Where did you send me?

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Looking down at my wrist I see the old Omnitrix on it, I looked at it curiously as I then remembered the last thing that happened back during my fight with Vilgax. They only motioned for me to go to another world without them but that shouldn't have turned me back to a kid! I groaned out loud as I got up from the grass I was laying on and decided just to explore wherever the heck I turned up.
It didn't take me long to get to civilisation however as I got closer I saw a couple people walking past and the concerning thing was...they definitely were human. Normally this would be great for me, but I was lightyears from earth and here I was on seemingly earth, everything was just so confusing. Continuing to walk down the street I heard a bunch of screams in the distance, without hesitation I ran towards the screaming to see a bunch of women swooning over a guy with blue hair who flicked his air with a smirk on his face. "It's just girls fawning over some dweeb." I rolled my eyes as I prepared to leave however a man with Pink hair and a flying cat ran past- wait a flying cat!
My eyes started to sparkle as I looked at the flying cat- and not just that but it's blue, no aliens I have ever seen has ever looked like that before. I slowly started getting closer but then the pink haired man and the cat started walking away dejected, I started following them but before they got any further the man was attacked by three woman who were clearly angry about something. "Hey, you are rude!" One of the women shouted.
"She's right! Salamander is a great mage, apologize to him!" A second one shouted as 'salamander' approached.
"That's enough girls, He really didn't mean it either." Salamander said, acting all benevolent but I was just getting the creeps from this guy.
"You're so kind!" A third woman swooned as I rolled my eyes.
"This guy stinks." I spoke up as Salamander then noticed me.
"Ah I see I also have some young fans, here I'll give you my signature so you can show it off to your friends." Salamander approached as he held out a piece of paper with the signature 'Salamander' on it.
"Why would I want something worthless like that?" I then blew a raspberry at him just to prove my point though the women fawning over him weren't pleased about that.
"What an ungrateful brat!" One of the women called out as I walked over to the pink haired man and his cool cat.
"You okay?" I asked as the man shrugged.
"Stop ignoring Salamander!" Another woman shouted as they threw me and the Pink Haired man down the road.
"I oughta go Humungosaur to kick your butt!" I shouted back at the women as I activated my watch but as the faceplate popped up all I saw was my old aliens.
"That wasn't him." The blue flying cat said as I looked over to him shocked.
"Y-You talk too?" I exclaimed in awe.
"Aye Sir!" The cat waved to me.
"I appreciate everyone's enthusiastic welcome, but I have some errands to run at the port." Salamander said as he clicked his fingers and fire appeared at his feet.
"What is he?" The Pink Haired man asked as he watched the man fly off with the fire at his feet.
"He's on fire!" I gasped; it was like magic!
"He is really disgusting," A female voice said as me, the Pink Haired man and the Blue Cat looked behind us to see a blonde woman with a whip behind us "Thanks for earlier you two." The woman smiled as I looked at her confused.
"Wait who are you...you two too?" I asked as I then looked at the Pink Haired man and the Blue cat.
"Maybe we should talk over a meal, my treat." The woman smiled as mine and the pink haired man's stomach growled.
"Y-You would buy us food?" The Pinkette asked as the woman nodded.
"Yeah, as thanks for breaking me out of his charm magic." The woman smiled.
"Magic, What are you on about?" I asked concerned as Lucy tilted her head.
"You're one weird kid, if you have questions we can talk over food." Lucy smiled.

