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              Chapter four
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers
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The rattling Sound of chains drawing on the concrete floor fill the air. Ashton move slowly, back to his usual room. His movement was like walking dead. Naked and drugged, his breathing heavy. His lip pale, over grown hair and pitifully weak
New inflicted scars decorated his body
He got to his cell and push the door open
Luxury.. Am ba......Aah! He shriek when the chain on his neck hook a nail cutting off his air flow sharply

He held the chain and free it before looking into the dark room
He furrowed his eyebrows next
He staggered in and turn on the light, hurting his hand in the process
The light came on and he looked at his bloody hand before looking up at the cage where he left his sister
His eyes widened slowly and his hard earned saliva dried up as he saw the cage with a bloody lock
The effects of the drug wear off in an instant
Lu......xu....ry? He whimper looking at the cage
Blood made her little feet trail to the other side of the room which his eyes followed. His usual spot
No. He whisper faintly. Seeing her lay down there, similar condition to his
He walk to her, pulling the chains slowly till he got to her and squat down
He turned her slowly. His eyes widened and he gulped down
Lux? He whispered looking at her pale, naked body, covered in blood
Unintentional tears escape his eyes
Luxury!! Please don't leave me. Open your eyes for me. He desperately cried, tapping her
Please luxury! C'mon
He began shaking her

You don't have to do this. Hey!!! We didn't agree to this!!
Look, we are getting out of here very soon
I need you with me. goddammit!! Luxury!!!
Hey kid. Jerry voice sounded behind
Ashton hug his sister tight, feeling like he should explode any moment
Don't quit on me. He muttered in tears
Kid!! Jerry finally got to them smiling annoyingly
He look up, folding his fist tight
How could you be this heartless. He cried. How could you. She is just ten!!!!!
Cut me some slack. Jerry shrug innocently. One of my men must have wandered in
Aaarrrrgghh!! Ashton cried profusely
Let go. Jerry pick up the chain, choking and pulling him
No wait. Please. He pleaded trying to crawl back to her
Jerry frown, and what followed was a kick on his dick
The pain rang into his brain that he froze for few seconds before screaming out in agonizing pain
Jerry continue pulling him on the ground, out the room
Luxury!! This is heartless!! How could you!! He cried helplessly. You said you love me right?
You said am your favorite!! It not fair!!
The world is not fair kid. Jerry laugh. That's reality. The sooner you realize it, the better
Only the strong survive. Remember that!

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Hey Lux. It's your sorry excuse of a brother again. Ashton whispered touching the grave
I guess I hold you an apology. I have not visited in a while.

Truth is...... Things have finally began settling down. He pause and sigh
It's been a short year right? Time flies faster since then....since you left

I'd admit my boring life.
It been ten years since then, although I wasted three years of my life..... Drugs.... Smoking...... Fucking around. I guess I didn't cross the Rubicon yet

I............... I miss you....... A lot
Ashton pause when he heard sniffing behind him. He furrowed his brows and turn, to stare at the lady cleaning her tears behind him
He frown slowly and turn back
Is she crying for me. He thought. What a weirdo

See you later kid. I love you. He said and stood up. He fix his hand in his pocket and walk pass the lady.
She bit her lip and turn
B..... b....... boss!
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The drive home was silent. Ashton look up at the mirror. His eyes meet with the lady who seem to be staring at him. She look away immediately
So Sanya yes? His deep voice fill the vehicle
Y... Yes. She shuttered
If you work in my home. How come I never see you. He asked, despite knowing her familiar  face
Sir! She gasp dramatically. I cook
Oh. He laughed lightly. Thanks to you. I don't skip meals anymore. Appreciated

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