed Ruby's line
It rang for few seconds before he heard the latter voice
Where are you? He asked
Home. Ruby mumbled. Imma take a nap so don't..........
Come help me since you are so jobless. Ashton cut him off and cut the call

Huh? Ruby gasp. Is he kidding me right now
He slowly sat up from his bed. He was dressed in a hood and short
He picked up his phone again and dialed a number. The person picked immediately
What now? The voice sounded annoyed
C'mon Wayne. Chill. Are you pissed. Ruby coax
Well, I'm babysitting. Wayne replied
You choose this line of work so deal with it. Ruby said already standing up. Anyway, what is up with the text you sent me?
Did Ashton sign out his company to a man named Jerry ?

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