Chapter One

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I'd say I hate my life, but that would be an understatement. I want to claim I'm one of the dragon riders at Basgiath War College, but I'm not. I live outside Navarre alone with my Gryphon. I once lived inside the borders, but then my father joined the rebellion and shipped me out of the country the second the war started to go South. Six years ago, when I was fourteen, that's how long I've lived alone.

It always is quiet just me and the small Gryphon I ride. I have no idea if the rebellion went well or not, I assume not though since my father and brother never showed up. I sigh and stand up pacing, It is quiet here.

Or should I say it was quiet?

The wyvern crashes through the bushes startling the shit out of me and I scream bloody murder. Alone. It has a mane of razor-sharp feathers and has only two legs, with large claws and colors perfect for hiding in the clouds. It is twice the size of any dragon I've ever seen and at least three times larger than my griffin, Vomryra. It has blood dripping down its large fangs as it comes running at me, already 300 yards away.

I look left and right there is no way I can outrun it or outfly it and am not going to be able to fight it. I decide rashly that if I am going to go down it will be fighting. Ah, who am I kidding? I turn around and book it towards the forest merely 20 yards away. The forest is where I built my house, why am I running towards my house?

My well-muscled legs pump as hard as they can when the shaking of the ground stops. I keep running towards the forest, I don't want to see the beast again. Oh hell, I look behind me and the beast has pounced and is about to find its target. I trip into a dying tree and my hair catches in the bark, I cry out pulling on my thick black hair, but nothing will get it out. It mats in ugly colors as I tear out my hair, screaming in rage. I leave my hair stuck in the tree and turn to face the beast, pulling out a small stone knife I created myself years ago, but I know it will do little good. I put it out defensively in front of me, wishing I had been brave enough not to run in the first place. I guess Father was wrong, I'm not strong enough to live alone.

Then I hear the flapping of wings from all around me. I look around and see Vomryra flying towards me, my hopes fall. She will do no good in this battle. Then, I realize I don't want my griffin to die alongside me and yell at Vomryra to leave me, pointing and screaming for her to go. She seems hesitant, but she doesn't like to disobey me and turns, flying in the other direction.

The wing beats only get louder as she gets further away.

Now I'm lost. I turn in a circle and see several fucking dragons flying at the wyvern. How did I miss them? There are a total of three of them as they swoop down from above the wyvern. One rider jumps off his large blue daggertail dragon and lands on the back of the wyvern, shadows pool around him.

I finally tug my hair free as I see the man plunge a sword deep into the skull of the creature instantly killing it. I gasp sharply as he jumps off the beast and starts to fall, but his dragon seamlessly catches his.

I whistle three sharp bursts towards the spot where Vomryra is hovering away from the battle. Her eyes flash as she speeds toward me, I rub her soft feathers as she purrs happily. "You did good listening to me," I say softly.

The dragon riders all dismount and are talking in a tight circle ten yards from me, obviously surprised by seeing the wyvern. I can't see what they look well from here, but I do see one with pink hair, a muscular-looking blonde, one with darker skin, and the one who slayed the wyvern almost seamlessly. Oh shit, he's walking towards me. I back up and Vomryra takes a defensive post in front of me.

What will he think of a girl who has a Gryphon? He has a dragon so he must have come from Basgiath, he's obligated to kill me. I gulp hard and fear hitches in my chest, but I take a deep breath, remembering all the things my father taught me. Mind games were his favorite.

The man looks to only be three years older than me, with black hair that matches mine, and a pattern of swirls and lines on his arm. He has deep, calculating eyes and a muscular build.

He holds himself with an air of power, but I meet his eyes. "Nice dragon." I take a step towards him, motioning with my hand for Vomryra to back up. I won't be some weakling for him to prey upon.

"Nice Gryphon," He replies in the same curt, short tone. He knows this game well. Too bad for him, I know it better... I hope.

"And might I ask what a group of very talented Basgiath War College students are doing outside Navarre?" I lace the word 'talented' with sarcasm to track his reaction, but he doesn't so much as blink.

I see something close to a smile on his face as he steps closer to me. "No, you may not." Then he looks over his shoulder at his friends and they exchange some silent messages. "And might I ask what a young Gryphon rider is doing in the middle of nowhere?"

I hold my ground staring into his deep, bottomless eyes. "No, you may not." My words make my point clear and concise.

The soft breeze upturns a layer of dust and swirls around us. He turns around slowly, obviously not scared of the stone knife pointed at his back. "Well, then it seems we are at a stalemate."

"So it would seem."

Then he turns back around to face me again, a smirk playing on his face. "Oh, and next time you're getting attacked by a wyvern it would be helpful not to get your hair stuck in a tree."

His friends all scoff and I growl, but the boy has stopped and is staring at my hair.

I grab it defensively and take a step back. "What?" Vomryra notices my discomfort and snarls, baring her teeth.

"Your hair."

"Yeah I know, I need to cut it so it stops getting stuck in trees," I growl realizing I've allowed him to take the conversation, I will not have it.

All of the man's friends have now stepped towards us and unsheathed an array of weapons. One of them- the blonde- even calls to the boy, "Need any help?"

"I've got this, Liam." His eyes never leave mine. "No, it's not that. It looks just like my mother's." The boy steps towards me and I step back again like we're in some kind of dance.

What the Fuck. "I got my hair from my mom."

The boy gasps and stares at me hard, his dark eyes breaking down every barrier I have ever built. "Hallie?"

How does he know that? "Who the fuck are you?" I say as he reaches out for me. Vomryra lunges at him sensing my fear, but the man easily controls the shadows and holds her mid-air with them.

He looks at me his eyebrows furrowed deeply. "Holy shit, it is you." He paces back and forth before finally answering my earlier question. "It's me, Xaden Riorson, your brother."

1325 words (I'm keeping track just for me)

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