chapter 8

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           Chapter eight
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers
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Chatter fill the air. It was a heated party.
Many voice fill the air
Chatter, laughing, yelling, betting, moaning and any other sound you could hear at Jerry club house.

The piece of shit was seated talking to his peers. Group of men and women
So, where is your wife? A lady ask
Who knows. Jerry shrug. Mable that barren bitch is off somewhere
Putting that aside. Another lady cut in smiling wickedly. Where is he?
He? Jerry asked
Yunno, that stubborn kid who serve you. She said looking around
Jerry smirk and look around
Jasper. He called his right hand man. Bring the kid.
He face the lady
What do you need him for?
C'mon, Jerry that should not be your business. She roll her eyes

Soon, Jesper came back pulling Ashton along
He has deep wounds on his body. He struggled to match Jesper step
Jesper push him forward and he fell before them
He began fidgeting as he looks up
You see. I have not given him a thing to eat for the past three days. Jerry laugh. He took a bottle of water and uncap it. He smirked and pour it content on the ground
Ashton eye followed it and he immediately started licking it off the ground
This brought laughter to their mouth
Jerry kick his head, still laughing

Then..... The lady muttered with a grin. She collected the bottle from Jerry and uncap it, pouring the rest on herself
He look at her with a pleading look as she empty it on herself, soaking wet
He gulp down emptiness staring at her soak body. She drop the empty bottle on the ground

He slowly turned his attention to Jerry
My si......sister. please feed her. He muttered
Huh? Jerry frown. That thing is still alive?

Ashton look back at the lady. The water was dripping off her gown. He subconsciously crawl closer and began licking her feet
She smirk and widden her legs
He kick her feet up to her knee, up to her thigh till he got to her private area which was soaking wet
Well, not necessarily private now is it?
She shut her eye, moaning shamelessly while the rest laugh
She wrap her legs around his neck and forcing his head in
He try forcing out but her legs restricted his head
He lick every bit of liquid but more came rushing
It took a while before he was released
He gasp for breath moving back
Useful dog. She laughed

The word rang straight into his brain endlessly. He stay still staring into space
He slowly look at the knife on the ground close to her leg. He look at her also
He was still staring at her, when he heard sniffing behind him. His eyes widen sharply
He clenched his fist tight and turn around
His heart fell at the sight of Luxury

She was standing there in shock, staring at him. Tears wet her face completely
Ash. She whispered, looking around
What..............what are you doing?

Ashton eye flew open. The memories from ten years ago came rushing back
He remained silent and still
He took side after a while and blinked once, staring at his alarm clock that began ringing
His face show no atom of smile or happiness
He sat up and got down the bed
He strip himself naked and walk into the bathroom, straight to the shower and turn it on
The water spray out, wetting him. He sweep his hair back with his hand and shut his eyes

A maid sang happily as she park her stuff in a handbag.
Are you that happy? Sanya who was standing behind her ask
Of course, it's leave day!! I wanna see my boyfriend
Sanya chuckled softly and sat down
Lemme ask a question
What? The maid turn
Boss goes out every single day, but rumor says he is rarely at the office
Oh. I heard it too. She nodded. He visits the gym, or some other places
She look around and lean closer
Rumor says he is gay, including his friends
That's bullshit! Sanya snapped. He has a girlfriend. We all know that
Sure! The maid carry her bag
They walk out the room to the living room

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