I don't need you anymore

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As we got back to the guild Mirajane, who was opening the guild, motioned for me to approach her with her usual pure smile on her face. I said goodbye to Lucy and Natsu before approaching her with a smile on my face. "Hey Mirajane, what's up?" I asked with a yawn, Mirajane giggling slightly at the action.
"Correct me if I am wrong but you don't have a place to live, do you?" Mirajane asked as I shook my head.
"I'm from a place so far away so I don't no." I replied with a bittersweet smile on my face, I miss my family so much, but I tried to keep it hidden even if I did terrible at it.
"Well me and Elfman would happily house you whilst you're part of the guild Ben, we have a spare room anyways." Mirajane offered as my eyes widened.
"Really? T-That would be amazing thank you!" I thanked as Mirajane giggled.
"No need to thank us, Elfman was also into the idea so he could help 'train your normal self up'." Mirajane explained as I smiled.
"It means a lot." I smiled as Mirajane nodded.
"I get off shift later tonight, would you be able to wait until then for us to head home?" Mirajane asked as I nodded.
"Of course Mirajane." I smiled as Mirajane shook her head.
"Just call me Mira." She smiled as I nodded.
"Okay Mira." I smiled before letting out a large yawn.
"Oh my, you haven't had much sleep have you?" Mira asked as I shook my head.
"Nuh-uh, I got some sleep on the train to Magnolia but apart from that I haven't had any since coming here." I spoke honestly as Mira chuckled.
"Well there is some blankets in the corner as well as some cushioned seats if you want to have a sleep. Hopefully we don't have a guild fight too early." Mira smiled.
"And you probably just jinxed it." I smiled before walking to the corner of the guild before slowly nodding off to sleep.

As I slept the memory of talking with Serena and Bellicus replayed in my mind, but as it did flashes of my past started showing themselves. The main memories being of me getting the Omnitrix for the first time and my fight against Vilgax on Xenon, suddenly a new memory played...I don't remember this one but Vilgax was in the middle of a harsh desert whilst swinging his sword ruthlessly until a man in a black robe and black hair approached him...

And then I woke up to the sight of a guild fight happening. I stretched out for a bit before noticing the guild fight wasn't calming down, suddenly the urge to join in was too strong so without a second thought I activated the Omnitrix and slammed my hand down on it when suddenly my body started to grow orange fur all over my body and my eyes vanished, these four gill like stripes appearing on each side of my neck. I let out a wild roar as I jump into the fight as Wildmutt and punched Loke in the face who was sent tumbling back, slowly Gray started approaching me. "Let's see what you got." Gray smirked, putting his right fist onto the palm of his hand as mist started to form around his hand.
Before Gray could get the chance to attack I rushed him and punched him again, my claw getting stuck in his trousers as he was sent flying in just his underwear. Letting out a triumphant roar I started fighting the guy with two large front teeth, punching him with the fist which still had Gray's trousers on (mainly because I was having trouble dropping them), he gulped as he dodged every one of my attack. It was then I sensed a flying object coming my way so I jumped above the frozen hammer which hit the guy right on the head before the Omnitrix symbol on my shoulder started beeping red, suddenly I turned back to normal with a sheepish look on my face as I gave Gray his trousers back. "Sorry about that, I can't drop things well as Wildmutt." I said awkwardly as Gray put on his trousers finally.
"No worries, you're strong kid." Gray smirked as I smirked back.
"Yeah I know, as the hero of Earth being strong comes with the duty." I bragged as Gray looked at me.
"Uhh...right..." Gray said as he left the guild wondering what an 'earth' is and if its just what I call the planet.
I roll my eyes as I let out a sigh before heading towards the bar and sitting on one of the stools next to Elfman. "Manly fighting there Ben!" Elfman grinned as I nodded, giving the takeover mage a thumbs up.
"Thanks Elfman, also thanks for letting me stay with you guys. I already thanked Mira, but I have to also thank you." I smiled as Elfman ruffled my hair.
"No worries kid." Elfman grinned as I rolled my eyes.
"And this kid could kick your ass if I wanted to," I sighed as I looked down at the Omnitrix "at least if I was at full power I could." I sighed as Mira approached with Cana pulling up a chair.
"So, you got more aliens in that thing?" Cana asked as I nodded.
"According to the creator there is over 1 million species in this watch, though I have only really seen like 70 of them." I explained as I activated the face plate as the silhouette of Upgrade appeared.
"And yet you say you don't have your full power?" Mira asked as I nodded.
"I'm back to only ten usable aliens, one is locked, and I wouldn't even want to turn into him anyways and another one I'm worried will try to take over my body again." I sighed as Mira leaned forward.
"What was the story behind that?" Mirajane asked as I sighed, regaling the tale of Ghostfreak and his great escape.

