I'm scared...

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It took me ten minutes before I met up with the Magic Knights on the other side of the wind wall, in that time I couldn't find any gap in the wall and my mind was stumped on how to disarm it or get through it without trapping myself too...if only I knew magic this would've been much easier! I panted heavily the moment I reunited with the four soldiers when the first one spoke up "How was your search Sir Tennyson?" He asked as my head tilted in confusion...
"How do you know my name," I asked confused before shaking my head "Now's not the time for that, I came up with nothing that wouldn't lead me to getting trapped like Lucy and everyone are right now." I sighed as I looked down, feeling useless.
First I let that Eisenwald member escape with Lullaby, then I let Erigor go and now I couldn't find any way to counteract the wall...I really am useless. I lowered my head in shame before the soldier spoke up.
"Well, for what it's worth we have a theory on how to get your friends out. Luckily all the civilians got away so the only other people in there are dark mages, so we don't have to worry about getting all of them out too." The first knight said as the second knight spoke up.
"If you can dig under the surface and make a tunnel you theoretically could go under and leave a path for them to get out of." The soldier explained as my eyes widened, that was it!
"Way to go!" I exclaimed as I heard the beep of the Omnitrix telling me it was ready to be used again.
"But to dig like that could take hours." The third knight said as I flicked through my aliens until I landed on Wildvine again.
"Oh leave that to me." I smirked as I turned back into Wildvine and started digging under the tornado.

As I quickly dug I started hearing a weird sound, it sounded a lot like a drill and as I continued to dig under the wind wall the ground in front of me opened up to show a woman with pink hair in a maid dress who was in a diving position. She looked into my eyes, tilting her head as she grabbed me and started digging backwards the way she came "Let go of me!" I shouted out in shock as the light from the end of her tunnel got closer and when I popped my head out I saw Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Happy and Erza looking down at me confused.
"Umm...Virgo you were supposed to get us out of here, not bring us a plant." Lucy said in confusion.
"I'm sorry mistress, but this plant was digging the same way and finished the tunnel for me. If you are disappointed in my results please feel free to punish me." The maid woman said as she bent over towards Lucy who pushed her away from her.
"Oh my god, you're just like Taurus." Lucy sighed in frustration.
"Guys it's me, Ben!" I exclaimed as I turned back to normal, still in a tight grip by Virgo.
"Ben!" Natsu and Gray exclaimed in shock as I dusted myself off.
"I'm sorry he got away..." I apologised again as Erza shook her head.
"No need to worry, we know where he is heading...we just have to get there first..." Erza said cryptically as I nodded, looking over to Natsu who had slung the dark mage over this shoulder.
"What are you doing Natsu?" Gray asked as he climbed into the hole.
"I wont feel right if he dies after fighting me..." Natsu slowly said as he jumped through the hole with me following next.

As we exited the hole both me and that maid Virgo made, I immediately saw Natsu put down the mage and fly away with happy doing the flying. I go to transform to follow him, but the watch was still on recharge mode, Lucy and Erza finally made it out the hole with Lucy trying to keep her dress down with the help of Virgo...though I quickly looked away as Virgo's underwear were on show due to the wind. "Princess, your underwear is almost showing." Virgo said as I turned towards Erza as Lucy rebutted.
"Natsu left that guy here and headed ahead, I was going to follow them but I'm on recharge." I explain as Erza sighed.
"I guess that's a good thing, it gives us hope to catch up to them." Erza explained as we ran towards our cart which was destroyed.
"Damnit, I hate to say it but they're smart." Gray sighed as Erza looked to the side and saw a cart that was thrown over in the wind.
"Not smart enough though, Gray grab Kageyama we're following them." Erza said with urgence as she ran over and flipped over the vehicle like it was nothing as I got in without hesitation with Lucy following with Gray soon after.

