Others are helping more then you ever did

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As we slowly started realizing the gravity of the situation Erza punched the ground in anger at herself which completely destroyed the wood planks which were hit. A Conductor noticed this as he started approaching us as Erza let out a growl "Damnit, how could I have let this happen...Lucy hit me for my mistake." Erza demanded as I flicked through the aliens on my watch before selecting XLR-8.
"I'll catch up to the train, you guys find a way to stop it." I said as I slammed my hand onto the faceplate of the watch before my body started changing in a flash of green.
However things felt weird as my body didn't change into XLR-8...instead it started bloating out as I grew, and some armour plating grew on my shoulders and back as the light dimmed and I called out "Cannonbolt? I miss when it when it glitched out less." I rolled my eyes as I then rolled into a ball and started speeding away down the tracks as Erza watched with wide eyes, not having seen my magic before.
"T-That's one of his take overs?" Erza asked as Gray shrugged.
"Who would've known." He sighed as the conductor finally made it to Erza as the two started arguing.

Back with me I could feel the train getting closer as I continued rolling as fast as I could, not being able to see properly whilst rolling I had to mentally count how many carts I passed so I got into the right cart but as I got closer the train suddenly skidded to a halt, putting a wrench in my plan as I decided to go with the flow and rolled straight through the wall of one cart hitting a man with Black hair as I did so which sent him flying into a wall. As I got to my feet I saw Natsu recovering from what looked like a punch as he got up to his feet "What the hell are you?" Natsu shouted in shock as the mage who was attacking Natsu growled.
"That should be my question. Why are you trying to stop me from stomping out this fly, you monster?" The man asked as I glared at him.
"You attacked my guildmate so of course I'm going to retaliate." I smirked as I looked at Natsu who finally connected the pieces.
"Oh Ben- Why the hell did you forget me!" Natsu shouted at me as I rolled my eyes.
"Can we focus on this later Natsu? The train will start moving again in any second, so lets deal with this creep before that happens," I smirk as I hear a familiar beeping and my smirk faded immediately as in a flash of green I was back to normal "Damnit." I groaned as the man looked at me with a glare.
"You've done pissed me off kid!" He growled as he wiped some blood from his mouth as slowly the train started whirring, making it obvious it was about to start moving again.
"Crap, let's get off this death trap Ben!" Natsu roared as he slung me over his shoulder and jumped out the hole that Cannonbolt had made.

As Natsu jumped out the now moving train I slammed my eyes shut out of fear, for some reason I thought I heard Gray as Natsu was tugged in the air which I felt as I fell on the plastic roof of what felt like a car. Slowly I opened my eyes to see I was laying on the roof of a carriage being piloted by Erza before Lucy held her hand up the hole in the roof for me to take so she could help me into the carriage as I let out a sigh whilst Natsu just laid on the roof being affected by his motion sickness. "Ben, you okay?" Lucy asked, noticing I was shaken by Natsu grabbing me and jumping off a moving train.
"Y-Yeah...I'm fine just...not used to jumping off moving vehicles as a human..." I panted as Erza called out from the front as we continued to trail the train which was moving away from us at fast rates.
"What was that Ben?" Erza asked as I panted.
"Cannonbolt, one of my aliens who can roll really fast...One of my favourite aliens to turn into." I explained as Erza shook her head.
"I meant your magic." She responded quickly as I looked away awkwardly.
"It's hard to explain, can we wait until after the mission and then I will be fine to answer your question." I asked as Erza nodded, focusing on the road.
"It looked like you were in a hurry though." Erza said as I nodded.
"Some guy with black hair in a white coat was attacking Natsu when I got there, I gave him a good hit though before he could get away." I explained as Natsu started grumbling something.
"He said...He's from...Eis...en...wald I think it was." He slowly said as our eyes widened, realising what Natsu had just told us.
"Well they know we're coming now so there is no time to waste, after that train!" Gray exclaimed as Erza nodded, speeding up the magic cart.
"What did he look like?" Erza asked as I quickly described him.
"He had black hair, a white and black coat on and a weird green bag with a small skull looking object poking out of it." I explained as Natsu continued to grumble, clearly having something to add to this but unable to say it due to his motion sickness.
"Lullaby...weird skull...wait Ben how many eyes did the skull have?" Lucy asked as I tilted my head.
"Now I think about it, I think it had three eyes." I recalled as Lucy's face turned pale.
"That's it...now I remember...Lullaby is a cursed song, I read it in a book and what he must have had was the flute to play Lullaby!" Lucy exclaimed.
"So we're worried about a song?" Gray asked as Lucy nodded.
"Yes, the spell puts people to sleep...permanently." Lucy explained as our faces went pale.
"If they use it in an overpopulated area, hundreds of people could die!" Erza exclaimed.
"Then we won't let it!" I said seriously.
"A mass murder magic...if Erigor holds such a thing where will they use it?" Erza muttered to herself as unbeknownst to us a certain train station was currently under attack by the very same Erigor Erza was wondering about.

