chapter 13

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                 Chapter thirteen
WARNING ⚠ :contains violence
Might not be the best option for some readers
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Cool breeze sweep through the atmosphere, blowing the female figure hair in a dramatic style. She huffed, with a displeased expression as she look around  awaiting the other male gender; she glanced at the wristwatch on her hand
About to cuss in frustration, she saw him approaching from the other end

She her eyes rolled the other away
He got to her and smiled through opened teeth
Did I keep you waiting?
She turned to him
Francisco. She called
He frowned gradually. The thought of her knowing that name is amusing
It sounded weird
She had never called him like that
Yes? He stressed out an answer, blinking cutely

Have sex with me. She blurted out. Tonight
He frowned even more, the confuse piece breaking into many pieces
What? What are you talking about?
I don't understand. She shook her head
Come off it princess, we talked about this. It few weeks and you are out of highschool
We agreed. No sex! Why are you......
Are you refusing me? She cut in, feeling annoyed. Like, damn!!.... This is lovely
He huff and puff out air from his mouth
What are.....
Let's break up! She coldly retorted
Huh? He arches his brow
It's all happening fast
Are you deaf? I said let's break up!! I don't date impotent human

Defeating silence clouded the dark night
His mouth parted open but nothing came out for the first one full minute

What? He uttered coming back to his senses
Impotent. She repeated confidentiality. Let break up. I was gonna say it tomorrow but I changed my mind
What.....what is going on?
I don't want to associate with you anymore. Is it that hard to get? I don't know why my father even made friends with someone like your family!! Such useless people
Don't call my name. It's disgusting!!

Okay, what's all this? What did I do wrong?
What did you do? She raised a brow amusingly and release a scoff
What you did wrong is thinking that you can ever keep me with your low background; the fact that you are alive is wrong!
You are not in my league! Stay away

Francisco!! She yelled back. You should go back to your failure of a parent
Better still, die!! Only God knows what they did to have a disgrace for a son or perhaps a punishment
They were probably better off without you

The words tear him apart from inside
It was unbelievable and insulting

She smiled innocently afterward, and move closer
Find a girl of your league. A failure like you. She said in more like an advice
Oh....... Or you can go die. End your miserable life. You will help the world in ridding one poor rat. Am I not right?

She tap his cheek and slowly wipe the tears that escape his eyes
Awwnn, you pathetic thing
She turned to leave but he held her hand
Anger built up in her and she turned around, giving him a hefty slap that tilted his head side
He stood still frozen

Impotent failure. She cursed and walk away
He slowly sank to his knees, staring into space
It took minutes...
He knelt still staring till a voice sounded
He blinked and move his eyes to the direction the voice came from
Hugo!! The voice sounded louder
He look side slowly
Two in number. One familiar face. Both females
They got closer and one stopped while the other came closer and kneel down before him

Hannah. He muttered wryly
Hugo! What happened? Why are you here? Are you alright?
He opened his mouth to say something but his phone rang, cutting him off
He glanced at it
It says mama
He picked the call
Hola mama. He uttered in a dry tone
Hugo!! Where are you? It's late!! What happened? Should I come over to pick you?
Mi tesoro?

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