As we pulled away with as much speed as we could Lucy looked over to me with worry. "Hey Ben, how comes your watch hasn't recharged yet? I swear it's been over ten minutes by now." Lucy asked as I looked down to the watch.
"I've used it too much today, so it's recharging more," I explained as I then looked towards Lucy "How about you, I've not seen you use that spirit before." I asked as Lucy got out a golden key with a different symbol on it.
"It's a key that our target from our previous mission used, apparently she wanted me to have her key, so she handed herself to Happy." Lucy explained as I nodded.
"I guess that's the both of us that have upgraded since Mount Hakobe." I chuckled as Lucy nodded with a soft smile on her face.
"You're laughing when your guild master is about to perish, your guild is very weird." Kageyama spat as Gray punched the dark mage on his head.
"Shut it, we're going to save everyone, but I doubt you would know about saving people who don't deserve death huh?" Gray asked as Kageyama spat at Gray.
"You know nothing of why I do this, my family were held hostage and I had no choice but to join Eisenwald to save them whilst your legal guilds did nothing to help them." Kageyama growled as I sighed.
"I don't blame you at all, once my cousin was kidnapped by my two greatest enemies...I was all alone...so I gave into their demands to save them." I sighed as Kageyama looked at me like I was similar to him.
"And let me guess, you were outcasted by your family by giving in?" Kageyama asked, expecting me to nod however I shook my head.
"In the end it was my cousin who saved me actually...your family may have shunned you and you may have felt there was no where else to go but back to Eisenwald...but that wasn't your only option and it's not too late to make the other choice and help us save someone who to us is our family member in danger." I explained, looking at him with honest eyes as I saw a bit of hesitation crawl to the surface before it was buried again.
"Whatever, I thought you'd understand but you really are nothing but a kid." He sighed as I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever." I sighed as Gray looked at me with a look of respect on his face, nodding without saying any words before returning to the silence we previously had.
As we sat in silence the cart suddenly started swerving and as me and Gray looked over to Erza her eyes were clearly struggling to stay open, looking back Lucy shouted at Kageyama for something before I looked back and saw Lucy's arm shaking which was attached to the S.E Plug.
"Gray, take over for Erza." I said as Gray nodded and started taking the controls from Erza who tried resisting.
"Gray stop it, we need to get there as fast as possible." Erza said as Gray shook his head.
"What Ben is saying is if we get there and Natsu cant fight we will need you to join the battle and you won't be able to if you waste all your magic now, now hand me the plug." Gray said determined as Erza sighed and handed the plug over to Gray.
"Fine, but you better not slow us down or you'll be upset." Erza glared as Gray's face went pale.
"Erza, intimidating him wont help him!" I exclaimed as my Omnitrix beeped signifying it was ready to be used again.

Five minutes later and Kageyama chuckled, we glared at him as I spoke up "What're you laughing about?" I glared as Kageyama coughed through his pain.
"That 'Salamander' should be dead by now..." Kageyama chuckled.
"Why would you say that?" Lucy asked concerned.
"There's no way you can break through Erigor's signature Storm Mail with just fire..." Kageyama continued as I punched him suddenly, to Erza's dismay however before she could voice this I spoke up.
"Then you wont succeed, never underestimate Natsu- no, any Fairy Tail mages as we will always come out on top." I growled as Kageyama looked up at me shaking.
"And what makes you so sure of that?" He asked as I smirked.
"Because if he doesn't beat Erigor, we will come along and take him out for him and Natsu would hate for us to steal his win." I smirked as Erza chuckled and Lucy sweat dropped .