After I explained the last encounter with Z'skayr the group looked on confused. "If you lost that alien then why can you select it again?" Cana asked as I sighed.
"I don't know, and I don't want to risk it, if he tries to take control again or escape there is no telling what he could do...especially if he tries to possess a powerful mage like Master." I sighed as I flicked away from Ghost Freaks silhouette.
"We wouldn't let him don't worry Ben, and we won't let him hurt you either." Mirajane smiled as Elfman finally spoke up.
"You've done so much in your young age, a true man to be!" Elfman cheered as I shrugged.
"It's par for the course for the wielder of this watch." I sighed as I thought about my old friends and family from my home world, people like Grandpa, Gwen, Kevin I really miss.
"Hmm, you said you had more aliens in that watch right Ben?" Mira asked as I nodded.
"Yeah, whilst who I have are great I still miss using some of my stronger aliens like Humungosaur or Way Big." I smiled as Mira thought.
"Well maybe with some sparring you might be able to unlock some again." Mira clapped her hands as I thought for a second.
"That could work, alright I'm down to fight whoever." I smiled.
"Then how about me," A familiar voice spoke from the side and as I looked I saw Loke standing there with two girls by his side again "You handled yourself well earlier against Gray, I wanna see what you're made of kid. I bet with my help I can train you up to be my prodigy." Loke smirked as I smirked.
"How about a bet, if I lose I become your protegee but if you lose then you have to buy me a years' worth of chilli fries!" I smirk as he tilts his head.
"Is that all?" He asked confused, expecting me to ask for something bigger or embarrassing.
"Yep, Chilli Fries." I nodded happily, affirming what I wanted.
"Alright it's a bet then." Loke smirked as we walked out back to the training grounds.

The training grounds was a basic dirt patch with a witness stand on the side where Mira, Elfman, Cana watching. I stood on one side and Loke stood on the other side whilst getting his rings ready. "I hope you're ready to learn the ways of the woman Benjamin." Loke smirked as I smirked back, selecting Four Arms.
"I am certainly ready, though I'm ready for my chilli fries not to learn the ways of cooties." I smirked as the bell rang and quickly I slammed my hand down to my watch.
In a bright flash my body started changing but instead of growing like when I normally use Four Arms I felt my body grow a tail as my feet changed shape and my skin turned blue "XLR8? I guess this works." I smirk as I run up to Loke but as I got close an explosion happens on the floor underneath me sending me backwards.
"Ring Mines, a useful bit of magic to know." Loke smirked as he ran around the battlefield placing the mines everywhere he could whilst I was recovering.
Slowly I got to my feet as all the mines vanished, this was going to be more difficult but then an idea formed in my mind and a smirk appeared on my face behind my mask. "If I'm fast enough I wont be hit by the mines!" I said aloud as Loke smirked, hopping in certain spots around the battlefield as he approached me.
"I wont let you," He responded as his second rind activated "Ring Jump!" He called as He jumped high into the air trying to land next to me but as he did I started running in a circle where I woke up, knowing he hadn't placed any mines from under me. Slowly a tornado started to form when another of his rings started to glow.
"Ring Twister!" Loke called out as a counter twister appeared out of his ring as I was sent flying into the air and to make situations worse the Omnitrix timed out leaving me falling at a great speed in the middle of the sky.
"Ben!" Mira exclaimed worried for me as Cana and Elfman got ready in case they had to step in.
"Come on you stupid watch, if you're going to give me an alien now be it a flyer!" I cried as I got closer and closer to the ground when I heard the Omnitrix beep, and the watch activated itself.

Suddenly my body started to bloat and expand outwards as yellow circles appeared on my shoulders and some appeared going in a straight line down my back as my body was now White with Black stripes. I immediately knew what to do as I curled into a ball and landed directly on top of Loki, knocking him out as I got to my feet and raised my arms triumphantly "Cannonbolt!" I called out in my deep voice as I looked down and saw Loke knocked out from the brunt force of getting landed on by Cannonbolt.
"So a new alien did show itself, I wonder what this one can do." Cana wandered as I turned into a ball and rolled over to Cana at quick speeds.
"I roll." I say triumphantly as I got to my feet.
"Is...that all?" Cana asked, slightly disappointed.
"It's more then you think, trust me," I responded before turning back to my normal self "Besides he is one of my favourite guys." I grinned as Loke slowly approached us.
"You...You did good there...I'm shocked you beat me." Loke chuckled.
"I could've beaten you sooner if I had some of my other aliens, Lodestar would've taken the rings right off your fingers leaving you useless." I bragged as he sighed.
"Whatever, I'll go get a portion of chilli fries." Loke sighed as he walked into the guild dejectedly with his two girls following him.
"Make it a large!" I call out excited with a grin.
"So what can you tell us about 'Cannonbolt' I think you called him?" Mira asked as we started heading into the guild hall ourselves.
"The first time I used him was against this giant tick which was slowly eating away at the earth, it started getting close but luckily we stopped it intime. As Cannonbolt I was swallowed by it and started bouncing around in its insides which managed to kill it...and then the cultists looking after it started praising me, I wonder where they went?" I asked myself as the trio of mages looked at me confused.
"Why...do you keep calling Earthland, Earth?" Elfman asked confused as I looked at him.
"Is this not Earth?" I asked as a bead of sweat fell down my forehead.
"No." Mira replied as I sighed.
"Well...I guess have some explaining to do." I sighed as I looked at the three

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