★ | #22 | acting

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★ | #22 | acting"kim miyoung, is it?"

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★ | #22 | acting
"kim miyoung, is it?"

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

lacy • olivia rodrigo
"aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of hell?"


THE hallways were slightly crowded, as she walked around with her earbuds in, music playing quietly from them. Her left hand held onto the strap of her backpack whilst the other crept up, running fingers through her hair of which fell over her shoulders.

It wasn't until she was shoved slightly by a shoulder, did she pause and turn around, coming face to face with the familiar face as her face went from confusion to slight frustration.

"What's your problem, Seong?" Kim Miyoung scoffed, feet carrying herself closer to the girl as she wore a scowling expression.

"Nothing. I didn't do anything." Haewon sighed out, running her hand over her face as she blinked slowly, remaining unfazed as she kept her composure.

"You bumped into me. On purpose, too." Miyoung wrongly accused, tone of voice condescending as she reached her hand out to place on Haewon's shoulder, using it to forcefully push her back.

"Kim Miyoung, I don't care nor do I have the time for this. Please actually find something better to do with your life than make mine miserable." Haewon huffed.

Her fingers carefully wrapped around Miyoung's wrist, pulling it away from her shoulder as the girl gasped dramatically, expression changing to one of anger.

"Seong Haewon just put her hands on me! Oh my god!" Miyoung exclaimed, as Haewon furrowed her brows and frowned, biting down on her bottom lip.

The few people who walked through the halls turned heads at the commotion, faces etching with curiosity and confusion.

"Miyoung, please, stop. I didn't do anything." Haewon mumbled, aware that she could get wrongly accused of something she didn't do, resulting in punishment from the school itself.

However, a certain person watched with furrowed brows, eyes narrowed slightly as he closed his locker.

With lips pressed tightly together, he wandered over to the two girls, his hand placed gently around Haewon's forearm, pulling her back before releasing his grasp around her as he stepped in-between her and Miyoung.

"Kim Miyoung, is it?" Park Sunghoon spoke, tilting his head off to the side slightly before continuing.

"I'm not one to intrude on others' situations, but Seong Haewon did nothing wrong. It was you who bumped into her in the first place." He pointed out, eyes flickering between the two girls.

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