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               Chapter two
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers
That piercing eyes darted around till it fell on her.... Tessa
Yes.... You might be wondering
Tessa is kinda close to Josh........
Not that kind!! What are you thinking!!!
She works for him in exchange to avoid being bullied by Matilda and her peeps.
He didn't seem to mind her raggy appearance around him which made her happy. He threw his bag to her and she caught it
Welcome. She smiled. He nodded and started walking away. She bit her bottom lip and followed him behind. You could say Josh is a lover of hood. He rarely show is face cause he always had a hood on
Tessa eye meet with Matilda. She stick out her tongue at her before looking away
Matilda crush on Josh is a public news, even after been ignored so many times
You heard me.... I said ignored because he has grown tired of her to the point of ignoring.
Tessa hurried her steps to catch up to him with all smiles. She sees him as her saviour in this act dungeon
it's an act college, place where boring people do boring stuffs
She tripped on her steps and fell
Ouch!! She whine painfully
He stop and turn to look at her
She stood up and pick up the bag
Clumsy. He called slowly. Her heart raced and her turn fucking red.
he never called her name before
Are you.......
Am fine. She answered immediately. He nodded and resume walking
She giggled and ran after him
All way from the entrance of buckwill brewer gave a magnificent and memorizing posture. It is awesomely large.
Workers devoted to their work
Spotlessly clean and less chatter considering the fact that it's a brewer
There are rules you see.. Unnessesary noise result to job lost
Some workers see Ashton as a harsh fellow while others sees him easy...when the rules are followed
Ashton office is located in the upper floor like you would expect. The floors are empty, just the office and a breath taking hallway. The office door is transparent but still hard to get a clear picture of the inside except you stick your face like a thief
surveillance camera littered the area from the top floor to the entrance door outside.

The office door was left slightly open making it easy to hear distinct chatter
It would be quiet if the door was'nt left open because of it sound proof properties

Are you sure that he is not gay? Ruby said, pointing to Ashton whose face is buried in paperwork
Reuben! Be serious for once. Cisco who was sitting on the couch on the right scolded
You know. Ruby said. I'll be convinced that he is gay if he didn't.....
Hey baby!! A voice sounded from the door. Ruby groan silently
Have a blood sucking leech attach to him. Ruby completed
You should be in Mexico. Why are you here Savannah? Ashton ask calmly, already recognising the voice without looking up
I missed you. She smiled

Meet Savannah Clifton, Matilda older sister

I missed you. Savannah pouted, walking to Ashton, totally ignoring Cisco and Reuben
You don't miss me? She ask
Savannah, I'll be returning this evening. He said, finally turning to look at her
I still couldn't wait. She smiled. Ruby look at them and scoff silently
Cisco gave him a look he understands
Mind your business
He glared at him and face his phone

I'm having a meeting in the next five minutes. Ashton said and stood up. He pull her head closer and kiss her lip... Just short, leaving her disappointed
I'll see you after. He added and walk pass her. The duo stood up and followed leaving her in the office
Seriously!! Just a kiss? After coming all the way. She shrieked angrily

Ashton, should you not wear a suit at least. Cisco said to Ashton who was hooking the button on his white shirt
They were in the elevator going down the floor
You should be glad that he is even wearing a shirt and not a tank top. Ruby replied
Ashton hook the last button and look up with a stone look on his face
The elevator Door open and he step out first, followed by Cisco and Ruby
Their secretary and PA who were  standing by the elevator, dressed in cooperate business wear followed behind. Six ladies, all had their hair park in a ponytail
All taking union steps till they got to a door
The security guard open the door and they walk out
Dozens of securities on standby followed immediately all dressed in black suit making it a long serious line
    >>            >>                  >>             >>
The meeting room was silent. All looking Around uncomfortably
almost like they are in a death zone or something
A security guard open the door. They all stood up immediately, as Ashton walk in. Cicso, Ruby and their PA followed his steps
Ashton sat down before his friends. The business men exchange glances before sitting also
One of them step forward for his presentation
Technical topics pop up afterwards