As we slowed down near Kunugi station we could easily hear people muttering about a train with a giant hole in the side being hijacked and taken straight to Oshibana, we all immediately knew that was the same train we were on just this morning so we decided to continue following the tracks through the barren cliffs around Kunugi town. The further we got from Kunugi station though the faster Erza pushed the pedal to the medal as she started going at such speeds that was close to the speeds that trains got to. "Erza, you're going to fast!" Gray called out as Erza shook her head.
"No, I'm not going fast enough. If someone plays that flute people will die, human lives ended by the melody of the flute. I couldn't live with myself if innocent people got hurt because of my actions...not again..." Erza said to herself as she continued speeding through the valley.
"Just don't overdo yourself Erza, we need you in this fight." I call out to her as she shakes her head.
"If it comes to it, I'll just pick up a stick and fight...but it won't." Erza said determined as Happy started speaking up inside the cabin.
"Oh yeah I had something to tell you Lucy...I can't remember though." Happy said with his usual Happy attitude.
"What?" Lucy asked confused.
"I just told you I can't remember." Happy shrugged as Natsu was doing his best to hold in his motion sickness which to his credit he was lasting longer then I thought.
"Cant...hold it..." Natsu slowly said as he stuck his head out the window before vomiting, noticing he was starting to slip I held his body down as through the window I saw in the distance a giant building with smoke emanating from it.
"I assume we are here." I said as Erza pulled us to a stop, and we rushed straight to the building.

Barging past anyone who was in our way, we quickly made it into the building where we were met with a gruesome sight. Various knights had been knocked out and cut to pieces, they were all still alive however who knew how long they had? My fists clenched as I looked at Erza. "Erza, I want to help these people...you guys go on ahead." I softly say as I activate my watch and turn into Four Arms, who picked two people up at a time before taking them out of the building and into a clearing so they were out of harms way and anyone with healing magic could get to them.

Getting all the injured soldiers out of the building took me five minutes however as I was resting the last two people gently on the floor I looked backwards to see Erza walking out calmly whilst grabbing a speakerphone telling all the citizens to run away and take the injured with them. She slowly approached me "You did a great job helping those people Ben, I'm proud that you took the lives of the innocents as priority." Erza smiled to me before we felt a small wind starting to blow at us from towards the station.
We slowly looked towards the station as the small wind started ramping up rapidly as a massive tornado covered the station preventing Lucy, Happy, Natsu and Gray from getting out. "A tornado is surrounding the station!" Erza gasped as a creepy chuckle came from above us, looking up we saw a man hovering in the air with a scythe over his shoulders.
He was floating in a casual position as I thought for a second before running off pretending to be a scared child which Erza understood what I was doing. "What is a little fly like you doing out here...and where is that round creature I heard from my underling about?" The man with silver hair and a face tattoo asked as Erza shook her head.
"Erigor, did you do this?" Erza asked with a scowl as Erigor then proceeded to wag his finger.
"You didn't answer my question, but it doesn't matter, I don't have the time to deal with the likes of you right now...so be a good little fly and stay in your cage!" Erigor roared as a gust of wind through out of his hands as it pushed Erza straight into the tornado.
"No!" I called out as I heard the Omnitrix beep to say it was ready to be used again, without hesitation I activated my watch as slowly my body started to change.
Suddenly my body started to grow as my skin turned green and all my appendages turned into vines whilst the jaws of what looked like a Venus flytrap came out of my neck before I called out "Wildvine!" Quickly I whip one of my vines forward as I grab Erigor by his leg, the dark mage looked unamused towards me as one of his eyebrows raised.
"I suppose you're the man who beat up my underling...I'm unimpressed by your choice of transformation to fight me with." He calmly said as he tugged at my vine which pulled me towards him.
"You'll regret under-estimating me!" I called out as I threw some pods from my back towards Erigor which bound his hands together as I got to him only to punch him in his face which caused him to let go of me and be sent flying backwards, almost being sent into the wind wall as I fell to the ground below me.
"Tch, you're smarter then the fly I just discarded." Erigor wiped his mouth which was now bleeding.
"That's not all I am!" I roared as I threw some pods into the ground below Erigor who just broke out of the vines I put his arms in.
"Maybe not, but you're also not fast enough to stop me!" Erigor roared out as he started flying upwards as the vines I planted in the ground sprouted up, almost grabbing Erigor by his feet but he used his wind to escape narrowly as he flew away with speeds I couldn't even come close to without XLR-8.
"Damnit!" I shouted as I ran to outside of the wind wall before turning back into my normal form.
"Ben, are you out there?" Erza called out as I called back.
"I am Erza, Erigor escaped...I'm sorry." I apologized as my fists started to clench.
"From the sounds of it you almost had it, look for a way to stop Wind Wall out there and I'll interrogate their members in here." Erza commanded as I nodded, though I immediately realised Erza couldn't see me nod.
"Got it, see you soon." I called out as I started running around the wall when a few injured soldiers who I helped save started following behind me, struggling to keep up.

I slowed myself down as I turned to look at them "You three should be resting." I said as they shook their head.
"You saved us, now we'll help you save your friends." The first one said as he held out his hand for me to shake which I nodded.
"Alright, you guys go round the other side. Look for any way to counter the wind wall, be it stopping the spell or a way to get around it." I smiled as they nodded, heading the other way.

As the knights started running the other way one of them said to the first one "Shouldn't we also tell him the message from the Princess?" The second one asked as the first one shook his head.
"We will have plenty of chances to pass on the message another time, lets focus on helping him first." The first knight nodded as they started investigating the wall.

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