Lost Love: Happy Birthday Pt. 3

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Los Angeles, California
4:50 p.m.
February 4th
August Anthony Alsina

"August why is Nika all up on Chris? Isn't she with you?" My ma asked me. I sighed and picked Andrew up.

"Ma we not ta'gether no mo'."

"What? Why not?"


"Why would cheat? I know I raised you better than that."

"I was at da' club one night, dis guh came up ta' me. We started talkin', and ion know how but she tricked me into comin' ta' ha' house and we...yea."

"Oh god August."

"Ion 'een know if dey ta'gether. He jus' been hea' helpin' ha' wit' da' breakup. Dey ain't been havin' sex."

"But its only a matter of time before they do. August you got to apologize. Fix this. Fix it right now young man." I huffed and sat Andrew down. He got up and followed me like he always doin'.

"Nika can I talk ta' ya fa' a minute? Its really important."

"What now August? I told you, I don't ever wanna see you again unless it has something to do with the kids."

"I know but I finally got da' courage ta' do dis. Can I please talk ta' ya in private?"

She thought about it fa' a minute. "You got five minutes. Come on." She led me upstairs ta' da' bedroom. I closed da' do' and she sat at da' edge of da' bed. "What August?"

"I jus' wanted ta' say I'm sorry. I'm sorry fa' da' shit I took ya through. Even though I cheated, I still luh ya. I miss ya so much. I wasn't plannin' on cheatin' dat night, but I got drunk and it happened. I hope ya find it in ya heart ta' fa'give me."

"I forgave you a long time ago August. I know you would never cheat to hurt me like that."

"I miss ya baybeh. I really do."

She sighed. "I miss you too Auggie. I still love you. That'll never change."

"I thought ya was wit' Chris na'?"

"I'm not even sure if I'm with Chris right now. I love him too but he lied to me. He was cheating while he was in a 'relationship' with me, but I'm still trying to forgive him."

"Will ya take me back?"

"August I don't know yet. You can work on it, but I'm not sure yet. I think its better if I don't date right now. It'll be better when I get my mind right. But I love you August."

"I luh ya too baybeh. So so so so very much." I wrapped my arms around ha' waist and pecked ha' cheek. We left da' room and headed back downstairs. Erry'thang was going good until da' guh I seen at da' club walked through da' do'. She came ova ta' me and put ha' hand on my chest. "Hey August. I missed you."

"Um who is you?"

"You don't remember? Its Christie. I just wanted to give you a little memory of the fun we had that night." She handed me a VHS tape. What da' hell? I'a watch dis when I get home.

"Excuse me but who invited you?" Nika came up ta' us. Oh shit.

"I invited myself. Problem?"

"Yes bitch. Ion know you so I'd advise you to get ya ass out my damn house before I beat the shit out of you."

"Hm. Bye Chris, bye August." What did Chris have ta' do wit' dis? Na' I'm on ta' sum.

6:00 p.m.

Onika Tanya Miraj

"Alright kids, time for cake! Come on. Bring in the birthday boys!" I lit the number one candle and stuck it in the cake. They almost flipped out seeing it. "Everybody sing happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to the babies! Happy birthday to you! Blow the candles!"

Andrew blew it out. We all clapped and turned the light back on. The kids was eating cake and ice cream. That cake had them jumping off the wall. "Say ahh." Anthony ate the cake off the spoon. He greedy. "Onika great party. I will see you at work tomorrow."

"Okay Nick."

"Nika can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Hey Mama Sheila. I ain't talked to you all day. Sit down."

"Are you and August together?"

"He apologized earlier. I'm not sure if we're together right now. I forgave him, I still love him. Nothing is gonna change that. But I'm a lil confused about what I want."

"I'll be at August's house, so if you need to talk, I'm there. I'll see you tomorrow."


"Oh Anthony, why is life so hard?" He shrugged his shoulders. "You understand me?"

"Da!" I laughed. "Of course you don't. Well, I guess I can clean you two up and clean up the house by myself."

"I'a stay and help." I looked up at August.

"No you don't have to. I got it."

"Its my pleasure. I can help ya. And I already cleaned Andrew up and he sleep."

"Okay then. Come on Anthony. Lets get you ready for bed." I carried him upstairs to the bathroom. I washed him off and changed him into some pajamas and put him to bed. Today was a hassle. I went back downstairs and August was already picking up trash. I smiled and grabbed the broom.
"I think I'm gonna need help getting the banner and stuff down. Can you help?"

"Yea whea' da' ladder?"

"In the kitchen in the corner somewhere." I turned my back and he hugged me from behind. I smiled and continued to sweep.

"Ya have no idea how much I missed ya."

"I missed you too Auggie but you don't see me all up on you." I smirked as I continued to clean. He pulled me over to the sofa and laid me down. "Mm slick. You really know how to take what ya want."

"I wouldn't say take. I coaxed ya into it. And judgin' from dis wet spot in ya thong, tells me ya wanted dis ta' happen too."

"I can satisfy myself."

"I can do it betta."

"Practice what ya preach then."


Is August gon find out he was drugged? What's on the tape? Comment please. 10+ votes and 5+ comments. Be breezy!

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