Chapter Two

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I don't believe it. Xaden wasn't like this. He was sweet, and giving, and he sure as hell didn't have what marks were on his neck and arm. I run.

This is all a lie. My brother has departed, that's what I told myself years ago. Xaden and Fen left me, but why did I see this man as my brother? He had the same glint in his eye, always wanting to be the best. He had the same fluff of his hair that I had always found endearing.

My feet ran wherever they felt, pounding on the soft dirt as tears streamed from my eyes. I was weak. I always sprinted. I didn't know if the people were following me, I kept running. The scenery changed from forest to meadows and finally, I stopped.

My breath came out in huffs, but it quickly ceased. I enjoyed running, a lot. I rubbed away wet spots on my cheeks, knowing that tear stains were running down my dirty cheeks. Vomryra was beside me and she nuzzled me softly with her head. I dropped to my knees and wrapped her in a hug, it couldn't be possible. I continually repeat this in my head until I hear the pulse of wings above me.

I look up and see the four dragons coming down towards me. I stand on shaky legs, opening my mind to the fact that I could be mistaken.

When the dragons land a large gust of wind dries the wet marks lingering on my face. Xaden hops down from his dragon first and runs over to me, he looks like he wants to ball me up in a hug and never let go, but he holds himself back.

I don't say anything and rather look at him trying to see him as my brother. He has the same scar on his ear, the same deep comforting look in his eye I had earlier misinterpreted, the same fluff of his hair. I cry out and fling towards him, wrapping my arms around him. I breathe in the smell of his leathers, home coming back to me.

"Oh, Hallie, I thought you were dead." he wraps his arms around my head. I'm at least a head shorter than him. I was always the shorter one.

"I thought you were dead," I reply hysterically, my voice coming out in laughing sobs. Vomryra notes the reunion and quickly adapts to the situation, purring and massaging her lion head on Xaden's legs.

I look up and see a broad smile on his face, the old smile lines that used to be there now gone.

I caress a hand softly on the scar on his face. "Who gave you this?"

"It doesn't matter." His tone drops slightly and he grabs my hand giving it a brotherly kiss. We let go, I take a deep breath, the first one I've had in six years.

The dark-skinned friend of Xaden walks over to us now, a broad smile stretched across his face. "I haven't seen Riorson smile like that in forever."

I frown, glancing at the mark that the boy also has on his arm. "Bodhi," He says.

"Hallie," I respond politely.

"Oh, I know." His face still looked slightly aloof.

I furrow my eyes slightly, confused, but then realize Xaden has presumably talked about me at some point. "Xaden, what are you doing out here besides slaying wyvern?"

"I can't tell you." He doesn't look like he cares that he's hiding something from me.

Suddenly our happy reunion is a little less happy. This sets me off, I guess my temper is still here. "Are you fucking kidding me? You find your long-lost sister and don't even feel obliged to tell her anything." I kick at the dirt and Bodhi backs up a bit.

"I- I can't." Xaden looks at me with a stricken face.

"Gahh! You used to tell me everything. What has changed?" I feel my cheeks flaming as I spit my words out through clenched teeth.

"A lot."

"Yeah, more than I fucking thought." I turn and glare daggers at the ground wishing I could throw one at Xaden. "Please just tell me."

Xaden puts a hand on my shoulder, but I shrug it off. "If you won't tell me then just go and leave me back in this fucking forest, again."

I hear Bodhi mutter damn under his breath.

I can tell this hits Xaden hard as he backs up a pace and gasps sharply. "You're not coming back to Navarre with us?"

"Why should I? Have nothing back there important." I don't stop. "Plus, at least everything out here doesn't hide things."

I finally turn to face my brother and his face is bright red with anger and frustration. "You have to come back. Please, I can earn your trust."

"If I can't have it now- when it is needed most- then it doesn't matter to me."

Now Bodhi walks up slowly, obviously scared, but still joins the conversation. "Xaden, I think you can tell her. She lives out here she already has seen the things we are hiding."

Xaden whips around at Bodhi, shadows clawing up his arms and legs. Something shifts in his manner as if somebody has given the most convincing argument ever and won, but none of us can hear it. "Okay."

Bodhi takes this one. "Well, I think I should start back at the rebellion." He explains how the rebellion failed and all the parents leading the rebellion were executed and the children earned the rebellion relic- the swirls and marks on their arms. He then tells me how all 107 children are now scripted into the riding quadrant with no choice whatsoever as a punishment. He then explains how Xaden became top-ranked in his year and now is smuggling weapons out of Navarre and giving them to Gryphon riders to protect themselves from Venin and Wyvern.

I zone out slightly at the end of his tale and have to clarify I got it right. "So, let me get this clear. We lost the rebellion, our parents were killed, we're handed a death sentence, and now you're smuggling weapons out for the enemy to protect them from Venin?"

Bodhi winks at me sarcastically- or at least that's what I think. "You got it."

Xaden walks over to me awkwardly nodding slightly at Bodhi. Bodhi gets up and leaves, and Xaden takes his place. "I'm sorry."

"I've been away from you for six years." I place my hands over his. "I know things will be different and I know they will be hard, but we have to stick together. Please, don't leave me behind again."

Xaden nods and looks at his Blue dagger-tail dragon- Sgaeyl. "So you are coming with us?"

"I mean if you want me to..."

He swoops me up in a hug and carries me over to his dragon, alight with joy.

I giggle softly, I've missed my brother.

1171 words

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