Lost Love: Help

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Los Angeles, California
4:00 a.m.
Onika Tanya Miraj

I sat in the living room, waiting for Chyna to call me. My phone rung but it wasn't Chyna. It was Mr.Brown. I let it ring until it went to voicemail. I heard knocking at the door, I hopped up and ran to it, but opened it to someone I didn't wanna see.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why you been ignoring me?" I sighed and walked back to the sofa. He followed.

"Answer me."

"Look I got problems of my own. Please go away Chris." I crossed my arms.

"No not until you tell me why you been avoiding me. I know you seen all the text messages and the missed calls and everything."

"Yea I did see them. I'm a stubborn ass bitch okay. I don't take bullshit from nobody and when you yelled at me for no reason....oooh! I wanted to slap the shit out of you, but I did the responsible thing."

"You been avoiding me for four days because I yelled at you?"

"Nigga are you deaf? Yes!"

"Look baby. I'm sorry for yelling at you. It was wrong and I'm sorry. You forgive me?"

I sighed, contemplating on whether I should forgive him or not. "I guess." I mumbled. He smiled and pulled me on his lap.

"Thank you." He kissed my neck. I giggled and moved off of his lap.

"Where you going?"

"To the kitchen. I need a snack." I replied.

"Aye, fix me a sandwich with some pickles, make sure they cut up and some mustard, mayo, do not go light on that mayo and some chips."

"Nigga, do I look like a damn maid? You betta get yo ass up and make it yo self."

"Please baby." He whined. I sucked my teeth. "Alright."

"Thanks. And some turkey. Ion like ham."

"Nigga you get what I make you." I said before walking in the kitchen.

Christopher Brown

When Onika walked to the kitchen, I pulled out my phone and texted Karrueche. She been avoiding me to but I know just what'll get her back.

Kae, you know Hollywood Life lying. They just saw me drop the girl off and it look out of context, {Big Daddy, 4:56 a.m.}

{KaeBaby, 4:57 a.m.} Really Chris?!

Yes really. Look I promise when you come home, I'll make it up to you. It'll just be you and me, {Big Daddy, 4:58 a.m.}

{KaeBaby, 4:59 a.m.} Okay

Kay baby, {Big Daddy, 5:00 a.m.}

Easy as hell. She ain't strong like Nika. Onika the type that'll kill a nigga.

"Here's your sandwich. Where my money at?" She held out her hand. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Money? You charging me for a sandwich?" I bit into it. "Damn, this sandwich good. Here." I dug into my pocket and handed her fifty dollars.

"Thank you daddy." She giggled and sat by me, taking her sandwich off the plate. I kissed her cheek and spent the night with no trouble.

Onika Tanya Miraj
8:00 a.m.

I woke up with Chris's arms around me. It felt good to be in a man's arms. I felt so safe. I carefully moved his arms and went to the bathroom. Coming out, I heard my phone ring but I didn't see it or Chris.

"Who's Javontè?" He asked walking in the room, my phone in his hand. My mouth felt a little dry.


"You heard me, who is Javontè?" He repeated himself. I sighed. Guess there's no shame in telling him.

"Sit down." We both sat on the edge of my bed. I turned to him, playing with my nails.

"Javontè is one of my exes. He was a drug dealer and almost had me locked up. Then when the charges got dropped, he.." I sniffed. I could feel the stinging tears.

"Its okay. Let it out."

"When the charges got dropped, he beat me everyday after that! He'd rape me and let his friends rape me while he watched! Chris, he hurt me so bad!" I cried throwing my arms around his neck. It took a moment to realize but I noticed he was crying too.

"Y-you crying?" I asked once I pulled away.

"Yea. Nika, what that nigga did to you was wrong. If he loved you he wouldn't have let that shit happen. You should've left that nigga a long time ago."

"I tried but never could. He always found me. I thought this time I had gotten away from him, but he found me again."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't think you would've cared. Plus I didn't want you involved with this. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Onika, I'm suppose to care. I don't know if you believe this but I love you." Those three words made me melt. I felt good. Better than I have in a long time.

"You l-love me?"

"Yea baby. I know we've only known each other for a month and a few weeks but its something about you. Everyday I find out new things about you and I like that. You sexy, fun, you strong and independent and you don't take shit from nobody. Nika, I really wish I could tell you how happy you make me, but I can only show you."

"How would you show me?"

"Like this baby." He gently pressed his lips on mine, laying me on my back.

"Chris, I don't think we should be doing this. What about your girlfriend?"

"Don't worry about her. We're done. Its just you and me now. No one else." I smiled and pulled him down.

An hour later
Christopher Brown

I stared at Nika's naked body. She looked so beautiful while she slept. I leaned down and kissed her neck, making her moan a little. I kissed softly up to her ear, then her jawline, then cheek.

"Stop." She mumbled. "I woke you up?" I whispered.

"Yes." She pouted. "I'm sorry baby. Ima let you sleep. I'm going downstairs."

"Okay." I smiled, kissed her cheek and slipped my pants on. I waited till she was fully asleep to grab her phone and walk out the room. I scrolled through the recent calls and found Javontè's number.

I waited for him to pick up. "Wassup."

"Aye, Ima need you to leave my girl, Nika, alone. She done with yo crazy ass and if I find out you called her again, I'm finding you myself and I'm beating the shit out of you."

He laughed. "You soundin' all tough and shit. Alright. I'll leave her alone, but consider this a warning. You betta watch her. I wouldn't wanna see her pretty lil face messed up."

Click. Dialtone........


So what y'all think gon happen next? Did Chris just make it worse for Nika? Comment please. 5+ votes and 5+ comments, I will update. Be breezy!

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