I smiled happily after finishing a burger, maybe it's because I'm so small but that burger really filled me up. "I'm Lucy, by the way." The woman introduced herself as I sat next to her and on the other side of the table the Pink haired man sat scoffing food down whilst the cat ate a fish.
"I'm Ben." I introduced as I sipped the soda I had in front of me.
"Nice to meet you Ben, and what're your names?" Lucy awkwardly looked at the two opposite us as the Cat finished his fish.
"I'm Happy, and this is Natsu!" Happy introduced as Natsu nodded though he was still eating like a madman.
"Nice to meet you Happy and Natsu, once again I have to thank you for breaking the spell I was under." Lucy thanked as I looked at her confused.
"What do you mean spell?" I asked confused as Lucy shared the same expression towards me.
"What, never heard of charm magic before?" Lucy asked as I shook my head.
"Where I come from we don't have magic." I explained as Lucy sighed.
"You must be from one of those anti-magic towns then." Lucy sighed.
"No I mean I'm from another-" Before I could say anything else Natsu let out a loud burp which both me and Lucy flinched at.
"Pardon me." Natsu said before he continued eating his food.
"Anyways Salamander was using a magic called Charm, It's a magic that attracts other people's hearts to the caster and has been already banned several years ago. But trying to get a girl's attention by using such magic...how disgusting." Lucy sighed.
"Even I knew he was a creep." I scoffed.
"That's curious because you three weren't affected by his magic, maybe he specified he only wanted to charm women." Lucy shrugged.
"Probably." Happy added before starting another fish.
"Though, thanks to your three's intervention the charm wore off on me. I may look normal but I'm a mage too." Lucy explained as my eyes sparkled.
"Woah...what can you do?" I asked, magic was clearly real in this world, so I wanted to see more of it!
"I don't mean to brag or anything, but I can summon Celestial Spirits from these keys." Lucy explained as she showed her keyring.
"Woah..." I said in shock.
"Though I'm not part of any guild yet- oh yeah you don't know about any of this Ben. A guild is an association of mages, and it will mediate jobs and other information to mages. Mages won't be considered full-fledged until they work for a guild." Lucy explained.
"So you're like hero's- Like me!" I grinned happily, feeling like I finally found a place I was normal.
"Wait you don't know magic though?" Lucy said confused.
"I can transform into aliens using this watch." I explained showing them the Omnitrix, though Natsu was busy eating and Happy wasn't looking either.
"Real aliens? I don't believe you- oh well it doesn't matter so why are you two here then?" Lucy asked Natsu and Happy as Natsu finally spoke up.
"We're looking for someone...Igneel." Natsu said mentioning someone I had never heard of before (which was to be expected).
"Igneel?" I repeated the name.
"See we heard this salamander was going to be in town, but it was just that weird guy." Natsu sighed.
"Salamander didn't even look like a Salamander." Happy mentioned.
"Wait how could a human look like a Salamander?" Lucy asked.
"Huh, Igneel isn't a human he is a dragon." Natsu said casually as me and Lucy exclaimed in shock.
"WHAT?" We both shouted in shock.
"There is no way something that big would be in a human town!" Lucy shouted as Natsu and Happy gave a look which said it all.
"You guys didn't just realise that did you?" I asked as Natsu and Happy nodded their heads as Lucy got some money out of her purse and put it on the table.
"Well I guess I better be going but go ahead and take your time." Lucy offered as Natsu and Happy got on their hands and knees and bowed down to Lucy.
"Thank you so much!" The two said in sync.
"You guys are so weird." I sighed.
"D-Don't worry you helped me too...So Ben need help getting to your parents?" Lucy asked, I almost forgot I was back to being 10.
"My...parents aren't around here." I explained awkwardly.
"Well I wouldn't trust these two with a kid," Lucy whispered, "You should come with me, I'll look after you for now." Lucy offered and as I looked up to her, she reminded me a lot of Gwen.
"Sure." I smiled softly as I got up off my seat.
"See you around Lucy and Ben!" Happy smiled.
"See you around you two." I waved as I followed Lucy out of the diner as we headed over to the park to sit on a bench.

