★ | #05 | camera

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★ | #05 | camera"what's with the camera?"

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★ | #05 | camera
"what's with the camera?"

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

end of beginning djo
"just trust me, you'll be fine."


WHAT little sunlight left in the evening sky flooded into the school hallways through the windows, as the slam of her locker echoed throughout the hall.

Haewon swung her backpack around her shoulder as her camera strap hung around her neck, making her way out of the building as she began her journey to the school stadium, where Heeseung's soccer practices were held.

As she got closer and entered the small stadium, she could hear the faint sound of chatter and laughter, and the team ended their practice in a scrimmage.

Haewon chuckled upon hearing how much fun they all seemed to be having, as she climbed up into the bleachers, a small breath leaving her lips as she slid her backpack off of her shoulders, a light breeze brushing through her hair of which had finally been let down from the ponytail she had put it in earlier on in the day.

As she waited for the remainder of his practice to come to an end, she busied herself as she messed around with the camera she had hung around her neck, looking through the pictures and videos she had taken over the school year.

Mainly of which were attempted professional shots, as she was learning how to work a camera properly— even given the opportunity to take shots for the school newspaper.

Her gaze shifted up, looking over at the soccer team. Although a bit hesitant, she shrugged and positioned her camera in her hands, focusing on the scene in front of her as she snapped a quick photo, thinking it could go into the highlights of the soccer team in the year of 1999.

The girl looked down at her camera, reviewing the shot before deeming it to be good enough. All whilst, the blow of a whistle surrounded the area, the scrimmage they were all in coming to an end as the sun had finally set, the sky facing into a dark blue, as an orange ring hung around the horizon.

Haewon perked up at the noise, curious eyes looking over to see the team huddling up together, presumably closing off their practice for the night to return home and rest properly in time for the next day.

She grabbed her backpack, slipping her arm through the strap of the backpack as she treaded carefully down the steps to the bleachers, lips pressed together in a thin line.

A few minutes passed, and their team chant filled her ears, officially ending the practice. Her eyes wandered around before landing on Heeseung, who walked over to the sidelines of the field, where his sports bag remained.

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