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             Chapter three
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers
Is that me? Josh asked calmly.
Tessa jolt out of her little world and cold shiver ran down her spine
She blinked repeatedly and huff
She turned and hid the book behind her, away from him
It's not you. She replied in a really high pitched voice. Talk about nervousness
He readjust his step and look around before looking back at her
That's clearly me. He insisted and stretch his hand for it
She bit her lip and handed it to him slowly. He took the drawing note from her and took a clear look at it. It is the exact cloth he is wearing
Did she draw this in a day? He thought
It's not you. She denied again and he looked up at her
I just added a copy of your clothing because I like it. She murmured
He nodded and handed it back to her. It obviously him but he decided to drop the case
Let's go. He added and walk out of the class
Tessa pouted her lip sadly
I shouldn't have lied to him. She thought and smile slightly. Did he like the drawing

A man in his late forties could be seen siting in the office. He was fidgeting and looking around despite being alone.
Why won't he..... He is buckwill accounting manager after all and on the verge of losing his life...... Sorry job. I meant job
Alder Johnson adjust his eyeglasses
The door open and his heart leaped. He stood up immediately, secretly hoping it's not Ashton..... Well, who is the boss
He turned
Good morn......
Save it. Ashton muttered coldly and walk to his seat. He was dressed in casual wear. Tank top and joggers
Alder. He called, sending cold shivers down the poor man spine
I'm sorry sir... I
Do not interrupt me Alder. Ashton cut in coldly. I don't need your apologies. I need you to fix the mess in the accounting section. Fix it fast
Alder nodded secretly wishing he won't hear the word YOU ARE FIRED
Okay sir. He said
What is the chairman doing if a small problem can't be handled!! Should I have to step in on everything!! Huh?!!
We will have it fixed sir. He look down slowly
Ashton hit his hand on the table and lean backward
Dismissed. He said blankly. Alder stood up and rush out the door
The office soon became quiet until Ashton phone rang. He took the phone and pick the call
Where the hell are you Ashton!!! Get your fucking ass over here!! Ruby angry voice sounded
Ashton immediately guess that one of his mood swings kick in
Fucking ass? Ashton frown before cutting the call
The door open and his PA walk in
Sir, regarding the textile and apparel branch being reopened today, you have a meeting with........
Hmmmm. He hummed softly, cutting her off
The company we took interest in.....
Lightweight mechanism. She picked up the statement
What's up with the holdup?
Sir, I was about to report it. A company joined the bidding
He arches his brow and lean forward
Seeing his silence, she continued
CEO of right work, Mr buc..... Daniel. She shutter and corrected immediately. He joined the bidding offering twenty billion dollars to acquire lightweight
How much do we need to acquire lightweight? He uttered curiously
A total of seven billion dollars to beat the competition sir, although I doubt Mr Daniel backing out
Ashton smirk and click his tongue
Sly fox. He added a chuckle
He stood up and walk out
She turned and followed him
            >>           >>            >>            >>
Did you see the way that bitch was clinging unto Josh!! Gosh, it so annoying !!! I feel like reapi..........
Matilda kept on ranting as she pace around the room
It was like being in a different world where you release all your anger and frustration
Who are you talking to? A voice sounded cutting her off
She turned to face Savannah, her sister
You are crazy. Savannah added
Look who is talking. Matilda snapped at her. I thought you went to pick your boyfriend? Why are you not with him?
Do not start!! Savannah yelled out before walking away
Bitch. Matilda hiss
             >>            >>           >>            >>
I don't know what you've been told
But time is running out
No need to take it slow
I'm stepping to you toe to toe
I should be scared, but honey maybe so.........

A lady sing as she dance around the small coffee shop. It was closing hours. She move her slender waist skillfully as she dust the chairs. Her brown alluring eye darted around and she nodded. She held up the towel as mic  as she walk to the door

But ain't worried bout it right now!!!
Keeping dreams alive, 1999 heroes!!!
I ain't worried bout it right now
Swimming in the flood, dancing on the clouds below.....

She turned the open sign to closed before walking back, but also immediately, the door opened
We're clos....... Her words was left hanging as she turned around. Behold, the demigod!
Clothed in hood and short. Casual and breathtaking
She watch his every expression as he entered. Her mouth slightly parted
Francisco look around the shop before looking at her
Take a seat. She flash a nervous smile with a kind gesture. Also hoping that the first word did'nt penetrate his ear

He walk pass her, straight to the front of the counter and sat on a long stool
What can I offer you? She asked, still flashing lopsided smile
Black coffee. He bluntly replied. His voice carrying... Like a dominant feature
She nodded and get to work
So, why do you wanna take coffee? She asked. I mean....... It's late. Muttering a second later
Work stuff. He replied with his eyes glued to his phone
She nodded and started making the coffee, occasionally stealing glances at him
He didn't even look up for a second
He was giving out a cold vibe. She knows better than to try starting a conversation

After a while
Here! Am done. She pass it to him
He stretch his hand, took it and drank from it
Is it good? She asked eagerly
Preoccupied with thoughts, he seem to caught a sound from the other gender
Huh? He look up slowly
Never mind. She bit her lip and looks away
He remain seated, sipping the coffee slowly
She continue cleaning, intentionally stalling for time
Dusting and vacuuming the Clean surfaces
He drank the rest of it and stood up
He brought out his bill and drop it along side the cup
His movement drew her attention so she paused her fake cleaning
Come back next time! She issued a smile
Hmm. He flatly nodded and walked out
Bye. She waved till he was out. She held her chest afterwards and giggled childishly
He is so cold........ But handsome. She muttered. He looks familiar though
She stroll to the counter and her eyes flew open wide when she saw the bill close to the cup. Just by glance, it more than she made in a week

OMG!!!! Yesss!! She exclaimed, jumping around till her phone rang
She rush to it and took it, picking the call
Where are you Maeve!! Her mother voice sounded
Mom!! Am coming. Maeve yelled happily
                >>             >>              >>
I thought I sent you a message. A deep voice fill the air in a room
A gender was sitted. A man in his late fifties. He has full thick brow and full lip. Chubby and well fed. He sat on the couch in the extremely large room. Everything neatly placed and breathing money. He stare at his son sitting opposite direction of him
I requested an audience with him but was cancelled out. His son known as Daniel replied
Mr Robert sigh out shutting his eyes
That brat seem to have grown wings
What do we do dad? Daniel asked
Call a family meeting. He replied
And Ashton? Daniel asked
I'll handle him myself
Daniel nodded and stood up to leave
Wait. Mr Robert said raising a finger. Do you have any idea on were Ashton hid.......was it.......... Oh, I remember Luxury
                     >>              >>            >>
A Porsche 718GTA rode to a halt in a silent and slightly windy place. A one minute silence follow until the door open slowly
Ashton step out of the car with a blank expression. Clothed in black cardo pant, black tank top and lug z clipper sneakers. He shut the door of the car and proceed to the opened gate.

He walk in, both hands in his pocket
His phone chimed in his pocket. He brought it out to look at the message sent to him
He pocket the phone
He sigh audibly, moving till he got to the particular destination
He look around the cemetery before squatting down at the grave before him
Hey......... Lux. It's your sorry excuse of a brother again

TBC................ 🖋🖊

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