Cisco who had always been a pro speaks like one. A lot of cut off and correction. High level thinking capacity, good insight and usually calm but daring look
His personality reflects calmness.... With a little touch of craziness

Ruby was not left out. The other team seems to be getting tired of Ruby's confusing questions. He tickles out their hidden flaws and fetch it out leaving them in a pitiful state of confusion
That didn't seems to bother him anyway
if mood swings is a person, it's Ruby. One moment he's all nice and friendly, caring, warm, lazy, lovely, reluctant....... And we could just switch over to the hot temper, cold, annoying, daring, fearless
He's kinda like a..... Unpredictable person

Ashton on the other hand was sitting and observing blankly. Truth be told, it all sounds like blah blah blah to him
His mind is more of a traveller than him. Thinks too many at once. Brain like a running machine
Everything revolves around his head. The previous products, the pending, the future.. Everything to grow hover around his brain endlessly striving with all efforts to make sure 
Buckwill properties never shut down like it did thirteen years ago. Everything went down the drain in three years of his absence after his parents death
He admitted to being a complete fool back then
Letting his family members take over running his life
Life sure is a cruel teacher
It wasn't an easy task picking up from scratch.
he's certainly not gonna let them side though. Those backstabbing, useless, disgusting, bastards
Like you really need to hear him speak..... Gosh, I felt my heart race. A lady in her early twenty three, known as Penny said happily, jumping around a pink designed bedroom. The way he speaks... Girl, I have found my soul mate
Are you not tired of ranting about this Reuben of a guy. Another girl known as princess said, earning a frown from penny
Coming from someone who won't stop ranting about Hugo. Penny snapped
It's Francisco for you. Princess snapped back before smiling. I only can call him that
Penny roll her eyes
Besides, I'm not obsess with Hugo. Princess added with a pout
Penny made a really look, holding her waist
I think he would turn thirty-one toda.....
He's twenty eight. Princess corrected
Aaa!! You see!! stupid stalker. Penny yelled
Why would I stalk my boyfriend. Princess snapped, standing up
Ex princess. Penny corrected. He's your Ex
He will come running as soon as he sees me. Princess said proudly and walk to the mirror. Am sure your mouth will drop open at my arrival Hugo.
               >>             >>              >>
A knock came on the office door.
No response was given so the knock came again
Ashton instinctively look up. A slight frown followed. The room is sound restricted so it all a waste of time. Ashton sigh out, watching him
Matthew has always been so stupid in some aspects
He knock till he was satisfied. He finally opened the door and walk in
Sir I got what you asked for
Why didn't you keep knocking? Ashton ask in a boring tone
Matthew cleared his throat and adjust his eyeglasses
Bring it here. Ashton stretch his hand
Matthew walk to him and handed him the file
Ashton open the file and pulled it out. His eyes darted around it and he push it back in
We will be going back to Mexico sir. Matthew said
Cisco and Reuben? He asked
They left an hour ago. Matthew replied
Send for Alder. Ashton said and stood up. He walk pass Matthew
And Matt.... He halt and turn. Nice job. You did great
You seems to wake up at the good side of the bed today. Matthew replied
Mable I did. He said and walked out
Matthew followed behind

That's won't be possible sir. Ashton PA said on the phone. She turned and saw him leaving so she followed
Mr buckwill already have schedule for tomorrow. She said politely

Matthew step forward and opened the door out before Ashton got there
He step out with his PA. The security standing outside followed also till he got to the SUV parked
I'll put you on hold.  The PA said and faced Ashton. Sir, next week?
No. He replied flatly
His schedule is tight for next week. She continue the conversation on the phone while walking to the other side of the SUV
A security guard open the door
He sigh and  entered the car
             >>               >>               >>
Tessa has her face buried in the drawing note before her, doing her usual drawing.
This time, it is a picture of Josh
Smiles lingers on her face as she add a little more shadow to the face. She didn't notice him standing two inch away, his eyes glued to the drawing. It is a ten out of ten percent perfect
He sigh and smile slightly
Is that me?

TBC.................. 🖋🖊

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