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When Aster and Milo came back with the cake for Serena's birthday, the DJ had lowered the music as Milo had pushed the cake as he and Aster first began to sing 'happy birthday' to Serena until slowly others around began to sing as well. Once the cake was in front of Serena her eyes widened and teared up as she saw the two layered strawberry cake. As they finished singing she blew out the candles and she hugged and thanked both Milo and Aster. 

As she ate her cake, Aster sat beside her before he placed a hand on her thigh which got her attention rather quickly. "Yes love?" She asked curiously

Once she had looked at him he kissed her on the lips. "Are you enjoying your birthday Serena?"

"Mhm, I am. Thank you so much." She said happily as she leaned her head against his arm

"You're welcome Serena, I'm glad to hear that you're finally happy on your birthday."

While the two of them talked as they ate cake Jesse was talking with Jaden away from them pissed that Jaden had secluded him. Jaden placed his hands up. "Hey we both are at fault for what had happened with Serena. Both of us needed to apologize not just me. Sure I'm her childhood friend and she's forgiven me, but you need to man the hell up and do the same thing. Otherwise you're never going to be friends with her ever again."

Jesse huffed out annoyed as he narrowed his eyes seeing how close Aster was to Serena. "So...are we just gonna accept the fact that serena is with him? I thought you liked her?" Jesse asked Jaden

"Sure I love Serena, but her happiness is more important than my own. I had the perfect chance to be around her when she lived with us but I was just like her mother when that happened. There would have been no chance that she'd ever give me the time of day. Even now...we don't know how long the two of them will last with one another." Jaden said with a shrug "I'll wait however long it takes for Serena to see that I love her more than anything."

As it got late people began to leave and Serena had said goodbye to her father and her younger sisters who were all happy to be able to celebrate her birthday with her. Once it was just Aster and her, he wanted to continue to spend time with her so he took her to his apartment where they played the game they played once before again. But that time he didn't have her sitting down beside him-instead he had her sit on his lap while he had his arms around her. 

While they played the game, every time Serena won the game they played he'd give her a kiss on her neck. But every time he won he'd slip his left hand up under her dress between her legs and toy with her womanhood making her mewl out. After the third time of him winning she had it with him just toying with her body's libido. She turned herself around and placed her legs on either side of his which amused him as he saw the lust in her eyes. 

"So that's how long it took for you to get what wanted from you." Aster said amused

"You are seriously regret that Aster dear."

"Am I now? What could you possibly do to get back at me Serena?"

She smirked as she palmed the front of his pants making him groan out, once his eyes shut she gave him a soft kiss on the lips before she slipped her hands up to the buckle on his pants undoing them and his belt before she took his member out of his boxers. He groaned out as he felt her hands against his shaft once more. 

"R-Rena...Fuck why..."He groaned out as he had one eye opened to look at her

She smiled as she moved her hands quicker against his shaft. "This is what happens when you chose to tease me as much as you have Aster darling."

Asters hands went onto her hips as he held onto her hips tightly. "You're really going to do this to me huh?"

"Mhm, it's not like you have the courage to go all the way with me Aster dear." She taunted as she rubbed her thumb across the tip of his shaft a few times as her hands continued to move against him

[Complete]book one:Don't Forget [Yu-gi-oh GX Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now