As we got to the bench Lucy got out of her bag a newspaper, I looked at the cover of it which read 'Sorcerers Weekly Magazine' and had a picture of a woman with White Hair and a soft smile on the cover. As Lucy opened the first page she almost immediately started laughing "Fairy Tail caused trouble again?" Lucy spoke aloud as I looked at her confused.
"What's Fairy Tail?" I asked as Lucy showed me the article which on the front had the picture of a Black Haired shirtless male.
"It's a guild of mages, the number one guild of the country but they cause a lot of trouble, and the magic council hates them." Lucy laughed softly.
"Sounds like my type of people." I chuckled as Lucy continued reading the article.
"No way...seven houses were destroyed? That's so low for them!" Lucy said in shock.
"You sound like you idolize Fairy Tail Lucy, is that right?" I asked as Lucy looked towards me.
"Mhm, I eventually want to join them." Lucy smiled softly.
"I see, you want to join Fairy Tail." A familiar voice called out as behind the bush we were sitting against Salamander appeared.
"S-Salamander?" Lucy asked shocked.
"Oh boy the creep is here." I said with no hesitation as he looked towards me briefly before going back to Lucy.
"Oh man I've been looking for you everywhere, I really wanted to invite a beautiful lady like you to our party on our ship, you could even bring your brother." Salamander offered.
"Let me tell you first, your Charm wont work against me anymore. The weakness of Charm is "Understanding," as long as the person knows about it, the magic is useless!" Lucy said confidently.
"I knew it, I knew you were a mage when our eyes met. It's Okay, I'd be happy for you just to come to my party." Salamander responded.
"There's no way we would go to such a creeps party." I spoke up as I was immediately ignored.
"Exactly, we are out of here." Lucy scoffed as she started walking away with me following.
"W-Wait you want to join Fairy Tail, right?" Salamander called out as we stopped in our place, looking back towards Salamander.
"Have you ever heard of...Salamander of Fairy Tail? That's me." Salamander formerly introduced as our eyes widened.
"Y-You're part of Fairy Tail?" Lucy asked in shock.
"Mhm and if you come to the party I can get you into the guild." Salamander smirked.
"We can't wait!" Lucy grinned.
"We can't?" I asked, not trusting this 'Salamander' at all.
"Good, just don't tell anyone about Charm and see you at the party." Salamander waved as he walked away.
"Roger sir!" Lucy saluted as I looked at her.
"Lucy, please don't tell me you trust that guy?" I asked.
"Look I just have to be friendly for one night and then I'm in Fairy Tail- I'm sure I can get you in too if you also come to the party." Lucy smiled as I rolled my eye.
"I'll go just to make sure nothing weird happens." I sighed as we went to get ready for the party...well Lucy did I just stayed in my usual outfit.

As the ship slowly started to set sail I immediately started going forward with my plan. I don't trust Salamander as far as Humungosaur can throw him so I'm going to do a bit of snooping, I silently slipped away from Lucy as I started sneaking around the ship before I noticed an open door and saw Lucy and Salamander inside with Salamander pouring a bottle of wine.
"Lucy, such a pretty name." Salamander flirted as I rolled my eyes and started gagging at his attempt.
"Don't you have to attend to other girls?" Lucy snapped back sarcastically as Salamander chuckled.
"I just feel like drinking with you...speaking of where is your little I want to say Brother?" Salamander asked as I gulped.
"I don't know, when we set sail he said he was going to look for a toilet." Lucy sighed as some of the wine started floating in the shape of small spheres.
"Just open your mouth and the wine pearls will flow in." Salamander flirted again as I rolled my eyes and Lucy somehow complied.
"No Lucy." I whispered to myself but luckily she slapped away the wine before it entered her mouth.
"What are you planning, this is a sleeping drug isn't it?" Lucy asked as my eyes widened.
"Oh, how did you know?" Salamander asked with a low chuckle.
"Don't misunderstand, I want to join Fairy Tail but I have no intention of becoming your girl." Lucy snapped back as I silently cheered for her.
"You're a bad girl...if you just were to sleep peacefully, you wouldn't have to get hurt." Salamander said as I charged into the room as tons of men jumped out and grabbed Lucy.
"Stop right there Salamander!" I called out as Salamander looked towards me with a smirk.
"What, gonna bite my ankles?" Salamander taunted as I activated the Omnitrix and slammed my hand down, not looking at the alien I picked.

