★ | #38 | sidelines

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★ | #38 | sidelines"awe, you talk about me?"

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★ | #38 | sidelines
"awe, you talk about me?"

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

darlin'the beach boys
"i hold you in my heart as life's most precious part."


THE golden glow of the sun seemed to hit the soccer field just right, the grass looking extra green as both teams had begun their warm-up.

Seong Haewon stood alongside Jang Miyeon on the sidelines, both of their cameras hanging from the strap around their necks as they awaited a good time to take good pictures.

"You know," Miyeon began, eyes wandering around the soccer field. "I've never been to a soccer game before." The girl admitted, as Haewon raised a brow.

"Really? Not even once?" Haewon asked, tilting her head curiously off of the side as Miyeon shook her head, a smile spread across her features.

"Nope, not even once." Miyeon chuckled, her head turning to meet Haewon's intrigued gaze as she folded her arms over her chest. "I've never been a sporty type. It's just not something I'm interested in, personally."

"Hey, that's understandable." Haewon hummed, shrugging her shoulders subtly as she shifted her weight from one leg to another.

"Honestly, I only really learned about soccer because of Heeseung. He'd always drag me to his games and over to his house to watch the national team play on the TV. I had to learn all the rules because I'd watch it so often without knowing what was really going on." She confessed, pursing her lips.

Miyeon tilted her head, a pout tugging at her lips as she 'awed'. "Seriously? That's so cute, though." She let out, hand reaching out to gently push the slightly younger girl on the shoulder.

"Cute?" Haewon breathed out, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she flashed a puzzled look, shaking her head. "I don't see it, but oh well."

"Oh, come on. You learned his sport for him, Haewon. If you don't see how sweet that is, you're pretty blind if you ask me." Miyeon teased, rolling her eyes playfully.

"It wasn't even like that! I was also just kinda interested in it when he started to make me watch the national team play. It's a fun sport, okay?" Haewon grumbled playfully, nose scrunching up in mock annoyance.

"Ahh, stages of denial. I've been through that too, girl." Miyeon clicked her tongue teasingly, patting her friend on the back slowly.

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