Chapter Six

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Shit is the only word I can process.

I'm not in Xaden's wing. Violet and Rhi are put together in the second wing, tail section and I'm placed in the third wing, flame section. I see Xaden's features harden as he walks over to the command, Dain hot on his heels. I can see both of them say something but, the leader's face doesn't change. Finally, I can see him say something, but not hear it.

I growl slightly, I don't want to be under Xaden's lead. He'll be a helicopter and hover over me, but being with Rhi and Violet would be okay.

I glance over at Rhi and Violet and can see them both shifting nervously, Rhi makes eye contact and gives me a half-hearted smile. I return the gesture quickly trying to catch the conversation Xaden is having. I don't know what the professor said, but Dain is practically skipping and Xaden seems to be the opposite.

Both Xaden and Dain return to their posts.

"Um, we have a correction to the squads." Says a scribe at the front who originally called our groups. What is his name again? Ah yes, Professor Markham. "Second wing, flame section will switch with Fourth wing, flame section."

I see Violet smile slightly when she walks over to Dain who is now their squad leader, but when she notices Xaden she suddenly looks a lot more nervous.

Professor Markham continues, "And General Melgren has requested that he personally oversees Cadet Riorson until threshing due to her special circumstance."

Everyone's eyes dart to Xaden, not even noticing that Markham said 'her.' Markham points at me and everyone's gaze bolts to me. I shift uncomfortably, noticing Xaden leaving his position once more. This time when he goes to speak Professor Markham shakes his head almost instantly.

Xaden looks at me and I almost imperceptibly bob my head left and right. I will fight my own battles. Anger flares in his eyes and again I tell him no. Finally, he backs down returning to his squad.

I don't know where to go since I'm fairly certain General Melgren is lurking in the shadows somewhere so I step away from the section I had been put in and am no longer part of. My heart has dropped to my feet, leaving me in shock. Having Xaden as my wing leader would have been a million times better than Melgren personally overseeing me.

"Now that we are done," He glares at my brother and I smile, Professor Markham won't shake my brother one bit. "Let this be known there are two rules when it comes to trying to kill someone. One, if they are in your squad you can't. Two they cannot be sleeping. Got it? You have the day to explore. Meet tomorrow morning for a battle brief after breakfast."

The cadets break up and I stay put, not having moved a single muscle since the switch was made. Both Rhi and Violet are gone when I muster the energy to move, only Xaden remains.

I look up at him while he scans me from a distance. "Dammit Hallie. Why the fuck would you do that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I don't need my brother fighting my battles. Maybe because I can handle myself. Maybe because-"

Xaden cuts me off. "I get your point, but what are you going to do now? We all know the Melgren isn't helping you out of the kindness in his heart. Just like he didn't interrogate you to find the truth. No, he wants you to punish me."

"You think I don't know that?" I question him, my face turning a bright red and my pitch rising. "I just want to be able to do something without you hovering right above me."

"Well this was not the right time to prove you don't need me." He finishes the argument stomping off. Now I'm alone, or at least that's what I thought. I sit taking in what Xaden just said, letting it really sink in when General Melgren rounds the corner of a building close by.

I stand to attention and growl when I notice the smirk on his face. "Cadet Sorrengail."

"General Melgren."

"I assume you heard that I am now in charge of you till threshing."

"Yes. How can you lead me when we are already low on riders at the wards, especially considering your signet?"

General Melgren rubs a hand through his hair, already regretting taking me. "I thought you needed me more."

I scoff. "Sure."

"Was that disrespect to a general? Fifty pushups now."

I growl, seeing how this is going to be. I do as he says though struggling through them as he puts a foot on my back. Small rocks dig into my hands and I have to bite my lip to push through the final ten pushups. 

"Perhaps that will teach you some manners."

"Most likely not," I think to myself, standing on shaking legs and wiping dirt off my hands. "Do I get the day off like the rest of the cadets?"

"No. You and I are going to the gym and train."

"Great." The word wasn't meant to be sarcastic, but it comes out that way and I instantly clap a hand over my mouth. Dammit.

Melgren smiles. "Fifty-one pushups. The number goes up each time."

I sigh and go back into the position. I start out strong, my muscles tones from years of gryphon riding, but b the fortieth pushup I'm shaking so bad I fall onto my knees, gasping for air. My body aches, and my lungs have spasms.

"Ah, make it fifty-two pushups."

I sigh and continue. This is going to be a long year.


 We make it to the gym after I've done over three hundred push ups. Melgren frolics as much as an old man like him can, he's giddy about having control over me. I sigh, glad there's been nothing worse then push-ups so far.

The room is huge with mats laid out from one end of the gym to the other.  I count at least fifty before Melgren finally says, "You missed years of training in the woods so I thought I could catch you up."

I take breath so not to roll my eyes, we all know he just wants the chance to use my face as a mop. 

He steps onto the mat throwing all of the dozen or so weapons at the corner. I do the same, I only have two daggers. Hopefully I'll have more when challenges open and I steal some.

"What are you waiting for?" He asks, eagerness flitting across his ugly features.

I take a defensive stance and we begin to circle each other, I notice his relaxed position and decide defense is my best choice not offense. He strikes at me quickly and I try to block his kick with my forearm, but his strike is so powerful he just pushes my arm into my chest along with his leg. I fly backward and onto the mat. Shit. I kip up onto my feet, turning to face him.

He's quick and strong. What's left for me? I decide defense was the wrong decision as his flurry of punches and jabs and kicks disarms each one slowly beating me down. The only triumph I get is measly as I catch his leg and sweep the other out from under him, but he quickly recovers and as he falls swipes my legs out from under me also. 

Out of the corner of my eye I see Xaden enter the gym and swear to myself. Fuck this about to get heated. Melgren snatches the new opportunity like the snake he is and stands grabbing me and one of my fucking daggers in one swoosh. By the time I blink Melgren has the knife pressed to my throat and my back to his chest. "Tap out."

I kick with my legs which only succeeds with the knife cutting at my throat.

Xaden has shadows swirling around him, but he doesn't advance. "Melgren, you can fight a first year, but what about an actual opponent."

"I don't need to fight you to hurt you," Melgren replies, sharper then his knife. He then squeezes his forearm against my carotid artery cutting off blood circulation to my brain. I don't hear the rest of the conversation as my vision blackens. I feel myself falling, but not the impact. The last thing I see is shadows reaching out for me and Melgren before I'm consumed.

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