That Island and me...we're both cursed

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As I approached Mira's place I took a deep breath, I knew I couldn't be too up front with what the job was- I mean we're taking on an S-Class mission, but I have to say something. I practice my lines in my head as I open the door and see Mira getting ready for Bed. Mira looked over and smiled at me in her Black Pyjama's. "Oh hey Ben, Dinner is in the fridge since you missed it." Mira smiled as I nodded.
"Thanks Mira, actually I'm gonna be gone for a few days. I'm going on a trip with Natsu, Happy and Lucy." I said awkwardly as I tried to be as vague as possible for what the trip was about.
Mira looked at me with a soft smile on her face before she sat down on the sofa and patted the seat next to her, motioning for me to sit next to her. I took a deep breath before I walked very stiffly before sitting down next to the S-Class mage. "Ben, are you still upset about what happened with Laxus?" Mira asked as I tilted my head before slowly nodding.
"Back on my world, I saved the universe multiple times- I've done so many things that Laxus couldn't...and yet because I'm trapped in this my kid body...I know I have to sit there and take his insults." I sighed, I genuinely felt like this however this conversation was a good way to make sure Mira didn't find out what I was about to do.
"That's the thing Ben, you're a kid again so you don't have to be strong enough to fight back...You're incredibly brave, you fought one of Zeref's demons...but don't push yourself to get back to where you were before you came to Fiore or you'll grow up pushing yourself to be someone you'll never be again." Mira softly smiled to me as she fidgeted away slightly.
"Thank's Mira...are you okay?" I asked.
"You just smell a bit of sweat sorry, so are you going with Natsu to get stronger with him?" Mira asked as I slowly nodded.
"I have to unlock more of my aliens if I am to help protect everyone...that includes you Mira, and Elfman!" I smiled as Mira looked down softly, a sad look growing on her face.
"Ben...just remember you can't protect everyone." Mira softly spoke.
"Is this about the girl in that picture?" I asked as I pointed to a picture on the fireplace of a younger Elfman and Mira and a young girl with the same coloured hair.
"Her name was Lisanna...she was the youngest of us three, the three Strauss siblings. We went on a S-Class mission...and she died, we couldn't protect her." Mira said as a tear fell out of her right eye.
"An S-Class..." I softly said.
"Yeah...since then I haven't been using my magic, and Elfman can't fully use his because of the trauma." Mira explained.
"Don't worry, you won't lose anyone else...and I'm sure Lisanna is looking down at you proudly." I smiled as I wiped her tear away.
"Thanks be careful with Natsu...and maybe have a shower before you leave." Mira smiled before getting up and heading to bed.
"I'm sorry Mira..." I mumbled as I went to my room to grab some spare clothes for after the shower, knowing if she found out what we were doing it would kill her emotionally.

As the sun rose in Hargeon I was standing by a boat waiting for Natsu, Happy and Lucy to arrive. After my shower I used XLR-8 to get here before them however it's since been an hour and I arrived and after talking to most the captains, none of them were interested in taking us to Galuna Island. As I approached a tall man with a goatee and a bandana over his head, I could hear the slow approach of two footsteps and flaps of a set of wings. "Hey, me and some friends are trying to go to Galuna island. Could you take us there?" I asked.
"I don't know why you want to go, but you won't find a sailor who will take you. Even Pirates avoid the island." The sailor warned as I took a deep sigh.
"Oh...thank you for the help." I said as I turned around to see Natsu, Lucy and Happy approaching.
"How did you get here before us Ben?" Natsu asked as I chuckled.
"XLR-8, anyways I've asked but no one will take us to Galuna island." I sighed as I looked towards the sailor who I was just speaking to, who was still looking at me.
"Okay, then we swim." Natsu said casually.
"Swim? That's an even surer way to commit suicide. Well if you aren't afraid of huge man-eating sharks, then that's another matter I guess." The Sailor spoke up.
"I'd be fine, because I can turn into one myself." I chuckled.
"Yeah, and I'll fry them to a crisp." Natsu smirked.
"You can't light fires in the open Ocean." Lucy reminded.
"So we're back to step one then." I sighed as we all sat in a row.
"Found you!" A familiar voice spoke as a cold hand placed itself on mine and Natsu's shoulders.
"Gray, what are you doing here?" Lucy asked in a panic as I hid behind Natsu to pretend I wasn't there.
"I'm here to drag you four back, Master's orders...and Mira is very worried about you Ben." Gray said as he looked directly into mine and my heart sunk once again.
"You mean they found out already?" Natsu asked in shock.
"If you come back now, you might avoid being expelled. Let's go." Gray smirked.
"Expelled?" Lucy asked in a panic.
"We can't do that Gray, these people are in danger so we have to go save them!" I exclaimed.
"This is way above the paygrade of a ten year old boy Ben, your watch would time out before you could do anything much anyways." Gray warned.
"Shame, we wanna do the S-Class quest and that's final!" Natsu growled.
"What if Erza found out?" Gray asked as a shiver sent down Natsu, Happy and Lucy's spines.
"We don't care, we're going if you like it or not." I glared as I activated the Omnitrix and hovered my hand over the face as a warning.
"Fine, don't complain if you get hurt during this." Gray growled as he formed some ice shards in his hand.
"You want a piece of me?" Natsu roared as his flame coated his fists.
"Magic?" The old sailor asked as suddenly he asked "You guys are wizards?"
"Yeah we are." I spoke.
"You wouldn't be going to rid the island of its curse would you?" He asked as we nodded.
"Yeah!" Natsu smirked.
"No." Gray growled.
"Get on." The old sailor said determined as without hesitation I jumped on the ship whilst Natsu kicked Gray onto the boat before getting on himself.
The moment Lucy and Happy got on the boat the old sailor pushed the boat away from the harbour. As the scent of the open sea filled my nose, a smile grew on my face as the nostalgic smell made me think back to when I was ten. In the meanwhile Natsu and Lucy were squabbling before Natsu found his motion sickness kick in.
Hours passed on sea and as the moon was high in the air, me and Lucy were sitting next to each other and across from a tied up Natsu. "I know it's a little late, but I'm starting to get scared." Lucy said sheepishly.
"After you tied me up like this, what a thing to say!" Gray shouted angrily.
"Shut up Gray, Lucy it's normal to feel fear in moments like this but we will save those people if I'm not Ben 10." I grinned.
"Ben 10, you were very eager to save the island...why?" The sailor asked.
"I'm a hero, if I can help someone I will do whatever I can to help them. So, what was with the sudden change of attitude?" I asked.
"My name is Bobo. Long ago I was a man on that island. I escaped that cursed island." Bobo introduced.
"What is the curse?" Happy asked.
"The tragedy will fall upon you, too. That is what it means to go to that you really think you can remove the curse?" Bobo asked.
"We won't stop until we succeed." I grinned.
"Even if the curse...turns you into a demon?" Bobo asked as a shadow corrupted his arm and it changed shape to look like the arm of a demon.
As Gray, Lucy and Happy looked intimidated I nodded. "Even if we die, I will save the Cursed Island of Galuna."

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