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★ | #17 | home"what time is it anyway?"

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★ | #17 | home
"what time is it anyway?"

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

saturn • sza
"sick of this head of mine."


“I'LL be back! I'm gonna walk Haewon home!” Heeseung called out from the doorway, a gentle hand wrapped around hers as he tugged her along with him out of the house as he listened to the sounds of approval coming from his family before he closed the front door.

Stepping out into the cool, late night air was refreshing. Soft breezes sent goosebumps over their exposed skin as the boy let go of her hand as they began to walk down the stone pathway to exit his gated lawn.

“I hope my dad's asleep by now. I mean, what time is it anyway?” Haewon huffed, arms folding over her chest as she looked around, the moon a spotlight for each step they took, its soft glow lighting up their path.

“Hm? It's about ten o'clock.” Heeseung replied, eyes gazing down upon the silver watch wrapped around his wrist.

“God, my mom's going to kill me.” The girl groaned, bringing her hand up to brush through her long hair, having taken it out of the hairdo she put it in earlier.

“And why is that?” Heeseung questioned, head tilted off to the side as his gaze fixed on her side profile, waiting patiently as she sighed before responding.

“Staying out so late. Well, not necessarily that. More so staying out late without actually talking to her first. The only thing I said to her today was good morning, and I wasn't even directly talking to her.” Haewon mumbled, pressing her lips together in a thin line.

“Hm,” Heeseung hummed, a sigh falling past his lips as he searched for the correct words in his head, unsure of how to respond, “It'll be okay.” He uttered in an attempt to provide comfort.

The girl breathed out a small laugh, humming in return before changing the subject.

“So,” She began, clearing her throat as she kicked a rock along with her. “I’m thinking of applying for a job at that café near our school.”

“For real? You should. Maybe we'd get discounts.” Heeseung chuckled, nudging her softly as she scoffed.

“What? Are you trying to use me for discounts?” Haewon narrowed her eyes, snickered as she nudged him back. “And who is ‘we’? I'd be getting all the discounts. Not you.”

“Hey, money is precious. Especially when you constantly spend it on dumb things.” Heeseung said, his tone of voice laced with sarcasm and teasing.

“If this is about that plushie you bought, save it. That was a good purchase.” Haewon grumbled under her breath, as the boy raised his brows.

“You brought it up, not me.” He laughed, raising his hands up in defense as she could only roll her eyes.

“Anyway, as I was saying, I saw they were hiring and I've been thinking about it. The pay is alright, and I can actually see myself working there. It's cozy.” Haewon continued, biting down on her bottom lip.

“I say go for it. If you like the environment and the staff is friendly, it's beneficial. And I'll visit often in my free time if I don't have work myself.” Heeseung urged softly, as Haewon hummed.

“Alright. I'll go there after school tomorrow I guess. That is if I'm not grounded.” Haewon joked, rolling her eyes as Heeseung shook his head.

“Oh, please, I doubt you'll get grounded. And I'll swing by to vouch for you if you do.” He reassured, waving it off.

“Right. I'll hold you to that.” She nodded quietly, a lopsided smile finding its place on her lips.

“I think I'm most nervous for the interview questions, though. It's always so awkward.” Haewon expressed, shuddering at the thought.

“I really doubt they'll ask you much. I go to that café often, and they're almost always short staffed. I think they'll accept you in an instant.” Heeseung dismissed, scrunching his nose up lightly.

“Let’s hope. I need the money.” Haewon chuckled, as a small smile crept up onto Heeseung’s lips.

“Why? So you can spend it on that manhwa addiction of yours?”

“I mean, yeah. But I also realized now I need to start saving up for an apartment. I wanna move out once I graduate. I hate being stuck in a house with my parents. I love my mom, but I cannot stand to hear my parent's arguments almost nightly.” Haewon mumbled, eyebrows curving inward in thought.

“I get it. But, it's a little late to start saving up, isn't it?” Heeseung asked, tilting his head as she nodded.

“Yeah. I doubt I'll be able to afford anything decent until maybe a year or two after graduation, but it's better to start saving now than never.” The girl explained, shrugging it off as nothing.

“True, true.” Heeseung hummed and nodded in agreement.

“Honestly, we're in the same boat. I wanna move out after graduation, but not because of my parents or anything like that. I guess I just want my own independence and stuff. But, I've only started saving up my money last year.” He added on quietly.

The breeze carried through, brushing through her strands of hair as leaves rustled gently on tree branches. A hum fell past her lips as she turned to look at him.

“Well,” She began, blinking slowly before looking away. “Let's work hard to earn that independence.”

Heeseung chuckled, nodding lightly in response as he shifted to walk closer beside her, swinging his arm around her shoulder.


★﹐authors corner .﹗﹑ 0.9k words
i'm sorry for such a short chapter omg ughhhh i tried everything i had to make it longer but it seems i've gone braindead and couldn't find a way to extend this naturally ☹️

regardless, thank you all so much for reading. i'll always appreciate your support <3
april 23rd, 2024 — 11:21pm.
not proofread.

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