As we started to slow down we saw Natsu standing in front of us above an unconscious Erigor. He had a smirk on his face as I had a smirk on mine, looking towards Kageyama who had a shocked look on his face before I jumped off the cart and ran up to Natsu. "You did it!" I grinned as Natsu nodded.
"Yeah, you guys sure took your sweet time didn't you, then again with Gray driving I expected so?" Natsu asked with a smirk as Gray growled.
"Oh yeah, you wanna go flame brain?" I asked as I stepped forward with a clenched fist.
"You really wanna go when I took out this guy without breaking a sweat?" Natsu asked as they got in each other's face.
"Oh yeah, that's not what those scratches and torn up clothes says!" Gray argued as Erza approached them and punched their heads.
"Stop it you two! Good job Natsu, we should head to the meeting and fill master in on the job details since clover is so close." Erza decided as the two saluted nervously as they got ready to get on the cart however before we could the cart drove away with Kageyama on the wheel and a weird flute with a skull and three eyes in his hands...crap.
"That...bastard..." I growled as I glared at the cart that was speeding away.
"After we saved him too..." Lucy added.
"We're going after him!" Erza called as we started running in his direction.

As we got to clover it was approaching midnight and whilst we were finally saw Kageyama he had the flute to his lips with Makarov standing across from him, seemingly oblivious to what was about to happen. "Master!" Erza called out as she went to charge ahead however before we could a large bald man with stubble, make-up and wings on his back which was connected to a black dress stopped us.
"Shhh, just watch." They said as Erza looked towards them shocked.
"Who are you?" Lucy asked as Erza answered the question for Lucy.
"Blue Pegasus guild master, Bob." Erza said in slight shock.
"My, how you have grown Erza darling." Bob complimented as I tried sneaking forward for another person to stop me, this time a male with brown hair and what looked like a witch hat with a spiked collar on it.
"Just watch, have faith in your master." The guild master smirked as I looked over to the master and Kageyama.

"Hurry up and play the song." Master Makarov ordered as Kageyama started sweating from an internal struggle.
He was here to kill the guild masters, be rid of the useless legal guilds who stood idle whilst his family was in danger...but the words of each of those flies got to him...its then Makarov speaks again. "Nothing will change, weaklings will stay weak together and the strong will only take on jobs with a higher pay...but weakness and idleness isn't inherently evil. Whilst you are alone you may feel powerless, and weak, our guilds will provide a home to those who need it...we're a family, we walk together in order to live a strong and bright life, the stronger ones may stay idle however those with hearts will always be there making sure people are eventually saved. You can naturally get stronger...and rebuild relationships without the need of money or a magic flute." Makarov smirked as Kageyama fell to his knees as words he heard earlier replayed in his mind.

"It's not too late to make the other choice."

"I...admit defeat..." he slowly said as he dropped the flute and looked into Makarov's eyes which he was now on the level with.
"Master!" Natsu, Gray and Erza all called out.
"You did it, Kageyama!" I followed up as Makarovs eyes widened when he saw us.
"Why are you four here?" He exclaimed, not noticing Lucy and Happy who were silent.
Kageyama slowly looked at me with a shaky look as Erza pulled the master into a hug which bumped his head in a similar manner to what she did with Natsu.
"Thank you." I softly said to Kageyama who slowly pulled himself to his feet and approached me and Bob who was next to me.
"You think I can...maybe fix the relationship between me and my sister?" Kageyama asked softly as I nodded.
"I'll be there to help, free of charge so you don't have to worry about a payment." I smiled as I shook his hand.
"I don't know what's going on...but you're cute, feel free to join my guild after your promise with this young mage here." Bob smiled as Kageyama looked shocked at the guild master.
"Y-You sure?" He asked as Bob nodded.
"Of course, it takes great strength to acknowledge you did something wrong." Bob giggled as a soft blowing pierced our ears, slowly we turned towards the sound where we saw a black smoke rolling out of the holes in the flute.
"You...mages have no guts," The flute spoke with a raspy voice "I can't help it any longer, I'll just eat you up myself." He growled as the smoke got thicker.
"It talked!" Lucy exclaimed as slowly the smoke started taking the form of what could only be described as a demon.
"let me consume," The raspy voice then deepened as a red hue formed in the centre of all three hollowed out eyes "your pitiful souls!" It roared as I gulped whilst I felt true...genuine fear...

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