Suddenly in a bright flash of green I felt my body start to grow and my skin start to harden. A green metal started sprouting from my body as where a boy just stood a tall man made of diamond like metal stood with a Black and White outfit on with the Omnitrix symbol on my right pec. "Diamondhead!" I called out as I pointed my hands towards the men who had Lucy in their grips and various small crystals shot forward out of my hands and hit each of the men who in turn let Lucy go.
"Tch, no matter what you do kid you're now on our slave ship so if you know what's best for you stay still until we get to Bosco." Salamander growled as I ran over next to Lucy.
"If you are to use your spirits, now is the time Lucy." I spoke in my deep voice.
"What happened to you Ben?" Lucy asked in shock.
"I told you earlier now are you going to summon a spirit or not?" I asked quickly as Lucy went to grab her keyring but before she could Salamander sent forward a fire whip which tugged the keyring towards him, and he threw it out the window.
"No!" Lucy called in panic.
"Now hold still whilst I brand you two..." Salamander smirked as he got a brand ready.
"Not on your life buddy." I growled as I charged towards him but before anything else could happen someone crashed through the ceiling and landed on Salamander...it was Natsu.
I looked in shock as I saw Natsu land with a heavy thud, a serious look across his face.
"T-That brute from earlier!" Salamander gasped.
"Natsu!" Lucy called in shock.
"Nice timing Natsu." I smirked as Natsu immediately fell to the floor.
"No, I cant take it." He pitifully said as he crouched over by the wall as Happy flew in through the hole Natsu made.
"Lucy what are you doing here- there is a monster next to you!" Happy shouted terrified as Lucy shook her head.
"That's just Ben-" But before she could say anything else Happy grabbed Lucy and started flying away.
"Let's get out of here, talk about this later!" Happy called as he flew away.
"I wont let you get away!" Salamander called out as Fire showed itself around his hand.
"And I wont let you hurt them!" I called out as I made a shield out of my diamonds and took the hit point blank though it did nothing to me.
"W-What are you!" Salamander growled.
"Me? I'm a hero." I smirked as I punched him through a wall where a bunch more of his minions were in shock.
"A-Attack him!" Salamander said in terror as Natsu slowly got to his feet.
"Fairy...Tail...you..." He slowly said as I helped him to his feet.
Waiting for Natsu to finish his sentence the floor started to shake as we felt the boat get hit with what felt like a massive wave, sending us flying onto the beach of the town we were in.

Slowly I got to my feet as I saw the wreckage of the boat around me and Salamander standing there with his henchmen. "Oh it is on now!" I smirked as I started charging at him but before I could attack I heard a familiar beeping as a bright flash of red encompassed me and I turned back into my normal form. "Why now Omnitrix?" I sighed as I started running away.
"Get that kid!" Salamander shouted in anger as his minions started to chase me but before they could get close a wall of fire separated us.
As I looked past it I saw Natsu slowly getting to his feet before grabbing Salamander by the hem of his shirt. "You're a member of Fairy Tail? Never seen you in my life..." He growled as Salamander sent a torrent of fire towards Natsu as it engulfed him.
"Natsu no!" I heard Lucy call from the other side of the room.
I closed my eyes in fear but as I did I heard...slurping for some reason. I opened my eyes to see Natsu eating all the flames that was just fired at him "...Nasty...you call yourself a fire mage and that's the best you can do? I don't think I've ever tasted such awful fire." He growled as he started sucking in air into his mouth before a large roar of fire was sent hurling towards Salamander at quick speeds.
"W-Wait boss Bora, I've seen him before...he's the real Salamander!" A minion called out the moment before Bora and his minions were hit.
At the impact they were all sent flying out of the ship, except for Bora who was punched with a flaming fist by Natsu as the fire wall in front of me finally died down and I ran over to Lucy and Happy.
"Eating and punching with fire...is it really magic?" Lucy asked in shock.
"Dragon's lungs to spew flames, its scales to melt flames and nails are dressed with flames. This is an ancient dragon spell that converts the user's body to a dragon's constitution." Happy explained as we looked on in awe at Natsu.
"Woah..." I said in shock.
"It's originally a dragon interception magic...Dragon Slayer Magic, Igneel taught him that!" Happy explained as Natsu continued going crazy on Bora and his minions, destroying most of the port with the ship too.
"This...This is amazing...but you're overdoing it the port is mostly gone!" Lucy called out in shock.
"Didn't you say earlier they're known for that though?" I asked Lucy as she let out a sigh.
"Aye!" Happy said with a grin.
"Don't just say Aye!" Lucy responded as in the distance armoured men started approaching.
"What's all the ruckus!" The man in the front called out as Lucy gasped.
"The military!" Lucy called out in shock.
Before we could react any further, Natsu grabbed Lucy and me.
"Crap lets run!" Natsu called out as he and Happy started booking it, quickly I started running too but only cause Natsu grabbed me.
"W-Why me?" Lucy asked in shock.
"You want to join Fairy Tail right?" Natsu asked with a grin as Lucy's eyes widened.
"What about me?" I asked quickly.
"I want to fight that Diamond Guy, so come with me you two!" Natsu grinned as me and Lucy nodded at the same time and our tale with Fairy Tail officially came to a start...

An Alien in a Fairy LandWhere stories live. Discover now